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=07=0G5=8O: %1 Cannot open destination file: %1QFileB5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL 4;O 2K2>40: %1Cannot open for output: %1QFile@52>7<>6=> C40;8BL 8AE>4=K9 D09;Cannot remove source fileQFile$09; ACI5AB2C5BDestination file existsQFileX$09; =07=0G5=8O A>2?0405B A 8AE>4=K< D09;><."Destination file is the same file.QFile2H81:0 ?5@58<5=>20=8O: %1Error while renaming: %1QFile"!1>9 70?8A8 1;>:0Failure to write blockQFile4AE>4=K9 D09; >BACBAB2C5B.Source file does not exist.QFileB5 C40;>AL 2>AAB0=>28BL 87 %1: %2Unable to restore from %1: %2QFile>A;54>20B5;L=K9 D09; =5 1C45B ?5@58<5=>20= A 8A?>;L7>20=85< ?>1;>G=>3> :>?8@>20=8O0Will not rename sequential file using block copyQFile4$09;>2K9 4286>: =54>ABC?5=No file engine available QFileDevicet5B D09;>2>3> 4286:0 8;8 >= =5 ?>445@68205B UnMapExtensionBNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension QFileDevice%1 0B0;>3 =5 =0945=. @>25@LB5 ?@028;L=>ABL C:070==>3> 8<5=8 :0B0;>30.K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog%1 $09; =5 =0945=. @>25@LB5 ?@028;L=>ABL C:070==>3> 8<5=8 D09;0.A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog$09; %1%1 File QFileDialog@%1 C65 ACI5AB2C5B. 0<5=8BL 53>?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog&K1@0BL&Choose QFileDialog&#40;8BL&Delete QFileDialog&>20O ?0?:0 &New Folder QFileDialog&B:@KBL&Open QFileDialog&5@58<5=>20BL&Rename QFileDialog&!>E@0=8BL&Save QFileDialog\%1 70I8IQ= >B 70?8A8. 59AB28B5;L=> C40;8BL?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogA524>=8<Alias QFileDialogA5 D09;K (*) All Files (*) QFileDialogA5 D09;K (*) All files (*) QFileDialogAlt+LeftAlt+Left QFileDialogAlt+Right Alt+Right QFileDialog Alt+UpAlt+Up QFileDialog659AB28B5;L=> C40;8BL %1?%Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? 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About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.</p><p>Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt&nbsp;applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>]

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.

Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.

Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.

Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.

Please see %2 for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.

Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.

Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox QtAbout Qt QMessageBox*!:@KBL ?>4@>1=>AB8...Hide Details... QMessageBox.>:070BL ?>4@>1=>AB8...Show Details... 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QPrintWidget $>@<0Form QPrintWidget 0A?>;>65=85: Location: QPrintWidgetK2>4 2 &D09;: Output &file: QPrintWidget!&2>9AB20 P&roperties QPrintWidget@>A<>B@Preview QPrintWidget@8=B5@Printer QPrintWidget"8?:Type: QPrintWidgetf5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL ?5@5=0?@02;5=85 22>40 4;O GB5=8O,Could not open input redirection for readingQProcessh5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL ?5@5=0?@02;5=85 2K2>40 4;O 70?8A8-Could not open output redirection for writingQProcessFH81:0 ?>;CG5=8O 40==KE >B ?@>F5AA0Error reading from processQProcess>H81:0 >B?@02:8 40==KE ?@>F5AACError writing to processQProcess(@>3@0<<0 =5 C:070=0No program definedQProcess8@>F5AA 7025@H8;AO A >H81:>9Process crashedQProcess85 C40;>AL 70?CAB8BL ?