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About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

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Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

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Unable to find id "%1"QQmlAnonymousComponentResolverf5?@028;=> <5AB>?>;>65=85 =0 F5;B0 =0 ?A524>=8<: %1!Invalid alias target location: %1QQmlAnonymousComponentResolver\5?@028;=0 A?5F8D8:0F8O =0 BO;>B> =0 :><?>=5=B$Invalid component body specificationQQmlAnonymousComponentResolver:45=B8D8:0B>@JB =5 5 C=8:0;5=id is not uniqueQQmlAnonymousComponentResolver(G0:20 A5 8<5 =0 B8?Expected type nameQQmlCodeGenerator45=B8D8:0B>@JB =5?@02><5@=> A:@820 3;>10;=> A2>9AB2> =0 JavaScript-ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQQmlCodeGeneratorf45=B8D8:0B>@8B5 =5 <>65 40 70?>G20B A 3;02=0 1C:20)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQQmlCodeGenerator45=B8D8:0B>@8B5 <>30B 40 AJ4J@60B A0<> 1C:28, F8D@8 8 4>;=8 G5@B87IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQQmlCodeGeneratorv45=B8D8:0B>@8B5 B@O120 40 70?>G20B A 1C:20 8;8 4>;=0 G5@B0*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQQmlCodeGenerator45?@028;=> 8<5 =0 A2>9AB2>Illegal property nameQQmlCodeGenerator05?@028;=> 8<5 =0 A83=0;Illegal signal nameQQmlCodeGeneratorL5?@028;=> <5AB>?>;>65=85 =0 ?@5?@0B:0Invalid alias locationQQmlCodeGenerator5?@028;=0 ?@5?@0B:0 :J< ?A524>=8<. @5?@0B:0B0 B@O120 40 1J45 >?8A0=0 ?> 548= >B A;54=8B5 =0G8=8: <845=B8D8:0B>@>, <845=B8D8:0B>@>.<A2>9AB2>> 8;8 <845=B8D8:0B>@>.<A2>9AB2> =0 AB>9=>AB>.<A2>9AB2>>zInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QQmlCodeGeneratorj5?@028;=0 A?5F8D8:0F8O =0 845=B8D8:0B>@ =0 :><?>=5=B"Invalid component id specificationQQmlCodeGeneratorL45=B8D8:0B>@JB =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@075=Invalid empty IDQQmlCodeGeneratorL5?@028;=0 C?>B@510 =0 A2>9AB2>B> id Invalid use of id propertyQQmlCodeGenerator^8?A20 <5AB>?>;>65=85 70 ?A524>=8<0 =0 A2>9AB2>No property alias locationQQmlCodeGeneratord!B>9=>ABB0 =0 A2>9AB2> 5 704045=0 ?>25G5 >B 254=J6!Property value set multiple timesQQmlCodeGeneratorn<5=0B0 =0 A83=0;8B5 =5 <>65 40 70?>G20B A 3;02=0 1C:203Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGenerator:4@5AJB =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@05=Invalid empty URL QQmlComponentT15:BJB 5 C=8I>65= ?> 2@5<5 =0 8=:C10F8OB0"Object destroyed during incubation QQmlComponentFcreateObject: AB>9=>ABB0 =5 5 >15:B$createObject: value is not an object QQmlComponent52J7<>6=> 5 40 A5 704045 AB>9=>AB =0 =5AJI5AB2C20I> A2>9AB2>: %1 +Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQmlConnectionsT@J7:8: 2;030=5B> =0 >15:B8 =5 5 ?>72>;5=>'Connections: nested objects not allowedQQmlConnections0@J7:8: >G0:20 A5 A:@8?BConnections: script expectedQQmlConnections4@J7:8: A8=B0:B8G=0 3@5H:0Connections: syntax errorQQmlConnections. block  :0@0 ?@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 8 =O:>8 CA;C38 40 G0:0B :;85=B0 40 A5 A2J@65 8 ?>43>B28, ?@548 40 A5 87?J;=8 ?J@28OB 42830B5; 70 QML.{"block" makes the debugger and some services wait for clients to be connected and ready before the first QML engine starts.QQmlDebugServerImpl file:  <>65 40 A5 87?>;720 70 ?>A>G20=5 =0 8<5B> =0 D09;, :J< :>9B> ?@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 40 A5 >?8B0 40 A5 A2J@65, 87?>;7209:8 QLocalSocket . :> A5 87?>;720 file: , B> 0@3C<5=B8B5 host:  8 port:  I5 1J40B ?