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05:59)QCupsJobWidgetLNoneQCupsJobWidget ɉ ǑPrint ImmediatelyQCupsJobWidget } x:Scheduled printing:QCupsJobWidget|(16:00-23:59)Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)QCupsJobWidgetDSecretQCupsJobWidget \ ܬ Specific TimeQCupsJobWidget\StandardQCupsJobWidgetǑ:Start:QCupsJobWidget|(00:00-07:59)Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)QCupsJobWidget | D Top SecretQCupsJobWidget 0 t( UnclassifiedQCupsJobWidget(Ѡ, |Ɣ|)Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)QCupsJobWidgetҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QDB2Driver`  LUnable to connect QDB2DriverҸǭXD ̹  LUnable to rollback transaction QDB2Driverǐ D $`  LUnable to set autocommit QDB2Driver| x)`  LUnable to bind variable QDB2Resultl8D Չ`  LUnable to execute statement QDB2Resultt mD 8,  LUnable to fetch first QDB2ResultL mD 8,  LUnable to fetch next QDB2Result&T %1D(|) 8,  LUnable to fetch record %1 QDB2Resultl8D D`  LUnable to prepare statement QDB2ResultUxOK QDBusTrayIcon$AM QDateTimeEdit$PM QDateTimeEdit$am QDateTimeEdit$pm 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receivedQDnsLookupRunnableǘ D¤ TInvalid service recordQDnsLookupRunnableǘ M¤Ҹ TInvalid text recordQDnsLookupRunnable8¤Ҹ tt  JLNo hostname givenQDnsLookupRunnabletǬX J ĺTxNon existent domainQDnsLookupRunnableHܸ\t X JLNot yet supported on AndroidQDnsLookupRunnablex h| >D  LResolver functions not foundQDnsLookupRunnablex| 0T`  LResolver initialization failedQDnsLookupRunnableTx |t 칬| ,  L: DŽ |t 칬 $0 t LDResolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading supportQDnsLookupRunnable" X| ̘`  LServer could not process queryQDnsLookupRunnable  $XServer failureQDnsLookupRunnable QD phServer refused to answerQDnsLookupRunnableL  Ʋ $X Unknown errorQDnsLookupRunnable0Close QDockWidget /D LCloses the dock widget QDockWidgetDư0Float QDockWidget( /X йD tX DŽ'Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget QDockWidget Ux(&O)&OK QErrorMessage"t T| t0(&S)&Show this message again QErrorMessage T:Debug Message: QErrorMessageX $X: Fatal Error: QErrorMessage:Warning: QErrorMessage"%1 0 X  LCannot create %1 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Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialogH%1 |D >D  µȲ. \@ | tD UxX$.A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog %1 |%1 File QFileDialog2%1t() t tǬiȲ. ܬµȮL?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog (&C)&Choose QFileDialog (&D)&Delete QFileDialog T(&N) &New Folder QFileDialog 0(&O)&Open QFileDialogt 0(&R)&Rename QFileDialog ǥ(&S)&Save QFileDialogH'%1't() 0 Ŵ LjµȲ. XܬµȮL?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogĺAlias QFileDialogĺMac OS X FinderAlias QFileDialog | (*) All Files (*) QFileDialog | (*) All files (*) QFileDialogAlt+LeftAlt+Left QFileDialogAlt+Right Alt+Right QFileDialog Alt+UpAlt+Up QFileDialog$'%1'D(|) XܬµȮL?%Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialog\Back QFileDialogǐ8׈ 0 ܸ\ XChange to detail view mode QFileDialog] 0 ܸ\ XChange to list view mode QFileDialog" 0| `  µȲ.Could not delete directory. 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Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModel0ComputerQFileSystemModel \  Date ModifiedQFileSystemModelǘ | tInvalid filenameQFileSystemModelKindQFileSystemModel 0 My ComputerQFileSystemModeltNameQFileSystemModell0SizeQFileSystemModelTypeQFileSystemModelDŽXAny QFontDatabaseDArabic QFontDatabase DtTDArmenian QFontDatabaseBengali QFontDatabaseBlack QFontDatabaseuBold QFontDatabaseФCyrillic QFontDatabasepDemi QFontDatabasep Demi Bold QFontDatabase p Devanagari QFontDatabaseưExtra QFontDatabase ư u Extra Bold QFontDatabase ư Ň Extra Light QFontDatabasepDGeorgian QFontDatabase¤Greek QFontDatabaselǐ|ҸGujarati QFontDatabaset5ФGurmukhi QFontDatabase׈ Hebrew QFontDatabaset乭Italic QFontDatabaseJapanese QFontDatabasexKannada QFontDatabaselTtKhmer QFontDatabase\Korean QFontDatabase|$Lao QFontDatabase|Latin QFontDatabase|tҸLight QFontDatabaseз|ń Malayalam QFontDatabaseMedium QFontDatabaseŀMyanmar QFontDatabase@TN'Ko QFontDatabase|Normal QFontDatabase|!The 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%1Downloading file failed: %1QFtp$8¤Ҹ %1D(|) >D  LHost %1 not foundQFtp" 0 ] \ (: %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtp\x (: %1Login failed: %1QFtp𬰴 JL Not connectedQFtp 0  (: %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtp |  (: %1Removing file failed: %1QFtpL  Ʋ $X Unknown errorQFtp | Ÿ\ (: %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtp (&C)&Cancel QGnomeTheme 0(&C)&Close QGnomeTheme Ux(&O)&OK QGnomeTheme ǥ(&S)&Save QGnomeThemeǥX J 0Close without Saving QGnomeThemeLTRQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONQGuiApplication8¤Ҹ tt  JLNo host name given QHostInfoL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QHostInfo8¤Ҹ| >D  LHost not foundQHostInfoAgent8¤Ҹ tt ǘ(Invalid hostnameQHostInfoAgent 8¤Ҹ tt  JXLNo host name givenQHostInfoAgentL  Ʋ Unknown address typeQHostInfoAgentL  Ʋ $X Unknown errorQHostInfoAgentL  Ʋ $X (%1)Unknown error (%1)QHostInfoAgentt ȅ̴(Connection closedQHttpt p(Connection refusedQHttppt0 (Data corruptedQHttp$8¤Ҹ %1D(|) >D  LHost %1 not foundQHttp8¤Ҹ xɝt DƔhHost requires authenticationQHttpHX J@  ҸInsecure redirectQHttp] xɝt DƔhProxy requires authenticationQHttpSSL E (SSL handshake failedQHttp Ҹ 4 LToo many redirectsQHttpL  Ʋ \Ѡ\Unknown protocol specifiedQHttpxɝt DƔhAuthentication requiredQHttpSocketEngine(] HTTP QD  h(Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngine,HTTP ]@ ѵX  $X #Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEngine(] xɝD ̘X  $X /Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEngine"]  t | ȅ̴(#Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngine]  t p(Proxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine] p(Proxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngine ]  ܬ (!Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEngine] | >D  LProxy server not foundQHttpSocketEngineҸǭXD Ǒ`  LCould not start transaction QIBaseDriver$pt0t¤| 첔  $X Error opening database QIBaseDriverҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QIBaseDriverҸǭXD ̹  LUnable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriverl8D ``  LCould not allocate statement QIBaseResultDž% l8D $`  L"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResultl8D $`  LCould not describe statement QIBaseResultL mD 8,  LCould not fetch next item QIBaseResult0D >D  LCould not find array QIBaseResult 0 pt0| 8,  LCould not get array data QIBaseResult | 8,  LCould not get query info QIBaseResultl8 | 8,  LCould not get statement info QIBaseResultl8D D`  LCould not prepare statement QIBaseResultҸǭXD Ǒ`  LCould not start transaction QIBaseResultl8D D  LUnable to close statement QIBaseResultҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResultBLOBD ̴  LUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult| Չ`  LUnable to execute query QIBaseResultBLOBD  LUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResultBLOB }D  LUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResultBLOB  LUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultǥX t qhNo space left on device QIODevice"\ |t  0 LNo such file or directory QIODevice\t p(Permission denied QIODevice4 @ |t 8LToo many open files