@>F5AAProcess failed to startQProcess@5 C40;>AL 70?CAB8BL ?@>F5AA: %1Process failed to start: %1QProcessJ@5<O =0 >?5@0F8N A ?@>F5AA>< 8AB5:;>Process operation timed outQProcessRH81:0 2K45;5=8O @5AC@A>2 (A1>9 fork): %1!Resource error (fork failure): %1QProcessB<5=8BLCancelQProgressDialog`52>7<>6=> A>740BL ?CABCN A?5F8D8:0FN :><?>=5=B0+Cannot create empty component specificationQQmlAnonymousComponentResolverR1=0@C65= ?A524>=8< A F8:;8G5A:>9 AAK;:>9!Circular alias reference detectedQQmlAnonymousComponentResolverl-;5<5=BK Component =5 <>3CB A>45@60BL A2>9AB2 :@><5 id;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQQmlAnonymousComponentResolverf1J5:BK Component =5 <>3CB >1JO2;OBL =>2K5 DC=:F88./Component objects cannot declare new functions.QQmlAnonymousComponentResolverh1J5:BK Component =5 <>3CB >1JO2;OBL =>2K5 A2>9AB20.0Component objects cannot declare new properties.QQmlAnonymousComponentResolverf1J5:BK Component =5 <>3CB >1JO2;OBL =>2K5 A83=0;K.-Component objects cannot declare new signals.QQmlAnonymousComponentResolvert5:>@@5:B=0O AAK;:0 =0 ?A524>=8<. 5 C40;>AL =09B8 id %1/Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"QQmlAnonymousComponentResolverV5:>@@5:B=>5 @07<5I5=85 F5;8 ?A524>=8<0: %1!Invalid alias target location: %1QQmlAnonymousComponentResolverR5:>@@5:B=0O A?5F8D8:0F8O B5;0 :><?>=5=B0$Invalid component body specificationQQmlAnonymousComponentResolverid =5 C=8:0;5=id is not uniqueQQmlAnonymousComponentResolver2C1;8@>20=85 8<5=8 <5B>40Duplicate method nameQQmlCodeGeneratorl<5=0 ?5@5G8A;5=89 4>;6=K =0G8=0BLAO A 703;02=>9 1C:2K/Enum names must begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGeneratorN=0G5=85 ?5@5G8A;5=8O 4>;6=> 1KBL F5;K<Enum value must be an integerQQmlCodeGeneratorF=0G5=85 ?5@5G8A;5=8O 2=5 480?07>=0Enum value out of rangeQQmlCodeGenerator.68405BAO =0720=85 B8?0Expected type nameQQmlCodeGenerator54>?CAB8<>, GB>1K 845=B8D8:0B>@ <0A:8@>20; 3;>10;L=>5 A2>9AB2> JavaScript-ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQQmlCodeGeneratorh45=B8D8:0B>@K =5 <>3CB =0G8=0BLAO A 703;02=>9 1C:2K)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQQmlCodeGenerator45=B8D8:0B>@K 4>;6=K A>45@60BL B>;L:> 1C:2K, F8D@K 8 ?>4GQ@:820=8O7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQQmlCodeGeneratort45=B8D8:0B>@K 4>;6=K =0G8=0BLAO A 1C:2K 8;8 ?>4GQ@:820=8O*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQQmlCodeGenerator.54>?CAB8<>5 8<O <5B>40Illegal method nameQQmlCodeGenerator254>?CAB8<>5 8<O A2>9AB20Illegal property nameQQmlCodeGenerator054>?CAB8<>5 8<O A83=0;0Illegal signal nameQQmlCodeGenerator<525@=>5 @07<5I5=85 ?A524>=8<0Invalid alias locationQQmlCodeGenerator5:>@@5:B=0O AAK;:0 =0 ?A524>=8<. !AK;:0 =0 ?A524>=8< 4>;6=0 1KBL C:070=0, :0: <id>, <id>.<A2>9AB2>> 8;8 <id>.<A2>9AB2> 7=0G5=8O>.<A2>9AB2>>zInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QQmlCodeGeneratorf5:>@@5:B=0O A?5F8D8:0F8O 845=B8D8:0B>@0 :><?>=5=B0"Invalid component id specificationQQmlCodeGenerator>CAB>9 845=B8D8:0B>@ =54>?CAB8<Invalid empty IDQQmlCodeGeneratorL5:>@@5:B=>5 8A?