@5=51@53=0B8."file:" can be used to specify the name of a file the debugger will try to connect to using a QLocalSocket. If "file:" is given any "host:" and"port:" arguments will be ignored.QQmlDebugServerImpl~ host:  8 port:  <>65 40 A5 87?>;720B 70 ?>A>G20=5 =0 04@5A 8 ?>@B (8;8 480?07>= >B ?>@B>25), :J< :>9B>/:>8B> ?@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 40 A5 >?8B0 40 A5 A2J@65 G@57 QTcpServer ."host:" and "port:" can be used to specify an address and a single port or a range of ports the debugger will try to bind to with a QTcpServer.QQmlDebugServerImplx services:  <>65 40 A5 87?>;720 70 ?>A>G20=5 =0 B>20 :>8 CA;C38 70 70@548 ?@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8. O:>8 CA;C38 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 @01>BOB 7;5 A 4@C38. @>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 =0 V4 =5 B@O120 40 A5 87?>;720 7054=> A B078 70 ?@>D8;8@0=5 =0 QML, BJ9 :0B> B>20 I5 ?@8=C48 42830B5;8B5 =0 V4 40 87?>;720B 8=B5@?@5B0B>@0 =0 JavaScript, 2<5AB> JIT. !;54=8B5 CA;C38 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 A0 =0;8G=8 ?> ?>4@0718@0=5:P"services:" can be used to specify which debug services the debugger should load. Some debug services interact badly with others. The V4 debugger should not be loaded when using the QML profiler as it will force any V4 engines to use the JavaScript interpreter rather than the JIT. The following debug services are available by default:QQmlDebugServerImpl>72>;O20 =0 :;85=B0 40 701028 AB0@B8@0=5B> 8 A?8@0=5B> =0 2830B5;8B5 70 QML, 4>:0B> 4@C38B5 CA;C38 =5 AB0=0B 3>B>28. QtCreator 87?>;720 B078 CA;C30 7054=> A ?@>D8;8@0I0B0 ?@>3@0<0 =0 QML, 70 40 ?@>D8;8@0 <=>65AB2> 42830B5;8 70 QML 54=>2@5<5==>.Allows the client to delay the starting and stopping of QML engines until other services are ready. QtCreator uses this service with the QML profiler in order to profile multiple QML engines at the same time.QQmlDebugServerImpl@C38 CA;C38, ?@54;030=8 >B ?@8AB02:8B5 =0 qmltooling , :>8B> @50;878@0B QQmlDebugServiceFactory  8 :>8B> <>30B 40 1J40B >B:@8B8 2 AB0=40@B=8B5 ?JB8I0 70 ?@8AB02:8, AJI> I5 1J40B =0;8G=8 8 I5 <>30B 40 1J40B 871@0=8. :> 0@3C<5=BJB services  =5 5 704045=, I5 1J40B 70@545=8 2A8G:8 CA;C38, :>8B> 1J40B =0<5@5=8 ?> B>78 =0G8=, 2:;NG8B5;=> B578 ?> ?>4@0718@0=5.Other services offered by qmltooling plugins that implement QQmlDebugServiceFactory and which can be found in the standard plugin paths will also be available and can be specified. If no "services" argument is given, all services found this way, including the default ones, are loaded.QQmlDebugServerImplBAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 2 QML: @5=51@5320=5 =0 -qmljsdebugger=%1 .+QML Debugger: Ignoring "-qmljsdebugger=%1".QQmlDebugServerImplBAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 2 QML: 0A5G5= 5 =5?@028;5= 0@3C<5=B: %1 . ">9 I5 1J45 ?@5=51@53=0B.@QML Debugger: Invalid argument "%1" detected. Ignoring the same.QQmlDebugServerImpl7?@0I0 qDebug() 8 4@C38 ?>4>1=8 AJ>1I5=8O ?@57 2@J7:0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 2 QML. QtCreator 87?>;720 B>20 70 40 ?>:0720 AJ>1I5=8O 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 A AJ>B25B=0B0 :>=7>;0.Sends qDebug() and similar messages over the QML debug connection. QtCreator uses this for showing debug messages in the debugger console.QQmlDebugServerImplT@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 2 QMLThe QML debuggerQQmlDebugServerImpl$=A?5:B>@JB =0 QMLThe QML inspectorQQmlDebugServerImpl:@>D8;8@0I0B0 ?@>3@0<0 =0 QMLThe QML profilerQQmlDebugServerImplT@>3@0<0B0 70 >BAB@0=O20=5 =0 3@5H:8 =0 V4The V4 debuggerQQmlDebugServerImpl @028;=8OB D>@<0B 5: -qmljsdebugger=[file:<$>|port:<'_ ">][,< _ ">][,host:<IP_ !