QIODeviceL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QIODevice |t  0DŽfile to open is a directory QIODevice |D >D  LFile not found QImageReader ǘ ǥXInvalid device QImageReader pt0| }D  LUnable to read image data QImageReaderL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QImageReaderX J Unsupported image format QImageReaderǥX $ JXLDevice is not set QImageWriterǥX  LDevice not writable QImageWriterL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QImageWriterX J Unsupported image format QImageWriterD Dž%X$:Enter a value: QInputDialog(InputMethod ͔ t¤DŽ InputMethod is an abstract class QInputMethod(8X ] DƔ\ Ʃt T LjL"garbage at the end of the documentQJsonParseError ǘ +ǐillegal numberQJsonParseError ǘ  illegal valueQJsonParseErrorǘ UTF8 8ǐinvalid UTF8 stringQJsonParseErrorǘ ͜ ¤invalid escape sequenceQJsonParseError+ǐ\ ǘ ]invalid termination by numberQJsonParseErrort lǐ Lmissing name separatorQJsonParseError lǐ Lmissing value separatorQJsonParseError $X Lno error occurredQJsonParseError|\ ̴ Lobject is missing after a commaQJsonParseError"8 4 J@ ĸ\ Ŵtoo deeply nested documentQJsonParseError8 4 |too large documentQJsonParseError] J@ 0unterminated arrayQJsonParseError] J@ ̴unterminated objectQJsonParseError] J@ 8ǐunterminated stringQJsonParseError%1, ...%1, ...QKeySequenceEdit\ 0 Ф| t$Press shortcutQKeySequenceEdit2'%1'@() ǘ ELF ̴DŽ (%2)"'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)QLibrary('%1'@() Qt xt D'%1' is not a Qt pluginQLibrary@'%1'@() ,x Mach-O t D(%2)&'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)QLibrary&'%1'@() ELF ̴ D'%1' is not an ELF objectQLibrary.'%1'@() ELF ̴ D(%2)'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)QLibrary2|t 칬 %1D(|) ,  L: %2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibrary8%2X "%1"D(|) ,  L: %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibrary0|t 칬 %1D(|) D  L: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibrary6'%1' x Tpt0| ͔͜`  L,Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'QLibrary4'%1'X x Ux pt0 |XX JL)Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibrary< | '%1'@() ,x Qt xt DٲȲ.'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibraryj x '%1'@() 8X J Qt |t 칬| ƩiȲ.(%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibrary x '%1'@() 8X J Qt |t 칬| ƩiȲ.(@ Ɉ |t 칬| D  µȲ.)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibrary( |t 칬| >D  µȲ.!The shared library was not found.QLibraryL  Ʋ $X Unknown errorQLibrary |t ǘ(file is corruptQLibrary |t 4 ǑLfile too smallQLibraryǘ %1invalid magic %1QLibrary*; t  i\ DФM̘ L&no suitable architecture in fat binaryQLibrary |t 칬 Dnot a dynamic libraryQLibraryǘ DФM̘wrong architectureQLibrary (&C)&Copy QLineEdit#0(&P)&Paste QLineEdit Չ(&R)&Redo QLineEditՉ (&U)&Undo QLineEditǘ|0(&T)Cu&t QLineEditDelete QLineEdit P  Select All QLineEdit%1: Ʃ %1: Address in use QLocalServer%1: t $X%1: Name error QLocalServer%1: \t p(%1: Permission denied QLocalServer %1: L  Ʋ $X %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer%1: t p(%1: Access denied QLocalSocket%1: $X%1: Connection error QLocalSocket%1: t p(%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket%1: pt0t 4 |%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket%1: ǘ t%1: Invalid name QLocalSocket4%1: Ǭ   Ǒt Ʃ JL8%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state QLocalSocket"%1: Ь 8¤Ҹ L%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket%1:   $X%1: Socket access error QLocalSocket %1:  Ǒ ܬ (%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket%1:  ǐ $X%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocket$%1:  Ǒt д JL)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket%1: L  Ʋ $X%1: Unknown error QLocalSocket %1: L  Ʋ $X %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket&t Չ | L X$ h1Trying to connect while connection is in progress QLocalSocket$MySQL ̴| ``  L!Unable to allocate a MYSQL object QMYSQLDriverҸǭXD Ǒ`  LUnable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriverҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver`  LUnable to connect QMYSQLDriver,pt0t¤ '%1'D(|)  LUnable to open database '%1' QMYSQLDriverҸǭXD ̹  LUnable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriver&outvalue| x)`  LUnable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResultD x)`  LUnable to bind value QMYSQLResultL | Չ`  LUnable to execute next query QMYSQLResult| Չ`  LUnable to execute query QMYSQLResultl8D Չ`  LUnable to execute statement QMYSQLResultpt0| 8,  LUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResultl8D D`  LUnable to prepare statement QMYSQLResultl8D 0T`  LUnable to reset statement QMYSQLResultL | ǥ`  LUnable to store next result QMYSQLResult| ǥ`  LUnable to store result QMYSQLResult$l8 Չ | ǥ`  L!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult( L) (Untitled)QMdiArea%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow 0(&C)&Close QMdiSubWindow t(&M)&Move QMdiSubWindow (&R)&Restore QMdiSubWindow l0(&S)&Size QMdiSubWindow - [%1]- [%1] QMdiSubWindow0Close QMdiSubWindowHelp QMdiSubWindow\T(&X) Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindow\TMaximize QMdiSubWindowTtMenu QMdiSubWindow\T(&N) Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindow\TMinimize QMdiSubWindowRestore QMdiSubWindow Restore Down QMdiSubWindow D ,0Shade QMdiSubWindowm (&T) Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindow ԀŴ 0Unshade QMdiSubWindow`<h3>Qt </h3><p>t \@ Qt  %1D(|) ƩiȲ.</p>8

About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox<p>Qt l\¤ \ D \ C++ 4зDžȲ.</p><p>Qt Ɣ p¤lѱ ƴ ̴ | ¤ T 8X1D iȲ.DŽ ¤  x DŽ  | ƴ ̴ Ʃ`  LjµȲ.</p><p>ő\ ƩǐX Ɣl QX0 X, Qt 8 ȅXX |t ¤ 5X<\ )Ȳ.</p><p>Ʃ ҸŴ| Xt  3ǐ@ ¤ Tܹ| X Jp, GNU LGPL 3  GNU LGPL 2.1X ptD q`  <p>GNU LGPL 3X ptD qX Qt 0 \D X$t GNU LGPL 3 |t ¤ Qt| ƩX$.</p><p>GNU LGPL 2.1X ptD qX Qt 0 \D X$t GNU LGPL 2.1 |t ¤ Qt| ƩX$.</p><p>Qt |t ¤ \ | $t <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> Әt| 8pX$.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt $ ¤ \Ҹ\  DigiaX ԈDžȲ. T @ | $t <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> tҸ| )8X$.</p>c

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.

Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.

Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.

Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.

Please see %2 for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) %1 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) and other contributors.

Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).

Qt is a Digia product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox.<p>Qt l\¤ \ D \ C++ 4зDžȲ.</p><p>Qt Ɣ p¤lѱ ƴ ̴ | ¤ T 8X1D iȲ.DŽ ¤  x DŽ  | ƴ ̴ Ʃ`  LjµȲ.</p><p>ő\ ƩǐX Ɣl QX0 X, Qt P ȅXX |t ¤ 5X<\ )Ȳ.</p><p>Ʃ ҸŴ| Xt  3ǐ@ ¤ Tܹ| X Jp, GNU LGPL 3X ptD q`  <p>GNU LGPL 3X ptD qX Qt 0 \D X$t GNU LGPL 3 |t ¤ Qt| ƩX$.</p><p>Qt |t ¤ \ | $t <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> Әt| 8pX$.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt $ ¤ \Ҹ\  The Qt Company LtdX ԈDžȲ. T @ | $t <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> tҸ| )8X$.</p>{

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.

Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.

Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Please see %2 for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.

Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.

Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox Qt About Qt QMessageBoxHelp QMessageBoxǐ8\  (00...Hide Details... QMessageBoxUxOK QMessageBoxǐ8\  0...Show Details... QMessageBox*x t \ Ҹ LjL4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEngineLIPv6D X J  IPv6 D ƩX$ ܳh=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEnginet p(Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngineЬ D 0ThConnection reset by peerQNativeSocketEngine ܬ (Connection timed outQNativeSocketEngine&\ pt0t 4 |Datagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine8¤Ҹ `  LHost unreachableQNativeSocketEngineǘ  $ǐInvalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine$0T  $Ҹl JL#Network dropped connection on resetQNativeSocketEngine$Ҹl $X Network errorQNativeSocketEngine$Ҹl Ǒ ܬ Network operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine$Ҹl `  LNetwork unreachableQNativeSocketEngineD  Ǒ Չ(Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine ǐ qOut of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine\t p(Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngineX J \Ѡ\ Protocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine DŽ $XTemporary errorQNativeSocketEngine| Ʃ`  LThe address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine 8Ŵ LjLThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngine\ t Ʃ #The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngine2t Ǒ Ʃ` ] t ǘµȲ,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngineЬ 8¤Ҹ D L%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngine( \ΐ¤Ҹ D 0T`  L%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngine$|й D 0T`  L(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngineT| D  LUnable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngineT|  LUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngine  LUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngineL  Ʋ $X Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngineX J  ǑUnsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngine"%1D(|) 첔  $X Error opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackendǘ URI: %1Invalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDataBackend,%1 Ь 8¤Ҹ | D L3Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend"%1  $X : %2Socket error on %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend$%1  $X : %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend(%1D(|)  L:  0DŽ#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackend*%1D(|) 첔  $X : %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend&%1 }  $X : %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend0D \ | %1D(|) 첔 Ɣ̭ Ŵ4%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend$%1  $X : %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend(%1D(|)  L:  0DŽCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackend&%1 ƴ\  $X : %2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend$%1 Ÿ\  $X : %2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend*%1 \x`  L: xɝ DƔh0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackend i\ ]ܹ| >D  LNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackend&$Ҹl t D\1TµȲ.Network access is disabled.QNetworkAccessManager*1|ƴ Ɣ̭t Ʃ JXµȲ.Background request not allowed. QNetworkReplyB%1D(|) ƴ\X  $X  -  Q: %2)Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply>%1D(|) X  $X  -  Q: %2*Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply$Ҹl 8X $X.Network session error. QNetworkReply L  Ʋ \Ѡ\ "%1"Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply|x $Ҹl (.Temporary network failure. QNetworkReply1Դ Ǒ $X.backend start error. QNetworkReply i\ ]ܹ| >D  LNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyHttpImpl Ǒ (Operation canceledQNetworkReplyHttpImpl Ǒ (Operation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl$t ǘµȲ.Invalid configuration.QNetworkSession,\ t Ȭp Ʃ`  µȲ.'Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl0¤\ Ɣ̭\ l1D X JµȲ.7The requested operation is not supported by the system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl.Ʃǐ ¤\ 8XD XµȲ..The session was aborted by the user or system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl&\ $D Ʃ`  µȲ.+The specified configuration cannot be used.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplL  Ʋ 8X $X.Unknown session error.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplҸǭXD Ǒ`  LUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriverҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver0T`  LUnable to initialize QOCIDriver\(`  LUnable to logon QOCIDriverҸǭXD ̹  LUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriverl8D ``  LUnable to alloc statement QOCIResult&0X ՉX D x)`  L'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResultD x)`  LUnable to bind value QOCIResult0X l8D Չ`  L!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResultl8D Չ`  LUnable to execute statement QOCIResultl8 D 8,  LUnable to get statement type QOCIResultL<\ t`  LUnable to goto next QOCIResultl8D D`  LUnable to prepare statement QOCIResultҸǭXD `  LUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriver`  LUnable to connect QODBCDriverJ`  L - ܷ|t DƔ\ 0D X JµȲEUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required QODBCDriverǐ D t`  LUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverǐ D $`  LUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriverҸǭXD ̹  LUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC'D l8 1<\ $`  L. ODBC ܷ|tX $D UxX$yQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult| x)`  LUnable to bind variable QODBCResultl8D Չ`  LUnable to execute statement QODBCResultmD 8,  LUnable to fetch QODBCResultt mD 8,  LUnable to fetch first QODBCResult mD 8,  LUnable to fetch last QODBCResultL mD 8,  LUnable to fetch next QODBCResultt mD 8,  LUnable to fetch previous QODBCResultl8D D`  LUnable to prepare statement QODBCResultҸǭXD Ǒ`  LCould not begin transaction QPSQLDriverҸǭXD `  LCould not commit transaction QPSQLDriverҸǭXD ̹  LCould not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver`  LUnable to connect QPSQLDriver]`  LUnable to subscribe QPSQLDriver] t`  LUnable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver| ̴  LUnable to create query QPSQLResultl8D D`  LUnable to prepare statement QPSQLResultCCCCQPageSetupWidgetФ\(CC) Cicero (CC)QPageSetupWidget Ʃǐ XCustomQPageSetupWidgetDDDDQPageSetupWidget (DD) Didot (DD)QPageSetupWidgetFormQPageSetupWidgett:Height:QPageSetupWidget xX(in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidget\ LandscapeQPageSetupWidget1MarginsQPageSetupWidget0(mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidget)ե OrientationQPageSetupWidget ʽ tDư Page LayoutQPageSetupWidget ʽ : Page order:QPageSetupWidget ʽ l0: Page size:QPageSetupWidgetǥ ʽ :Pages per sheet:QPageSetupWidgetȅtPaperQPageSetupWidget ȅt : Paper source:QPageSetupWidget > &Options >> QPrintDialog x(&P)&Print QPrintDialog 1(1x1)1 (1x1) QPrintDialog16(4x4)16 (4x4) QPrintDialog 2(2x1)2 (2x1) QPrintDialog 4(2x2)4 (2x2) QPrintDialog 6(2x3)6 (2x3) QPrintDialog 9(3x3)9 (3x3) QPrintDialog ʽ All Pages QPrintDialogǐ Automatic QPrintDialog&D \, |ʽ $xʽ<\Bottom to Top, Left to Right QPrintDialog&D \, $xʽ |ʽ<\Bottom to Top, Right to Left QPrintDialog ʽ Even Pages QPrintDialogD | %1  µȲ. x | tD X$.=File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog&|ʽ $xʽ<\, D \Left to Right, Bottom to Top QPrintDialog&|ʽ $xʽ<\,  D\Left to Right, Top to Bottom QPrintDialog \ | Local file QPrintDialogUxOK QPrintDialog@ ʽ Odd Pages QPrintDialogp'ǥ ʽ ' 5X 'ʽ i' $D t Ʃ`  µȲ. X  XX 5XD D$.gOptions 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together. Please turn one of those options off. QPrintDialogxPrint QPrintDialog |\ x...Print To File ... QPrintDialog |\ x (PDF)Print to File (PDF) QPrintDialog&$xʽ |ʽ<\, D \Right to Left, Bottom to Top QPrintDialog&$xʽ |ʽ<\,  D\Right to Left, Top to Bottom QPrintDialog2'Ǒ' t ']'  t  µȲ.7The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value. 