>;L7>20=85 A2>9AB20 idInvalid use of id propertyQQmlCodeGeneratorf<5=0 <5B>4>2 =5 <>3CB =0G8=0BLAO A 703;02=>9 1C:2K3Method names cannot begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGeneratorTBACBAB2C5B @07<5I5=85 ?A524>=8<0 A2>9AB20No property alias locationQQmlCodeGeneratorL=0G5=85 A2>9AB20 7040=> =5A:>;L:> @07!Property value set multiple timesQQmlCodeGeneratorl<5=0 ?5@5G8A;5=89 4>;6=K =0G8=0BLAO A 703;02=>9 1C:2K6Scoped enum names must begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGeneratorh<5=0 A83=0;>2 =5 <>3CB =0G8=0BLAO A 703;02=>9 1C:2K3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQQmlCodeGenerator*CAB>9 URL =54>?CAB8<Invalid empty URL QQmlComponent`1J5:B 8;8 :>=B5:AB C=8GB>65= 2> 2@5<O 8=:C10F88-Object or context destroyed during incubation QQmlComponentVcreateObject: 7=0G5=85 =5 O2;O5BAO >1J5:B><$createObject: value is not an object QQmlComponentd52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL =5ACI5AB2CNI5<C A2>9AB2C %1+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQmlConnectionsT>4:;NG5=8O: 2;>65==K5 >1J5:BK =54>?CAB8<K'Connections: nested objects not allowedQQmlConnections>>4:;NG5=8O: >68405BAO AF5=0@89Connections: script expectedQQmlConnectionsD>4:;NG5=8O: A8=B0:A8G5A:0O >H81:0Connections: syntax errorQQmlConnections&$C=:F8O %1 CAB0@5;0 2 M;5<5=B5 Connections. 5@>OB=>, >= ?@54=07=0G5= 4;O >1@01>B:8 A83=0;>2, => =8 >48= 87 A83=0;>2 F5;8 =5 A>>B25BAB2C5B 8<5=8.Detected function "%1" in Connections element. This is probably intended to be a signal handler but no signal of the target matches the name.QQmlConnections/2=>5 >?@545;5=85 A2>9AB2 onFoo 2 Connections CAB0@5;>. A?>;L7C9B5 A;54CNICN D>@<C: function onFoo(<?0@0<5B@K>) { ... }Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo() { ... }QQmlConnectionsblock 70AB02;O5B >B;04G8: 8 =5:>B>@K5 A5@28AK 640BL ?>4:;NG5=8O 8 3>B>2=>AB8 :;85=B>2 ?5@54 ?5@2K< 70?CA:>< 4286:0 QML.{"block" makes the debugger and some services wait for clients to be connected and ready before the first QML engine starts.QQmlDebugServerImplfile: <>65B 8A?>;L7>20BLAO 4;O C:070=8O 8<5=8 D09;0, : :>B>@><C >B;04G8: ?>?KB05BAO ?>4:;NG8BLAO A ?><>ILN QLocalSocket. A;8 ?5@540= ?0@0<5B@ file:, B> host: 8 port: 1C4CB ?@>83=>@8@>20=K."file:" can be used to specify the name of a file the debugger will try to connect to using a QLocalSocket. If "file:" is given any "host:" and"port:" arguments will be ignored.QQmlDebugServerImpl*host: 8 port: <>3CB 8A?>;L7>20BLAO 4;O 7040=8O 04@5A0 8 >4=>3> 8;8 480?07>=0 ?>@B>2, : :>B>@K< >B;04G8: ?>?KB05BAO ?>4:;NG8BLAO G5@57 QTcpServer."host:" and "port:" can be used to specify an address and a single port or a range of ports the debugger will try to bind to with a QTcpServer.QQmlDebugServerImplrservices: 8A?>;L7C5BAO 4;O 7040=8O A?8A:0 >B;04>G=KE A5@28A>2, 703@C605<KE >B;04G8:><. 5:>B>@K5 87 =8E <>3CB :>=D;8:B>20BL A 4@C38<8. B;04G8: V4 =5 4>;65= 703@C60BLAO ?@8 8A?>;L7>20=88 ?@>D09;5@0 QML, B0: :0: ?>A;54=89 >B:;NG05B JIT 2 ?>;L7C 8=B5@?@5B0B>@0 JavaScript. !;54CNI85 A5@28AK 4>ABC?=K ?> C<>;G0=8N:P"services:" can be used to specify which debug services the debugger should load. Some debug services interact badly with others. The V4 debugger should not be loaded when using the QML profiler as it will force any V4 engines to use the JavaScript interpreter rather than the JIT. The following debug services are available by default:QQmlDebugServerImpl>72>;O5B :;85=B0< 7045@6820BL 70?CA: 8 >AB0=>2:C 4286:>2 QML, ?>:0 >AB0;L=K5 A5@28AK =5 1C4CB 3>B>2K. QtCreator 8A?