>][,block][,services:<#!#>][,<#!#>]* The format is "-qmljsdebugger=[file:|port:][,][,host:][,block][,services:][,]*"QQmlDebugServerImpl5;530BJB =0 DelegateModel  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@><5=5= 2 onUpdated .CThe delegate of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onUpdated.QQmlDelegateModel@C?0B0 =0 DelegateModel  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@><5=5=0 2 onChanged ?The group of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onChangedQQmlDelegateModel0:A8<0;=8OB 1@>9 ?>44J@60=8 3@C?8 >B 2840 DelegateModelGroups  5 88The maximum number of supported DelegateModelGroups is 8QQmlDelegateModelf<5=0B0 =0 3@C?8B5 B@O120 40 70?>G20B A <0;:0 1C:20/Group names must start with a lower case letterQQmlDelegateModelGroup^addGroups: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;addGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup4addGroups: =5?@028;5= 1@>9addGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupXcreate: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;create: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupRget: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;get: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupXinsert: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;insert: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupbmove: 8=45:AJB from  5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;move: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup*move: =5?@028;5= 1@>9move: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupDmove: 8=45:AJB from  5 =5?@028;5=move: invalid from indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup@move: 8=45:AJB to  5 =5?@028;5=move: invalid to indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup^move: 8=45:AJB to  5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;move: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupXremove: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;remove: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup.remove: =5?@028;5= 1@>9remove: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup2remove: =5?@028;5= 8=45:Aremove: invalid indexQQmlDelegateModelGroupdremoveGroups: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20; removeGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup:removeGroups: =5?@028;5= 1@>9removeGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupJresolve: 8=45:AJB from  5 =5?@028;5=resolve: from index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGrouphresolve: 8=45:AJB from  5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20; resolve: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupJresolve: from  =5 5 =5>B:@8B 5;5<5=B'resolve: from is not an unresolved itemQQmlDelegateModelGroupFresolve: 8=45:AJB to  5 =5?@028;5=resolve: to index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGroupdresolve: 8=45:AJB to  5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;resolve: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupFresolve: to  =5 5 5;5<5=B =0 <>45;resolve: to is not a model itemQQmlDelegateModelGroup^setGroups: 8=45:AJB 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20;setGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup4setGroups: =5?@028;5= 1@>9setGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup>:0;870F8OB0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 8=8F80;878@0=0. 7?