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Unable to find id "%1"QQmlAnonymousComponentResolver ǘ ĺ X: %1!Invalid alias target location: %1QQmlAnonymousComponentResolver ǘ Ҹ body $Invalid component body specificationQQmlAnonymousComponentResolver id LjLid is not uniqueQQmlAnonymousComponentResolver tt DƔhExpected type nameQQmlCodeGenerator(ID  ǐ¤lҸ 1D -ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQQmlCodeGenerator"ID 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQQmlCodeGenerator,ID ǐ, +ǐ,  ht| h7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQQmlCodeGenerator$ID ǐ \ Ǒt| h*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ 1 tIllegal property nameQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ ܭ tIllegal signal nameQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ ĺ XInvalid alias locationQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ ĺ 8p. ĺ 8p <id>, <id>.<property>  <id>.<value property>.<property>| hzInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QQmlCodeGeneratorǘ Ҹ id "Invalid component id specificationQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ H IDInvalid empty IDQQmlCodeGeneratorid 1D ǘ ƩhInvalid use of id propertyQQmlCodeGenerator"1 ĺ X  JLNo property alias locationQQmlCodeGenerator1 t $(!Property value set multiple timesQQmlCodeGenerator*ܭ t@ 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGeneratorǘ H URLInvalid empty URL QQmlComponent̴| ̴ܲ  4("Object destroyed during incubation QQmlComponent.createObject: t ̴ D$createObject: value is not an object QQmlComponent2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQmlConnections(: ̩ ̴| Ʃ`  L'Connections: nested objects not allowedQQmlConnections: ¤lҸ DƔhConnections: script expectedQQmlConnections: 8 $XConnections: syntax errorQQmlConnections"block" xǐ| Xt p@ | D¤ ̫ QML D Ǒ` LL t|tŸҸ 𬰴 D0| 0乽Ȳ.{"block" makes the debugger and some services wait for clients to be connected and ready before the first QML engine starts.QQmlDebugServerImpl"file:" xǐ p QLocalSocketD ѵt ` |DžȲ. "file:" xǐ| Xt "host:"  "port:" xǐ| 4iȲ."file:" can be used to specify the name of a file the debugger will try to connect to using a QLocalSocket. If "file:" is given any "host:" and"port:" arguments will be ignored.QQmlDebugServerImpl"host:"  "port:" xǐ p QTcpServer| ѵt ` 8¤Ҹ | Ҹ  Ҹ DžȲ."host:" and "port:" can be used to specify an address and a single port or a range of ports the debugger will try to bind to with a QTcpServer.QQmlDebugServerImpl"services:" xǐ p ,  D¤DžȲ. |  D¤ \ -D Ь  LjµȲ. QML \ || ƩXt V4 t JIT ǐ¤lҸ x00| ƩX D X\, QML \ || Ʃ` Lв V4 p| $ D| iȲ. L  D¤| Ʃ`  LjµȲ:P"services:" can be used to specify which debug services the debugger should load. Some debug services interact badly with others. The V4 debugger should not be loaded when using the QML profiler as it will force any V4 engines to use the JavaScript interpreter rather than the JIT. The following debug services are available by default:QQmlDebugServerImplx D¤ D LL t|tŸҸ QML Ǒ | Ь  Ljĸ] iȲ. Qt Creator X QML D \ |`  Ljĸ] t D¤| QML \ |@ h ƩiȲ.Allows the client to delay the starting and stopping of QML engines until other services are ready. QtCreator uses this service with the QML profiler in order to profile multiple QML engines at the same time.QQmlDebugServerImpl4\ x \ >D  Lj QQmlDebugServiceFactory| lX qmltooling x Ʃ`  Lj|port:<port_from>][,<port_to>][,host:<ip address>][,block][,services:<service>][,<service>]*"DžȲThe format is "-qmljsdebugger=[file:|port:][,][,host:][,block][,services:][,]*"QQmlDebugServerImplZonUpdated  DelegateModelX ǐ| `  µȲ.CThe delegate of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onUpdated.QQmlDelegateModelVonChanged  DelegateModelX D `  µȲ?The group of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onChangedQQmlDelegateModelD\ 8L DelegateModelGroups| iȲ8The maximum number of supported DelegateModelGroups is 8QQmlDelegateModel$ t@ 8ǐ\ Ǒt| h/Group names must start with a lower case letterQQmlDelegateModelGroup.addGroups: xq¤ | ŴaddGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup"addGroups: ǘ addGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup(create: xq¤ | Ŵcreate: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup"get: xq¤ | Ŵget: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup(insert: xq¤ | Ŵinsert: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup.move: from xq¤ | Ŵmove: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupmove: ǘ move: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup$move: ǘ from xq¤move: invalid from indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup move: ǘ to xq¤move: invalid to indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup*move: to xq¤ | Ŵmove: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup(remove: xq¤ | Ŵremove: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupremove:  ǘ(remove: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupremove: ǘ xq¤remove: invalid indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup4removeGroups: xq¤ | Ŵ removeGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup(removeGroups: ǘ removeGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup,resolve: from xq¤ ǘ(resolve: from index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGroup4resolve: from xq¤ | Ŵ resolve: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup:resolve: fromt t J@ mt D'resolve: from is not an unresolved itemQQmlDelegateModelGroup(resolve: to xq¤ ǘ(resolve: to index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGroup0resolve: to xq¤ | Ŵresolve: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup,resolve: to x mt Dresolve: to is not a model itemQQmlDelegateModelGroup.setGroups: xq¤ | ŴsetGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup"setGroups: ǘ setGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupT\ΘX x¤4¤| 1`  µȲ. Qt.locale()D ƩX$/Locale cannot be instantiated. Use Qt.locale() QQmlEngine}0 Ʃ ҸǭXRead-only Transaction QQmlEngineSQL ҸǭX (SQL transaction failed QQmlEngineTSQL: pt0t¤| ̴  L, $|x ǥ D\1TµȲ.8SQL: can't create database, offline storage is disabled. QQmlEngine$SQL: pt0t¤  |XSQL: database version mismatch QQmlEngine<   1 Lj "%1" mt LjµȲ.QThere are still "%1" items in the process of being created at engine destruction. QQmlEngine< |X: Ʃ x  %2, DƔ\  %1'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2 QQmlEngineBtransaction()  executeSqlt 8͜('executeSql called outside transaction() QQmlEngineҸǭX: \1t Ltransaction: missing callback QQmlEngine8ǘ 1 Dž: "%1"@() }0 Ʃ 19Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQQmlEnumTypeResolverNǘ 1 Dž: p  "%1"@() 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  LQInvalid property assignment: Enum value "%1" cannot start with a lowercase letterQQmlEnumTypeResolver<"%1"t() 8iȲ. %2, %3 >XµȲ("%1" is ambiguous. Found in %2 and in %3QQmlImportDatabaseN"%1"  %2.%3t() "%4" \ t XL;"%1" version %2.%3 is defined more than once in module "%4"QQmlImportDatabase$"%1": \  0 L"%1": no such directoryQQmlImportDatabase&- %1t() $DŽ¤Әt¤ D- %1 is not a namespaceQQmlImportDatabase,- ̩ $DŽ¤Әt¤| Ʃ`  L- nested namespaces not allowedQQmlImportDatabase: | tX 8ǐ "%1"@() |XX JL File name case mismatch for "%1"QQmlImportDatabasej '%1't() ݼǐ ŸD hX JL - x ] 8D  µȲ.pModule '%1' does not contain a module identifier directive - it cannot be protected from external registrations.QQmlImportDatabasenURI '%1' ( t QQmlTypesExtensionInterface| lX JLIModule loaded for URI '%1' does not implement QQmlTypesExtensionInterfaceQQmlImportDatabaseT $DŽ¤Әt¤ '%1't() 8$0 URI '%2'@() |X JL4Module namespace '%1' does not match import URI '%2'QQmlImportDatabase:$DŽ¤Әt¤ '%1't()  ] t Ʃ(:Namespace '%1' has already been used for type registrationQQmlImportDatabase4 "%1"X xD ̘`  L-could not resolve all plugins for module "%1"QQmlImportDatabase>import "%1" qmldir $DŽ¤Әt¤ L*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQQmlImportDatabase:t() 8iȲ. %1@() %2 >XµȲ#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QQmlImportDatabaseTt() 8iȲ. %1  %2.%3, %4.%5D(|) >XµȲ4is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5QQmlImportDatabase*t() Ǭ<\ x¤4¤TµȲis instantiated recursivelyQQmlImportDatabaset() t DٲȲ is not a typeQQmlImportDatabase"|t 칬 $0 D\1T(library loading is disabledQQmlImportDatabase\  0local directoryQQmlImportDatabase( "%1"t() $X JXLmodule "%1" is not installedQQmlImportDatabase< "%1"X x "%2"D(|) >D  L!module "%1" plugin "%2" not foundQQmlImportDatabase< "%1"X  %2.