>;L7C5B MB>B A5@28A A>2<5AB=> A ?@>D09;5@>< QML 4;O >4=>2@5<5==>3> ?@>D8;8@>20=8O =5A:>;L:8E 4286:>2 QML.Allows the client to delay the starting and stopping of QML engines until other services are ready. QtCreator uses this service with the QML profiler in order to profile multiple QML engines at the same time.QQmlDebugServerImpl@C385 A5@28AK, ?@54>AB02;O5<K5 <>4C;O<8 qmltooling, @50;87CNI8<8 QQmlDebugServiceFactory 8 =0E>4OI8<8AO 2 AB0=40@B=KE :0B0;>30E <>4C;59, B0:65 1C4CB 4>ABC?=K 8 <>3CB 1KBL C:070=K. A;8 ?0@0<5B@ services =5 C:070=, B> 1C4CB 703@C65=K 2A5 =0945==K5 A5@28AK.Other services offered by qmltooling plugins that implement QQmlDebugServiceFactory and which can be found in the standard plugin paths will also be available and can be specified. If no "services" argument is given, all services found this way, including the default ones, are loaded.QQmlDebugServerImpl^B;04G8: QML: @>?CA:05BAO -qmljsdebugger=%1.+QML Debugger: Ignoring "-qmljsdebugger=%1".QQmlDebugServerImplzB;04G8: QML: 1=0@C65= =525@=K9 ?0@0<5B@ %1. @>?CA:05BAO.@QML Debugger: Invalid argument "%1" detected. Ignoring the same.QQmlDebugServerImplDB?@02;O5B qDebug() 8 ?@>G85 A>>1I5=8O G5@57 >B;04>G=>5 A>548=5=85 QML. QtCreator 8A?>;L7C5B 53> 4;O >B>1@065=8O >B;04>G=KE A>>1I5=89 2 :>=A>;8 >B;04G8:0.Sends qDebug() and similar messages over the QML debug connection. QtCreator uses this for showing debug messages in the debugger console.QQmlDebugServerImplB;04G8: QMLThe QML debuggerQQmlDebugServerImpl=A?5:B>@ QMLThe QML inspectorQQmlDebugServerImpl@>D09;5@ QMLThe QML profilerQQmlDebugServerImplB;04G8: V4The V4 debuggerQQmlDebugServerImpl $>@<0B: -qmljsdebugger=[file:<D09;>|port:<=0G0;L=K9_?>@B>][,<:>=5G=K9_?>@B>][,host:<ip 04@5A>][,1;>:][,services:<A5@28A>][,<A5@28A>]*The format is "-qmljsdebugger=[file:|port:][,][,host:][,block][,services:][,]*"QQmlDebugServerImpl?><>305B C2845BL, ?@8254QB ;8 ?5@52545==K9 B5:AB : ?@>?065 53> G0AB8 2 M;5<5=B0E QML.Xhelps to see if a translated text will result in an elided text in QML elements.QQmlDebugServerImplj5;530B DelegateModel =5;L7O <5=OBL 2=CB@8 onUpdated.CThe delegate of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onUpdated.QQmlDelegateModell5;530BK DelegateModel =5;L7O <5=OBL 2=CB@8 onUpdated.DThe delegates of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onUpdated.QQmlDelegateModelf5;L7O <5=OBL 3@C??C DelegateModel 2=CB@8 onChanged?The group of a DelegateModel cannot be changed within onChangedQQmlDelegateModelZ>445@68205BAO <0:A8<C< 8 DelegateModelGroups8The maximum number of supported DelegateModelGroups is 8QQmlDelegateModel^<5=0 3@C?? 4>;6=K =0G8=0BLAO A <0;5=L:>9 1C:2K/Group names must start with a lower case letterQQmlDelegateModelGroup>addGroups: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0addGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup<addGroups: =525@=>5 :>;8G5AB2>addGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup8create: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0create: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup2get: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0get: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup8insert: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0insert: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup>move: 8=45:A from 2=5 