>;7209B5 Qt.locale()/Locale cannot be instantiated. Use Qt.locale() QQmlEngine2"@0=A0:F8O A0<> 70 G5B5=5Read-only Transaction QQmlEngineH"@0=A0:F8OB0 G@57 SQL 15H5 =5CA?5H=0SQL transaction failed QQmlEngineSQL: 1070B0 40==8 =5 <>65 40 1J45 AJ74045=0  AJE@0=5=85B> 872J= ;8=8O 5 87:;NG5=>.8SQL: can't create database, offline storage is disabled. QQmlEngine`SQL: =5AJ>B25BAB285 2J2 25@A8OB0 =0 1070B0 40==8SQL: database version mismatch QQmlEngine@8 C=8I>6020=5B> =0 42830B5;O 8<0 %1  5;5<5=B0, :>8B> 2A5 >I5 A0 2 ?@>F5A =0 AJ74020=5.QThere are still "%1" items in the process of being created at engine destruction. 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Item Delegate must be of Item typeQQuickItemViewD ItemView  5 01AB@0:B5= 107>2 :;0A"ItemView is an abstract base classQQuickItemViewn KeyNavigation  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> ?@57 ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB207KeyNavigation is only available via attached propertiesQQuickKeyNavigationAttached\ Keys  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> ?@57 ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB20.Keys is only available via attached propertiesQQuickKeysAttached@8:0G5=>B> A2>9AB2> LayoutDirection  @01>B8 A0<> A B8?>25B5 Item  8 Window CLayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and WindowsQQuickLayoutMirroringAttachedr LayoutMirroring  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> ?@57 ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB209LayoutMirroring is only available via attached propertiesQQuickLayoutMirroringAttached@setSource: AB>9=>ABB0 =5 5 >15:B!setSource: value is not an object QQuickLoaderp MouseEvent  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> 2 >1@01>BG8F8 2 MouseArea 9MouseEvent is only available within handlers in MouseAreaQQuickMouseEventh OpenGLInfo  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> ?@57 ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB204OpenGLInfo is only available via attached propertiesQQuickOpenGLInfo!J74020=5B> =0 >15:B >B 01AB@0:B=8O :;0A PaintedItem  5 =52J7<>6=>4Cannot create instance of abstract class PaintedItemQQuickPaintedItemzJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 A;>6=0 B@0=AD>@<0F8O5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentAnimationJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 =5@02=><5@=> <0I018@0=55Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentAnimationnJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 A :>5D8F85=B 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentAnimationzJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 A;>6=0 B@0=AD>@<0F8O5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentChangeJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 =5@02=><5@=> <0I018@0=55Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentChangenJ=H=8OB 284 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70?075= ?@8 A :>5D8F85=B 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentChangeP5 <>65 40 A5 704045 ?@>4J;68B5;=>AB < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPathAnimationL5;530BJB B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? Item Delegate must be of Item typeQQuickPathViewP5 <>65 40 A5 704045 ?@>4J;68B5;=>AB < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPauseAnimation6B20@O=5B> 5 =52J7<>6=>: %1Cannot open: %1 QQuickPixmap@@5H:0 ?@8 45H8D@8@0=5B>: %1: %2Error decoding: %1: %2 QQuickPixmapp7>1@065=85B> =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?>;CG5=> >B 4>AB02G8:0: %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1 QQuickPixmapj"5:ABC@0B0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?