%3t() $X JXL*module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installedQQmlImportDatabase4 ǐt "%1"D(|) X JL)module does not support the designer "%1"QQmlImportDatabase6 "%1"X xD ,  L: %2+plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2QQmlImportDatabasePtt "%2"x "%1"X  xD ,  L: %3Astatic plugin for module "%1" with name "%2" cannot be loaded: %3QQmlImportDatabaseRtt "%2"x "%1"X  x Tpt0 URI L@static plugin for module "%1" with name "%2" has no metadata URIQQmlImportDatabase:ListElement: ̩ | h`  L+ListElement: cannot contain nested elements QQmlListModelDListElement: } "id" 1D Ʃ`  L.ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" property QQmlListModelDListElement: 1 <\ ¤lҸ| Ʃ`  L1ListElement: cannot use script for property value QQmlListModel4ListModel: X J@ 1 '%1'"ListModel: undefined property '%1' QQmlListModel"append: t ̴ Dappend: value is not an object QQmlListModelT ` $@ Ǒǐ ¤lҸ 10  ¤ XŴ| h]dynamic role setting must be made from the main thread, before any worker scripts are created QQmlListModel4insert: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵinsert: index %1 out of range QQmlListModel"insert: t ̴ Dinsert: value is not an object QQmlListModelmove: | Ŵmove: out of range QQmlListModel$remove: xǐ  ǘ(%remove: incorrect number of arguments QQmlListModelZremove: xq¤ [%1 - %2]t()  [0 - %3]D(|) Ŵ/remove: indices [%1 - %2] out of range [0 - %3] QQmlListModel.set: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵset: index %1 out of range QQmlListModelset: t ̴ Dset: value is not an object QQmlListModel@xt DŴ Lj JD  `D Ʃ`  µȲ!:unable to enable dynamic roles as this model is not empty! QQmlListModel@xt DŴ Lj JD  `D Ʃ`  µȲ!9unable to enable static roles as this model is not empty! QQmlListModel.̴| ܭ 1 %1 ``  L-Cannot assign an object to signal property %1QQmlObjectCreator,̴| x0Әt¤ 1 ``  L*Cannot assign object to interface propertyQQmlObjectCreator,}0 Ʃ ] ̴| `  L&Cannot assign object to read only listQQmlObjectCreatorD̴  %1 0 Tܹ| X J ``  L3Cannot assign object type %1 with no default methodQQmlObjectCreator& DžD ] ``  L!Cannot assign primitives to listsQQmlObjectCreator01 %2  %1D(|) ``  L%Cannot assign value %1 to property %2QQmlObjectCreatorJ|XX J ܭ/¬o %1 %vs %2D(|) `  L0Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2QQmlObjectCreator6%1t() nullt\ 1D $`  L)Cannot set properties on %1 as it is nullQQmlObjectCreator0i Ѥ  %1D(|) ̴  L,Composite Singleton Type %1 is not creatableQQmlObjectCreator$ %1x ̴| ̴  L"Unable to create object of type %1QQmlObjectCreator4insert: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵinsert: index %1 out of rangeQQmlObjectModelmove: | Ŵmove: out of rangeQQmlObjectModelZremove: xq¤ [%1 - %2]t()  [0 - %3]D(|) Ŵ/remove: indices [%1 - %2] out of range [0 - %3]QQmlObjectModel8'0%1' L \ 1X 16 +ǐ DƔh6At least one hexadecimal digit is required after '0%1' QQmlParser,10 +ǐ '0'<\ Ǒ`  L$Decimal numbers can't start with '0' QQmlParserxǐ typet DƔhExpected parameter type QQmlParser1 typet DƔhExpected property type QQmlParserѠp '%1't() DƔhExpected token `%1' QQmlParser$ |D 8$$t  DƔh File import requires a qualifier QQmlParserǘ 16 ͜ ¤#Illegal hexadecimal escape sequence QQmlParserǘ  8%Illegal syntax for exponential number QQmlParserǘ T ͜ ¤Illegal unicode escape sequence QQmlParser 8( |t ¤lҸ| hImported file must be a script QQmlParserǘ 8$0 ǐInvalid import qualifier QQmlParserǘ 8$0 ݼǐ IDInvalid import qualifier ID QQmlParserǘ URIInvalid module URI QQmlParserǘ 1 type ǐInvalid property type modifier QQmlParser&ǘ  \ '%0'$Invalid regular expression flag '%0' QQmlParserǘ ܭ xǐ ȅX:Invalid signal parameter type:  QQmlParser2Script  ǐ¤lҸ Ÿ(-JavaScript declaration outside Script element QQmlParser(|t 칬| 8$$t t DƔh!Library import requires a version QQmlParser$D 8$$t ǐ DƔh"Module import requires a qualifier QQmlParser"D 8$$t t DƔh Module import requires a version QQmlParser&8 ͜ ¤| Ʃ`  L&Octal escape sequences are not allowed QQmlParser(Pragma ,x ǐ DƔh!Pragma requires a valid qualifier QQmlParser<}( t "Qt" ǐ t<\ Ʃ`  L1Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifier QQmlParser0¤lҸ 8$0 ǐ t| iȲ.(Script import qualifiers must be unique. QQmlParser(¤lҸ| 8$$t ǐ DƔh"Script import requires a qualifier QQmlParser*8ǐ 0 DƔ\ H t LjLStray newline in string literal QQmlParser l8 $X Syntax error QQmlParser  ] ׈ J@ 8ǐUnclosed string at end of line QQmlParserX \ ̴ ŸUnexpected object definition QQmlParser&X \ 1 type ǐ!Unexpected property type modifier QQmlParserX \ Ѡp '%1'Unexpected token `%1' QQmlParser.ȅ̴ J@  \ 1¬ ¤2Unterminated regular expression backslash sequence QQmlParser$ȅ̴ J@  \ t¤%Unterminated regular expression class QQmlParser"] J@  \ 0'Unterminated regular expression literal QQmlParserBDelegate Ҹ Package tŴ| iȲ.(Delegate component must be Package type.QQmlPartsModelVonChanged  DelegateModelX D `  µȲ?The group of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onChangedQQmlPartsModel&FINAL 1D ǬX`  LCannot override FINAL propertyQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorX T t: 1 ܭt  t¤X ܭD ǘ ǬXhVDuplicate method name: invalid override of property change signal or superclass signalQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorX ܭ t: 1 ܭt  t¤X ܭD ǘ ǬXhVDuplicate signal name: invalid override of property change signal or superclass signalQQmlPropertyCacheCreator>D   ȸ\ƴ h| Ÿ`  µȲ.1Fully Dynamic types cannot declare new functions.QQmlPropertyCacheCreator>D   ȸ\ƴ 1D Ÿ`  µȲ.2Fully dynamic types cannot declare new properties.QQmlPropertyCacheCreator@D   ȸ\ƴ ܭD Ÿ`  µȲ./Fully dynamic types cannot declare new signals.QQmlPropertyCacheCreatorǘ 1 Invalid property typeQQmlPropertyCacheCreator"ǘ ܭ xǐ ȅX: %1!Invalid signal parameter type: %1QQmlPropertyCacheCreatortǬX J ̨ ̴Non-existent attached objectQQmlPropertyCacheCreator&FINAL 1D ǬX`  LCannot override FINAL propertyQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBaseX T t: 1 ܭt  t¤X ܭD ǘ ǬXhVDuplicate method name: invalid override of property change signal or superclass signalQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBaseX ܭ t: 1 ܭt  t¤X ܭD ǘ ǬXhVDuplicate signal name: invalid override of property change signal or superclass signalQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBase>D   ȸ\ƴ h| Ÿ`  µȲ.1Fully Dynamic types cannot declare new functions.QQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBase>D   ȸ\ƴ 1D Ÿ`  µȲ.2Fully dynamic types cannot declare new properties.QQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBase@D   ȸ\ƴ ܭD Ÿ`  µȲ./Fully dynamic types cannot declare new signals.QQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBaseǘ 1 Invalid property typeQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBase"ǘ ܭ xǐ ȅX: %1!Invalid signal parameter type: %1QQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBasetǬX J ̨ ̴Non-existent attached objectQQmlPropertyCacheCreatorBase0"%1"@() "%2" Ǒ`  L"%1" cannot operate on "%2"QQmlPropertyValidatorH"%1.%2"@() l1 Ɣ  L8 Ʃ`  µȲ.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QQmlPropertyValidatorD"%1.%2"@() %3 %4.%5 Ʃ`  µȲ.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QQmlPropertyValidator(0 ̨ 1D Ʃ`  L'Attached properties cannot be used hereQQmlPropertyValidator* 1 D  ``  L4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQQmlPropertyValidator.¤lҸ 1  D ``  L2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQQmlPropertyValidator*| 1 D ``  L4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQQmlPropertyValidator ̴| ] ``  LCannot assign object to listQQmlPropertyValidator0̴| ] 1 "%1" ``  L*Cannot assign object to list property "%1"QQmlPropertyValidator ̴| 1 ``  L Cannot assign object to propertyQQmlPropertyValidator& DžD ] ``  L!Cannot assign primitives to listsQQmlPropertyValidator.tǬX J 0 1 ``  L.