480?07>=0move: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup2move: =525@=>5 :>;8G5AB2>move: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup4move: =525@=K9 8=45:A frommove: invalid from indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup0move: =525@=K9 8=45:A tomove: invalid to indexQQmlDelegateModelGroup:move: 8=45:A to 2=5 480?07>=0move: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup8remove: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0remove: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup6remove: =525@=>5 :>;8G5AB2>remove: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup.remove: =525@=K9 8=45:Aremove: invalid indexQQmlDelegateModelGroupDremoveGroups: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0 removeGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupBremoveGroups: =525@=>5 :>;8G5AB2>removeGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroup<resolve: =525@5=K9 8=45:A fromresolve: from index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGroupDresolve: 8=45:A from 2=5 480?07>=0 resolve: from index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroupbresolve: from =5 C:07K205B =0 @07@5HQ==K9 M;5<5=B'resolve: from is not an unresolved itemQQmlDelegateModelGroup8resolve: =525@5=K9 8=45:A toresolve: to index invalidQQmlDelegateModelGroup@resolve: 8=45:A to 2=5 480?07>=0resolve: to index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup>resolve: to  =5 M;5<5=B <>45;8resolve: to is not a model itemQQmlDelegateModelGroup>setGroups: 8=45:A 2=5 480?07>=0setGroups: index out of rangeQQmlDelegateModelGroup<setGroups: =525@=>5 :>;8G5AB2>setGroups: invalid countQQmlDelegateModelGroupPLocalStorage: =5 C40;>AL A>740BL ?CBL %1"LocalStorage: can't create path %1 QQmlEngine\5;L7O A>740BL ;>:0;L. A?>;L7C9B5 Qt.locale().Locale cannot be instantiated. Use Qt.locale() QQmlEngine8"@0=70:F8O B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8ORead-only Transaction QQmlEngineF5 C40;>AL 2K?>;=8BL B@0=70:F8N SQLSQL transaction failed QQmlEngineSQL: =5;L7O A>740BL 107C 40==KE  02B>=><=>5 E@0=8;8I5 >B:;NG5=>.8SQL: can't create database, offline storage is disabled. QQmlEngineF5 A>2?0405B 25@A8O 107K 40==KE SQLSQL: database version mismatch QQmlEngineIQ %1 M;5<5=B>2 1C45B A>740=> 2 ?@>F5AA5 ?@8 C=8GB>65=88 4286:0.QThere are still "%1" items in the process of being created at engine destruction. QQmlEngineZ5A>2?045=85 25@A89: >6840;0AL %1, =0945=0 %2'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2 QQmlEngineJexecuteSql() 2K720= 2=5 transaction()'executeSql called outside transaction() QQmlEngineLB@0=70:F8O: >BACBAB2C5B >1@0B=K9 2K7>2transaction: missing callback QQmlEngine5:>@@5:B=>5 ?@8A20820=85 A2>9AB20: %1 A2>9AB2> B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8O9Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQQmlEnumTypeResolver5:>@@5:B=>5 ?@8A20820=85 A2>9AB20: =0G5=85 ?5@5G8A;5=8O %1 =5 <>65B =0G8=0BLAO A <0;5=L:>9 1C:2KQInvalid property assignment: Enum value "%1" cannot start with a lowercase letterQQmlEnumTypeResolverH%1 =5>4=>7=0G=>. 0945=> 2 %2 8 %3("%1" is ambiguous. Found in %2 and in %3QQmlImportDatabasex%1 25@A88 %2.%3 >?@545;5=> 1>;55 >4=>3> @070 2 <>4C;5 %4;"%1" version %2.%3 is defined more than once in module "%4"QQmlImportDatabase6%1: :0B0;>3 =5 ACI5AB2C5B"%1": no such directoryQQmlImportDatabase`- %1 =5 O2;O5BAO =8 B8?