>;CG5=> >B 4>AB02G8:0: %1'Failed to get texture from provider: %1 QQuickPixmapN5?@028;5= 4>AB02G8: =0 87>1@065=85: %1Invalid image provider: %1 QQuickPixmapP5 <>65 40 A5 704045 ?@>4J;68B5;=>AB < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPropertyAnimation52J7<>6=> 5 40 A5 704045 AB>9=>AB =0 =5AJI5AB2C20I> A2>9AB2>: %1 +Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQuickPropertyChanges52J7<>6=> 5 40 A5 704045 AB>9=>AB =0 A2>9AB2>B>: %1 , 4>ABJ?=> A0<> 70 G5B5=5(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QQuickPropertyChanges PropertyChanges  =5 ?>44J@60 AJ74020=5B> =0 >15:B8, A?5F8D8G=8 70 AJAB>O=85B>.APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QQuickPropertyChangesL5;530BJB B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? Item Delegate must be of Item typeQQuickRepeater!J74020=5B> =0 >15:B >B 01AB@0:B=8O :;0A ShaderEffectMesh  5 =52J7<>6=>.:Cannot create instance of abstract class ShaderEffectMesh.QQuickShaderEffectMesht %1  =5 ?>44J@60 70@5640=5 =0 =52848<8 45;530B8 =0 :C@A>@.8%1 does not support loading non-visual cursor delegates.QQuickTextUtilX5;530BJB =0 :C@A>@0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 70@545=Could not load cursor delegateQQuickTextUtilp ViewTransition  5 4>ABJ?=> A0<> ?@57 ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB208ViewTransition is only available via attached propertiesQQuickViewTransitionAttachedj5 <>65 40 1J45 AJ74045= :>=B5:AB 70 %1 70 D>@<0B0 %2)Failed to create %1 context for format %2 QQuickWindow5 <>65 40 1J45 AJ74045= :>=B5:AB 70 %1 70 D>@<0B0 %2. 09-25@>OB=0B0 ?@8G8=0 70 B>20 5 ;8?A0B0 =0 =C6=8O 4@0925@ 70 2845> :0@B0B0. =AB0;8@09B5 4@0925@, >A83C@O20I ?>44@J6:0 =0 OpenGL 25@A8O 2.0 8;8 ?>-=>20, 8;8, 0:> B>20 =5 5 2J7<>6=>, C25@5B5 A5 G5 181;8>B5:8B5 70 A8<C;0F8O =0 Open GL ES 2.0 =0 ANGLE (%3, %4 8 d3dcompiler_*.dll) A0 =0;8G=8 2 ?0?:0B0 A 87?J;=8<8O D09; =0 ?@8;>65=85B> 8;8 =0 <OAB>, :>5B> 5 2:;NG5=> 2 ?@><5=;820B0 =0 A@540B0 PATH .{Failed to create %1 context for format %2. This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed. Install a driver providing OpenGL 2.0 or higher, or, if this is not possible, make sure the ANGLE Open GL ES 2.0 emulation libraries (%3, %4 and d3dcompiler_*.dll) are available in the application executable's directory or in a location listed in PATH. QQuickWindowf!2>9AB20B0 visible  8 visibility  A0 =5AJ2<5AB8<81Conflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility'QQuickWindowQmlImpl!2>9AB20B0 visible  8 visibility  =0 ?@>7>@5F0 %1  A0 =5AJ2<5AB8<8AConflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility' for Window '%1'QQuickWindowQmlImplr %1  ?>2B0@O 8<5B> =0 ?@54E>4=0 @>;O 8 I5 1J45 87:;NG5=>.:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QQuickXmlListModel.5?@028;=0 70O2:0: %1 invalid query: "%1"QQuickXmlListModelX0O2:0 70 XmlRole  =5 <>65 40 70?>G20 A / (An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QQuickXmlListModelRoler0O2:0 70 XmlListModel  B@O120 40 70?>G20 A /  8;8 // 1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QQuickXmlRoleListB3@5H5= A8=B0:A8A 70 A8<2>;5= :;0Abad char class syntaxQRegExpJ3@5H5= A8=B0:A8A 70 ?>3;5640=5 =0?@54bad lookahead syntaxQRegExp<3@5H5= A8=B0:A8A 70 ?>2B>@5=85bad repetition syntaxQRegExpJ87?>;720=0 5 87:;NG5=0 DC=:F8>=0;=>ABdisabled feature usedQRegExp 3@5H=0 :0B53>@8Oinvalid categoryQRegExp3@5H5= 8=B5@20;invalid intervalQRegExp.3@5H=0 >A<8G=0 AB>9=>ABinvalid octal valueQRegExpb?>3;5640=5B> =0704 =5 A5 ?>44J@60, 26. 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