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQQmlPropertyValidator2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQmlPropertyValidatorǘ ̨ ̴ `"Invalid attached object assignmentQQmlPropertyValidatorǘ 1 Invalid grouped property accessQQmlPropertyValidator8ǘ 1 Dž: "%1"@() }0 Ʃ 19Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQQmlPropertyValidator,ǘ 1 Dž: 2( 0 DƔh/Invalid property assignment: 2D vector expectedQQmlPropertyValidator,ǘ 1 Dž: 3( 0 DƔh/Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expectedQQmlPropertyValidator,ǘ 1 Dž: 4( 0 DƔh/Invalid property assignment: 4D vector expectedQQmlPropertyValidator>ǘ 1 Dž: bool  bool 0t DƔhD  L, QQmlComponent pragma Singleton |D Ʃ`  µȲ.ONo matching type found, pragma Singleton files cannot be used by QQmlComponent.QQmlTypeLoader(¤lҸ %1D(|) Ʃ`  LScript %1 unavailableQQmlTypeLoader$ %1D(|) Ʃ`  LType %1 unavailableQQmlTypeLoaderN8$0 pt0t¤ ¤lҸ| ͔X   J@ $X 8Unreported error adding script import to import databaseQQmlTypeLoader( "%1"t() $X JXLmodule "%1" is not installedQQmlTypeLoaderLD i Ѥ  %1 pragma Singletont Ʃ(D  µȲ.Kqmldir defines type as singleton, but no pragma Singleton found in type %1.QQmlTypeLoader | (*.*)All files (*.*)QQnxFileDialogHelperCANCELQQnxFileDialogHelperUxOKQQnxFileDialogHelper |  Pick a fileQQnxFilePicker$Animationt ͔ t¤DŽAnimation is an abstract classQQuickAbstractAnimation"Animator ͔ t¤DŽAnimator is an abstract classQQuickAbstractAnimation@tǬX J 1 "%1" `ȺTtXD $`  L)Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QQuickAbstractAnimation<}0 Ʃ 1 "%1" `ȺTtXD $`  L&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QQuickAbstractAnimationBAccessible@ ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL4Accessible is only available via attached propertiesQQuickAccessibleAttached,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QQuickAnchorAnimationxBaseline u䲔 top, bottom, verticalCenter u@ Ʃ`  µȲ.ZBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or verticalCenter anchors. QQuickAnchors. D  u\ $`  L.3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge. QQuickAnchors. D  u\ $`  L.3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge. QQuickAnchors(ǐ0 ǐ u| $`  L.Cannot anchor item to self. QQuickAnchors&H m u| $`  L.Cannot anchor to a null item. QQuickAnchors8 ǐt D m u| $`  L.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. QQuickAnchorsb left, right, horizontalCenter u| `  µȲ.JCannot specify left, right, and horizontalCenter anchors at the same time. QQuickAnchors^ top, bottom, verticalCenter u| `  µȲ.HCannot specify top, bottom, and verticalCenter anchors at the same time. QQuickAnchors*centerIn u  (.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn. QQuickAnchors"fill u  (.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill. QQuickAnchors$ u u  (.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. QQuickAnchors$ u u  (.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor. QQuickAnchors*Qt L QMovie t `LL'Qt was built without support for QMovieQQuickAnimatedImage(Application@ ͔ t¤DŽ Application is an abstract classQQuickApplication<Behavior ` `ȺTtXD `  L.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QQuickBehavior6Drag ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL.Drag is only available via attached propertiesQQuickDragAttached8EnterKey ̨ 1@ Item Ǒh0EnterKey attached property only works with ItemsQQuickEnterKeyAttached@EnterKeys ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL2EnterKey is only available via attached propertiesQQuickEnterKeyAttached*back@ \  Lj 1DŽback is a write-once propertyQQuickFlipable,front \  Lj 1DŽfront is a write-once propertyQQuickFlipableFGraphicsInfo ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL6GraphicsInfo is only available via attached propertiesQQuickGraphicsInfo,Delegate Item tŴ| hDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickItemView(ItemView ͔ 0 t¤DŽ"ItemView is an abstract base classQQuickItemViewHKeyNavigation@ ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL7KeyNavigation is only available via attached propertiesQQuickKeyNavigationAttached6Keys ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL.Keys is only available via attached propertiesQQuickKeysAttachedF𬰴 1 LayoutDirection@ Item Ǒh7LayoutDirection attached property only works with ItemsQQuickLayoutMirroringAttachedX̨ 1 LayoutDirection@ Itemt Window ǑhCLayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and WindowsQQuickLayoutMirroringAttachedLLayoutMirroring@ ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL9LayoutMirroring is only available via attached propertiesQQuickLayoutMirroringAttached(setSource: t ̴ D!setSource: value is not an object QQuickLoaderLMouseEvent MouseAreaX x Ʃ`  LjL9MouseEvent is only available within handlers in MouseAreaQQuickMouseEventBOpenGLInfo ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL4OpenGLInfo is only available via attached propertiesQQuickOpenGLInfoB͔ t¤ PaintedItemX x¤4¤| ̴  L4Cannot create instance of abstract class PaintedItemQQuickPaintedItem*i  t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentAnimation2| l0 p t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentAnimation:0 tX\ l0| pՈD L őD t`  L.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentAnimation*i  t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentChange2| l0 p t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentChange:0 tX\ l0| pՈD L őD t`  L.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentChange,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPathAnimation,Delegate Item tŴ| hDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickPathView,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPauseAnimationLD  L: %1Cannot open: %1 QQuickPixmap$%1 T)  $X : %2Error decoding: %1: %2 QQuickPixmap, ǐ D 8,  L: %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1 QQuickPixmap. ǐ M¤̘| 8,  L: %1'Failed to get texture from provider: %1 QQuickPixmapǘ pt0: %1Invalid image data: %1 QQuickPixmapǘ ǐ: %1Invalid image provider: %1 QQuickPixmap,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPropertyAnimation2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQuickPropertyChanges.}0 Ʃ 1 "%1" ``  L(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QQuickPropertyChangesFPropertyChanges ܼ ̴| ̴  µȲ.APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QQuickPropertyChanges,Delegate Item tŴ| hDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickRepeaterR͔ t¤ ShaderEffectMeshX x¤4¤| ̴  µȲ.:Cannot create instance of abstract class ShaderEffectMesh.QQuickShaderEffectMesh@%1 \`  Ʋ  ŸD ,  µȲ.8%1 does not support loading non-visual cursor delegates.QQuickTextUtil ŸD ,  LCould not load cursor delegateQQuickTextUtilJViewTransition@ ̨ 1D ѵt Ʃ`  LjL8ViewTransition is only available via attached propertiesQQuickViewTransitionAttached6 %2 \ %1 M¤Ҹ| 1`  L)Failed to create %1 context for format %2 QQuickWindow %2 \ %1 M¤Ҹ| 1`  µȲ. DƔ\ = ܷ|t $XŴ Lj JD  LjµȲ. OpenGL 2.0 tD X ܷ|t| $XXܬp, t ܷ|t| Ʃ`  Ʋt Չ |t Lj  0 PATH Lj  0 ANGLE OpenGL ES 2.0 лtX |t 칬(%3, %4, d3dcompiler_*.dll)| $XX$.{Failed to create %1 context for format %2. This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed. Install a driver providing OpenGL 2.0 or higher, or, if this is not possible, make sure the ANGLE Open GL ES 2.0 emulation libraries (%3, %4 and d3dcompiler_*.dll) are available in the application executable's directory or in a location listed in PATH. QQuickWindow>'visible' 'visibility' 1t ͩh1Conflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility'QQuickWindowQmlImplN= '%1'X 'visible' 'visibility' 1t ͩhAConflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility' for Window '%1'QQuickWindowQmlImplH"%1"t() t ` t \ D\1T DžȲ.:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QQuickXmlListModelǘ : "%1"invalid query: "%1"QQuickXmlListModel2XmlRole '/'\ ǑXt H ((An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QQuickXmlListModelRoleDXmlListModel '/' '//'\ Ǒt| h1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QQuickXmlRoleListǘ 8ǐ t¤ 8bad char class syntaxQRegExpǘ Ŵ 8bad lookahead syntaxQRegExpǘ  8bad repetition syntaxQRegExpD\1T 0 Ʃ(disabled feature usedQRegExp ǘ Xinvalid categoryQRegExp ǘ invalid intervalQRegExpǘ 8 invalid octal valueQRegExp:DXxܹ| X JL, QTBUG-2371 8p)lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371QRegExp \ IJhmet internal limitQRegExp|ʽ lǐ Lmissing left delimQRegExp $X Lno error occurredQRegExpX \ ]unexpected endQRegExp (*MARK) xǐ DƔh(*MARK) must have an argumentQRegularExpression (*VERB) xݴ JL(*VERB) not recognizedQRegularExpressionD(?R  (?