><, =8 ?@>AB@0=AB2>< 8<Q=&- %1 is neither a type nor a namespaceQQmlImportDatabaseF- %1 =5 O2;O5BAO ?@>AB@0=AB2>< 8<Q=- %1 is not a namespaceQQmlImportDatabase,- %1 =5 O2;O5BAO B8?><- %1 is not a typeQQmlImportDatabaseR- 2;>65==K5 ?@>AB@0=AB20 8<Q= =54>?CAB8<K- nested namespaces not allowedQQmlImportDatabaseR 538AB@ 8<5=8 D09;0 =5 A>>B25BAB2C5B %1 File name case mismatch for "%1"QQmlImportDatabaseX=52>7<>6=> =09B8 2A5 ?;038=K 4;O <>4C;O %1-could not resolve all plugins for module "%1"QQmlImportDatabase`:0B0;>3 %1 =5 A>45@68B =8 qmldir, =8 namespace*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQQmlImportDatabase>=5>4=>7=0G=>. 0945=> 2 %1 8 %2#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QQmlImportDatabase^=5>4=>7=0G=>. 0945=> 2 %1 25@A89 %2.%3 8 %4.%54is ambiguous. 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This will become a compile error in future versions of Qt.QQmlPropertyValidatorH%1 =5 <>65B 2>7459AB2>20BL =0 %2"%1" cannot operate on "%2"QQmlPropertyValidatorX%1.%2 =5 4>ABC?=> 87-70 25@A88 :><?>=5=BK.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QQmlPropertyValidator>%1.%2 =5 4>ABC?=> 2 %3 %4.%5.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QQmlPropertyValidatorn@8:@5?;Q==K5 A2>9AB20 =5 <>3CB 1KBL 8A?>;L7>20=K 745AL'Attached properties cannot be used hereQQmlPropertyValidator52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL 7=0G5=85 =5?>A@54AB25==> A3@C??8@>20==><C A2>9AB2C4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQQmlPropertyValidatorz52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL <=>65AB25==>5 7=0G5=85 A2>9AB2C AF5=0@8O2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQQmlPropertyValidator52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL <=>65AB2> 7=0G5=89 A2>9AB2C, ?@8=8<0NI5<C B>;L:> >4=>4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQQmlPropertyValidator5;L7O =07=0G8BL >1J5:B B8?0 %1 A2>9AB2C B8?0 %2, B0: :0: B8? ?5@2>3> =5 A>2?0405B A> 2B>@K< 8 =5 O2;O5BAO 53> ?@>872>4=K<.Cannot assign object of type "%1" to property of type "%2" as the former is neither the same as the latter nor a sub-class of it.QQmlPropertyValidator`52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL >1J5:B A2>9AB2C %1 A?8A:0*Cannot assign object to list property "%1"QQmlPropertyValidatorJ52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL ?@8<8B82K A?8A:C!Cannot assign primitives to listsQQmlPropertyValidatort52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL =5ACI5AB2CNI5<C A2>9AB2C ?> C<>;G0=8N.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQQmlPropertyValidatord52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL =5ACI5AB2CNI5<C A2>9AB2C %1+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQmlPropertyValidatorj52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL A2>9AB2C =58725AB=>3> B8?0 %1./Cannot assign to property of unknown type "%1".QQmlPropertyValidator52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL 7=0G5=85 B8?0 %1 A2>9AB2C %2, B@51C5BAO %3ACannot assign value of type "%1" to property "%2", expecting "%3"QQmlPropertyValidator52>7<>6=> ?@8A2>8BL 7=0G5=85 B8?0 %1 A2>9AB2C %2, B@51C5BAO >1J5:BFCannot assign value of type "%1" to property "%2", expecting an objectQQmlPropertyValidator\5:>@@5:B=>5 =07=0G5=85 ?@8:@5?;Q==>3> >1J5:B0"Invalid attached object assignmentQQmlPropertyValidator^5:>@@5:B=K9 4>ABC? 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QQmlRewritev!83=0; 8A?>;L7C5B =58<5=>20==K9 ?0@0<5B@ ?5@54 8<5=>20==K<.:Signal uses unnamed parameter followed by named parameter. QQmlRewriteP5;L7O A>740BL A;>6=K9 Singleton-B8? %1.-Composite Singleton Type %1 is not creatable. QQmlTypeData(-;5<5=B =5A>740205<.Element is not creatable. QQmlTypeData %1 %2%1 %2QQmlTypeLoader\5 C40;>AL >1=>28BL A>45@68<>5 qmldir 4;O %1%Cannot update qmldir content for '%1'QQmlTypeLoader$09; ?CAB File is emptyQQmlTypeLoader$09; 1K; ?@5420@8B5;L=> A>1@0= A =5A>2<5AB8<>9 25@A859 Qt, 0 >@838=0;L=K9 D09; =09B8 =5 C40;>AL. 5@5A>15@8B5zFile was compiled ahead of time with an incompatible version of Qt and the original file cannot be found. Please recompileQQmlTypeLoader@>AB@0=AB2> 8<Q= %1 =5 <>65B 1KBL 8A?>;L7>20=> 2 :0G5AB25 B8?0%Namespace %1 cannot be used as a typeQQmlTypeLoader>4E>4OI89 B8? =5 =0945=, D09;K pragma Singleton =5 <>3CB 8A?>;L7>20BLAO QQmlComponent.ONo matching type found, pragma Singleton files cannot be used by QQmlComponent.QQmlTypeLoader:5B B0:>3> D09;0 8;8 :0B0;>30No such file or directoryQQmlTypeLoader,!F5=0@89 %1 =54>ABC?5=Script %1 unavailableQQmlTypeLoaderh# B8?0 %1 >BACBAB2C5B 2AB@>5==K9 :><?>=5=B=K9 B8? %2.Type %1 has no inline component type called %2QQmlTypeLoader&"8? %1 =54>ABC?5=Type %1 unavailableQQmlTypeLoaderx5A>>1IQ==0O >H81:0 4>102;5=8O 8<?>@B0 AF5=0@8O 2  8<?>@B08Unreported error adding script import to import databaseQQmlTypeLoader2<>4C;L %1 =5 CAB0=>2;5=module "%1" is not installedQQmlTypeLoaderxpragma Singleton 8A?>;L7C5BAO A =5A;>6=K< >48=>G=K< B8?>< %1?@545;O5B B8? :0: >48=>G=K9, => pragma Singleton =5 =0945=0 2 B8?5 %1.Kqmldir defines type as singleton, but no pragma Singleton found in type %1.QQmlTypeLoaderf52>7<>6=> 0=8<8@>20BL =5ACI5AB2C5I55 A2>9AB2> %1)Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QQuickAbstractAnimationl52>7<>6=> 0=8<8@>20BL A2>9AB2> B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8O %1&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QQuickAbstractAnimationL52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL 4;8B5;L=>ABL < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickAnchorAnimation5;L7O 8A?>;L7>20BL 107>2CN ?@82O7:C 2<5AB5 A 25@E=59, =86=59 8 F5=B@0;L=>9 ?> 25@B8:0;8.ZBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or verticalCenter anchors. QQuickAnchorsr52>7<>6=> ?@82O70BL 3>@87>=B0;L=K9 :@09 : 25@B8:0;L=><C.3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge. QQuickAnchorsr52>7<>6=> ?@82O70BL 25@B8:0;L=K9 :@09 : 3>@87>=B0;L=><C.3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge. QQuickAnchorsV52>7<>6=> ?@82O70BL M;5<5=B : A0<><C A515.Cannot anchor item to self. QQuickAnchorsV52>7<>6=> ?@82O70BLAO : =C;52><C M;5<5=BC.Cannot anchor to a null item. QQuickAnchors52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL ?@82O7:C : M;5<5=BC, =5 O2;ONI5<CAO @>48B5;5< 8;8 A>A54><.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling. QQuickAnchors5;L7O >4=>2@5<5==> 704020BL 25@E=NN, =86=NN 8 A@54=NN ?> 3>@87>=B0;8 ?@82O7:8.JCannot specify left, right, and horizontalCenter anchors at the same time. QQuickAnchors5;L7O >4=>2@5<5==> 704020BL 25@E=NN, =86=NN 8 A@54=NN ?> 25@B8:0;8 ?