[+-]digits L ) 8ǐ @| h)(?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )QRegularExpression4DEFINE X tX X h(*DEFINE group contains more than one branchQRegularExpressionPPCRE \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, \u| X JL1PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \uQRegularExpression.POSIX ,  | X JL*POSIX collating elements are not supportedQRegularExpressionBPOSIX tt Lj t¤ t¤  Ʃ 5POSIX named classes are supported only within a classQRegularExpression(4 ] \ \ at end of patternQRegularExpression,DXx pt \C| Ʃ`  L&\C not allowed in lookbehind assertionQRegularExpression(t¤  \ND Ʃ`  L\N is not supported in a classQRegularExpression(4 ] \c \c at end of patternQRegularExpression*\c L ASCII ǐ @| h)\c must be followed by an ASCII characterQRegularExpressionp\g L 8, 8, 04\\ Xx t/+ǐ  X 8 Ʋ +ǐ $ JL[\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain numberQRegularExpressionF\k L 8, 8, 04\\ Xx tt @| h?\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted nameQRegularExpression@ǐ¤lҸ 8X  ] ǐ ǘ pt0 ǐDŽ?] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility modeQRegularExpression8p 8 0|  L%a numbered reference must not be zeroQRegularExpressionX(*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), (*COMMIT)в xǐ| Ʃ`  L?an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)QRegularExpression(?( L ptD hassertion expected after (?(QRegularExpression,\u.... ¤X 8ǐ t 4 |/character value in \u.... sequence is too largeQRegularExpression2\x{...} ¤ X 8ǐ t 4 |0character value in \x{...} sequence is too largeQRegularExpression((?C \ 범 ) 08 DƔhclosing ) for (?C expectedQRegularExpression0pt P | X X LjL1conditional group contains more than two branchesQRegularExpressionF@ 8| X (4 \ x tD Ʃ`  LBdifferent names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowedQRegularExpression(?+ L +ǐ DƔhdigit expected after (?+QRegularExpression(\x{}  \o{} +ǐ Ldigits missing in \x{} or \o{}QRegularExpressionZƩ`  Ʋ T T xҸ (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)6disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)QRegularExpression(erroffsett NULL\ (erroffset passed as NULLQRegularExpressionT| ``  Lfailed to get memoryQRegularExpression& tt +ǐ\ Ǒ`  L&group name must start with a non-digitQRegularExpression"|1 Ʋ NEWLINE 5Xinconsistent NEWLINE optionsQRegularExpression $X: T hinternal error: code overflowQRegularExpression& $X: | Ǒ  h+internal error: overran compiling workspaceQRegularExpressionB $X: t Ux 8p X (4D >D  LBinternal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not foundQRegularExpression" $X: X \ !internal error: unexpected repeatQRegularExpressionP $X: find_fixedlength()X L  Ʋ opcode4internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()QRegularExpressionǘ UTF-16 8ǐinvalid UTF-16 stringQRegularExpressionǘ UTF-32 8ǐinvalid UTF-32 stringQRegularExpressionǘ UTF-8 8ǐinvalid UTF-8 stringQRegularExpressionǘ pt (?(0)invalid condition (?(0)QRegularExpression,8ǐ t¤ ǘ ͜ ¤ LjL*invalid escape sequence in character classQRegularExpression$8ǐ t¤ ǘ  LjL invalid range in character classQRegularExpression&DXx ptt  8t D(lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthQRegularExpression"\P  \p ¤ ǘ(malformed \P or \p sequenceQRegularExpression*(?( L ǘ +ǐ tt 4"malformed number or name after (?(QRegularExpression) L missing )QRegularExpression ) Lmissing ) after commentQRegularExpression"\o L 첔 8 Lmissing opening brace after \oQRegularExpression$8ǐ t¤ ] ] 08 L)missing terminating ] for character classQRegularExpressionZ(*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), (*THEN)X tt 4 @:name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)QRegularExpression $X Lno errorQRegularExpressionL\x{} 16 8ǐ D t 4(범 8 D  LjL)2non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpressionL\o{} 8 +ǐ D t 4(범 8 D  LjL)4non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpression` m Lnothing to repeatQRegularExpression&(?C LX +ǐ 255 |number after (?C is > 255QRegularExpression+ǐ 4 |number is too bigQRegularExpression${} \ǐ X +ǐ 4 |number too big in {} quantifierQRegularExpression({} \ǐ X +ǐ  ǘ(%numbers out of order in {} quantifierQRegularExpression88 t \377 |(UTF-8 x)4octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)QRegularExpression8 Jt 4 JL!parentheses are too deeply nestedQRegularExpression&8 Jt 4 JL(¤ Ux)/parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)QRegularExpression&8ǐ t¤X  ,t JL%range out of order in character classQRegularExpression&Ǭ 8͜t 4\׈   LjL&recursive call could loop indefinitelyQRegularExpression tǬX J X (4 8p$reference to non-existent subpatternQRegularExpression \t 4 |regular expression is too largeQRegularExpression0DEFINE D t Ʃ`  L'repeating a DEFINE group is not allowedQRegularExpression,\ UTF $D ƩX JL*setting UTF is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionX (4 tt DƔhsubpattern name expectedQRegularExpression.X (4 tt 4 @(\ 32ǐ)3subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)QRegularExpression0\P, \p, \X t | JXL0support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiledQRegularExpression.X (4 t l8 $X(ȅǐ L)4syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)QRegularExpressionNƩ x PCRE PCRE_UCP D ͔X | JXL:this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP supportQRegularExpressionPƩ x PCRE PCRE_UTF8 D ͔X | JXL;this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 supportQRegularExpression4 @  8ptoo many forward referencesQRegularExpression:t Lj X (4t 4 L(\ 10000)*too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)QRegularExpression:P  tX tt Lj X (4X tt |h(two named subpatterns have the same nameQRegularExpression&L  Ʋ POSIX t¤ tunknown POSIX class nameQRegularExpression L  Ʋ 5X DҸ $(unknown option bit(s) setQRegularExpression8\P  \p L L  Ʋ 1 tt 4$unknown property name after \P or \pQRegularExpression8 JLunmatched parenthesesQRegularExpression.(?  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D $X  $X (%1)+Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1) QSslSocket}  $X : %1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocket2ǘp DŴ Lj T8T Ф ] (%1)!Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) QSslSocket D4 xɝ ɝ`  L!No certificates could be verified QSslSocket $X LNo error QSslSocket.CA xɝ  X tt ,t JL%One of the CA certificates is invalid QSslSocketDOpenSSL t 4 $(, \ v1.0.2 DƔh-OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2 QSslSocket.x Ф  Ф| xɝX JL, %1+Private key does not certify public key, %1 QSslSocketTLS/SSL t ȅ̴(&The TLS/SSL connection has been closed QSslSocket<basicConstraints \ 8t xǐ (D  L)The issuer certificate could not be found QSslSocket:\ >@ xɝX  ǐ xɝ| >D  LLThe issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found QSslSocket$ٸ xɝ ¤Ҹ h(#The peer certificate is blacklisted QSslSocket&ٸ !t xɝ| X JXL(The peer did not present any certificate QSslSocket$xɝX  Ф| }D  L3The public key in the certificate could not be read QSslSocket2Ҹ CA xɝ t <\ Ʃt p(AThe root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose QSslSocket4Ҹ CA xɝ| t <\ ะ`  L7The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose QSslSocket@xɝ ̴xX Ҹ xɝ ǐ Ȭ D  LKThe root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted QSslSocket xɝX t ,t JL+The signature of the certificate is invalid QSslSocket2\ xɝ| t <\ Ʃ`  L7The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose QSslSocket$pt0| 8T`  L: %1Unable to decrypt data: %1 QSslSocket.SSL M¤Ҹ| 0T`  L: %1Unable to init SSL Context: %1 QSslSocketpt0|  L: %1Unable to write data: %1 QSslSocketL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QSslSocketX J \Ѡ\unsupported protocol QSslSocket\ $Application ConfigurationQStandardPaths\ pt0Application DataQStandardPaths\ ApplicationsQStandardPathsΐCacheQStandardPaths$ ConfigurationQStandardPaths  TtDesktopQStandardPaths8 DocumentsQStandardPathsƴ\DownloadQStandardPaths4FontsQStandardPathsHHomeQStandardPathsTMoviesQStandardPathsLEMusicQStandardPathsPicturesQStandardPathsDŽRuntimeQStandardPaths ΐ Shared CacheQStandardPaths $Shared ConfigurationQStandardPaths pt0 Shared DataQStandardPathsDŽ  0Temporary DirectoryQStandardPaths0p 0] '%1' 0 ܬ L+Missing default state in history state '%1' QStateMachine*i '%1'X 0 ܬ L,Missing initial state in compound state '%1' QStateMachineB '%1' X м ѵ pt LGNo common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1' QStateMachineL  Ʋ $X Unknown error QStateMachine%1: t tǬh%1: already existsQSystemSemaphore%1: tǬX JL%1: does not existQSystemSemaphore%1: ǐ q%1: out of resourcesQSystemSemaphore%1: \t p(%1: permission deniedQSystemSemaphore %1: L  Ʋ $X %2%1: unknown error %2QSystemSemaphoreD  LUnable to open connection QTDSDriver pt0t¤| Ʃ`  LUnable to use database QTDSDriver|ʽ<\ ¤ld Scroll LeftQTabBar$xʽ<\ ¤ld Scroll RightQTabBar ǑD X JL$Operation on socket is not supported QTcpServer] D }D  LCould not read footerQTgaFile pt0| }D  LCould not read image dataQTgaFile*pt0| }0 X 0T`  LCould not reset to read dataQTgaFile0D }  ] <\ `  L#Could not seek to image read footerQTgaFile Ĭ ,t JLImage depth not validQTgaFile T| }D  LImage header read failedQTgaFile@ (D TrueVision 2.0)D X JL-Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supportedQTgaFile t д JLImage type not supportedQTgaFile QUndoModel ՉRedo QUndoStack%1 ՉRedo %1 QUndoStack Չ Undo QUndoStack%1 Չ Undo %1 QUndoStackFSI ̫ 8ǐ FSI First strong isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu T Ŵ 8ǐ Dž Insert Unicode control characterQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu&LRE |ʽ $xʽ DŽ) Ǒ$LRE Start of left-to-right embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRI |ʽ $xʽ LRI Left-to-right isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRM |ʽ $xʽ 08LRM Left-to-right markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu&LRO |ʽ $xʽ ǬX Ǒ#LRO Start of left-to-right overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuPDF Pop )ե PDF Pop directional formattingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuPDI )ե ]PDI Pop directional isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu&RLE $xʽ |ʽ DŽ) Ǒ$RLE Start of right-to-left embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLI $xʽ |ʽ RLI Right-to-left isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLM $xʽ |ʽ 08RLM Right-to-left markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu&RLO $xʽ |ʽ ǬX Ǒ#RLO Start of right-to-left overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWJ t 0x iǐZWJ Zero width joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWNJ t 0x DiǐZWNJ Zero width non-joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWSP t 0x 1ZWSP Zero width spaceQUnicodeControlCharacterMenut \ $ What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget (&C)&CopyQWidgetTextControl#0(&P)&PasteQWidgetTextControl Չ(&R)&RedoQWidgetTextControlՉ (&U)&UndoQWidgetTextControll (&L)Copy &Link LocationQWidgetTextControlǘ|0(&T)Cu&tQWidgetTextControlDeleteQWidgetTextControl P  Select AllQWidgetTextControl6direct2d xD ,  L$Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWindowsDirect2DIntegrationr¤\ $X Direct2D t 4 $ Ŵ direct2d xD ,  µȲ. t xX \ ő@ Windows 7 SP1  ųptҸ $XDžȲ. DƔ\ \ Direct2D @ %1.%2.%3.%4tp, t ¤\X Direct2D @ %5.%6.%7.%8DžȲ.-Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update. The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.QWindowsDirect2DIntegration D(&F)&FinishQWizard(&H)&HelpQWizard L(&N)&NextQWizardL (&N) >&Next >QWizard< \(&B)< &BackQWizardCancelQWizard CommitQWizardContinueQWizardDDoneQWizard \ 0Go BackQWizardHelpQWizard@XML ŸD }  xT)t Ź 8 Ÿt DƔhYencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXml*x M¤Ҹ Ÿ $X LjL3error in the text declaration of an external entityQXml D ̘X  $X $error occurred while parsing commentQXml ƩD ̘X  $X $error occurred while parsing contentQXml,8  X| ̘X  $X 5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXml | ̘X  $X $error occurred while parsing elementQXml 8p| ̘X  $X &error occurred while parsing referenceQXmlƩǐ $X| дerror triggered by consumerQXmlDDTD x ̘\ | 8p| Ʃ`  L;external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXmlF1 в x ̘\ | 8p| Ʃ`  LGexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute valueQXml8DTD | 8p| Ʃ`  L4internal general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXmlǘ tt ̘ )'invalid name for processing instructionQXmlǐ DƔhletter is expectedQXml&X tX 8  X LjL&more than one document type definitionQXml $X Lno error occurredQXmlǬ recursive entitiesQXml4XML ŸD }  Ź 8 Ÿt DƔhAstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlܭ |XX JL tag mismatchQXmlX \ ǐunexpected characterQXmlX \ |X ]unexpected end of fileQXml8ǘ M¤Ҹ ̘ J@ 8p LjL*unparsed entity reference in wrong contextQXml(XML ŸD }  t DƔh2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXml Ź 8 ŸX t ǘ(&wrong value for standalone declarationQXml2%1@() ǘ PUBLIC ݼǐDžȲ.#%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. QXmlStream,xT) t %1t() ǘµȲ.%1 is an invalid encoding name. QXmlStream.%1@() ǘ ̘ ) tDžȲ.-%1 is an invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream, D( @ ' , but got ' QXmlStream*1 '%1't() ǬXµȲ.Attribute '%1' redefined. QXmlStream(xT) %1@() д JµȲEncoding %1 is unsupported QXmlStream(ǘ xT) ƩD XµȲ.(Encountered incorrectly encoded content. QXmlStream0 '%1't() Ÿ JXµȲ.Entity '%1' not declared. QXmlStreamLD Ո Expected  QXmlStream&X \ 8ǐ pt0DžȲ.Expected character data. QXmlStream$8X ] Ʃt T LjµȲ.!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStream&$DŽ¤Әt¤ Ÿt ǘµȲ.Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStream XML ǐ ǘµȲ.Invalid XML character. QXmlStream XML tt ǘµȲ.Invalid XML name. QXmlStream(XML  8ǐt ǘµȲ.Invalid XML version string. QXmlStream*XML Ÿ 1t ǘµȲ.%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStreamǘ 8ǐ 8pDžȲ.Invalid character reference. QXmlStream8 ǘµȲ.Invalid document. QXmlStream t ǘµȲ.Invalid entity value. QXmlStream ǘ ̘ ) tDžȲ.$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream.xǐ Ÿ NDATA LjµȲ.&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStream8$DŽ¤Әt¤ P '%1't() Ÿ JXL"Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStream0첔 ܭ@ 범 ܭ |XX JµȲ. Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStream&8 DX X ]µȲ.Premature end of document. QXmlStream"Ǭ µȲ.Recursive entity detected. QXmlStreamB1  x '%1'D(|) 8pX LjµȲ.5Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. QXmlStream6̘ J@ '%1'D(|) 8iȲ."Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. QXmlStream0Ʃ 8ǐ ']]>' ,  µȲ.&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStreamBStandaloneв yes no `  LjµȲ."Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStreamǑ ܭ DƔiȲ.Start tag expected. QXmlStreamBstandalone X 1@ xT) L @| iȲ.?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStreamX \ ' Unexpected ' QXmlStreamH ID 0 X \ 8ǐ '%1't() LjµȲ./Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStream$X J XML DžȲ.Unsupported XML version. QXmlStream(XML Ÿt 8 Ǒ µȲ.)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStreamH"%1.%2"@() l1 Ɣ  L8 Ʃ`  µȲ.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.SignalHandlerConverterD"%1.%2"@() %3 %4.%5 Ʃ`  µȲ.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.SignalHandlerConverterFD ܭ `  L (¤lҸ Չ D h)@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)SignalHandlerConverterǘ  ܭ `'Incorrectly specified signal assignmentSignalHandlerConvertertǬX J ̨ ̴Non-existent attached objectSignalHandlerConverter8ܭ xǐ "%1"t()  | (AȲ.,Signal parameter "%1" hides global variable.SignalHandlerConverterBܭX t Ʋ xǐ L t Lj xǐ LjµȲ.:Signal uses unnamed parameter followed by named parameter.SignalHandlerConverter2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"SignalTransition6SignalTransition: ¤lҸ DƔh!SignalTransition: script expectedSignalTransition&\ ܭt tǬX JµȲ. Specified signal does not exist.SignalTransitionR8 '%3'  '%4' %1 '%2'D(|) $X`  L>Cannot install %1 '%2' into protected module '%3' version '%4'qmlRegisterTypeJ8 $DŽ¤Әt¤ '%3' %1 '%2'D(|) $X`  L4Cannot install %1 '%2' into protected namespace '%3'qmlRegisterTypeR] J@ $DŽ¤Әt¤ '%3' %1 '%2'D(|) $X`  L7Cannot install %1 '%2' into unregistered namespace '%3'qmlRegisterType$ǘ QML %1 t "%2"Invalid QML %1 name "%2"qmlRegisterType