@82O7:8.HCannot specify top, bottom, and verticalCenter anchors at the same time. QQuickAnchorsh1=0@C65=0 2>7<>6=0O F8:;8G=0O ?@82O7:0 =0 centerIn.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn. QQuickAnchors`1=0@C65=0 2>7<>6=0O F8:;8G=0O ?@82O7:0 =0 fill.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill. QQuickAnchors1=0@C65=0 2>7<>6=0O F8:;8G=0O ?@82O7:0 : 3>@87>=B0;L=>9 ?@82O7:5.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor. QQuickAnchors1=0@C65=0 2>7<>6=0O F8:;8G=0O ?@82O7:0 : 25@B8:0;L=>9 ?@82O7:5.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor. QQuickAnchorsh52>7<>6=> 87<5=8BL 0=8<0F8N, =07=0G5==CN ?>2545=8N.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QQuickBehaviorv>4:;NGQ==>5 A2>9AB2> EnterKey @01>B05B B>;L:> A M;5<5=B0<80EnterKey attached property only works with ItemsQQuickEnterKeyAttachedLback  A2>9AB2> 4;O >4=>:@0B=>9 70?8A8back is a write-once propertyQQuickFlipableNfront  A2>9AB2> 4;O >4=>:@0B=>9 70?8A8front is a write-once propertyQQuickFlipable:5;530B 4>;65= 8<5BL B8? ItemDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickItemView>4:;NGQ==>5 A2>9AB2> LayoutDirection @01>B05B B>;L:> A M;5<5=B0<8 8 >:=0<8CLayoutDirection attached property only works with Items and WindowsQQuickLayoutMirroringAttachedPsetSource: 7=0G5=85 =5 O2;O5BAO >1J5:B><!setSource: value is not an object QQuickLoaderv52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 A;>6=>< ?@5>1@07>20=885Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentAnimationt52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 =5>4=>@>4=>< <0AHB0155Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentAnimation^52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 <0AHB015 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentAnimationv52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 A;>6=>< ?@5>1@07>20=885Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQQuickParentChanget52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 =5>4=>@>4=>< <0AHB0155Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQQuickParentChange^52>7<>6=> A>E@0=8BL 2=5H=89 284 ?@8 <0AHB015 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QQuickParentChangeL52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL 4;8B5;L=>ABL < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPathAnimation:5;530B 4>;65= 1KBL B8?0 ItemDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickPathViewL52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL 4;8B5;L=>ABL < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPauseAnimation,5 C40;>AL >B:@KBL: %1Cannot open: %1 QQuickPixmap0H81:0 45:>48@>20=8O: %1Error decoding: %1 QQuickPixmap8H81:0 45:>48@>20=8O: %1: %2Error decoding: %1: %2 QQuickPixmapb5 C40;>AL ?>;CG8BL 87>1@065=85 >B ?>AB02I8:0: %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1 QQuickPixmap\5 C40;>AL ?>;CG8BL B5:ABC@C >B ?>AB02I8:0: %1'Failed to get texture from provider: %1 QQuickPixmapL54>?CAB8<K9 ?>AB02I8: 87>1@065=89: %1Invalid image provider: %1 QQuickPixmapL52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL 4;8B5;L=>ABL < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QQuickPropertyAnimationd52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL =5ACI5AB2CNI5<C A2>9AB2C %1+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QQuickPropertyChangesh52>7<>6=> =07=0G8BL A2>9AB2C B>;L:> 4;O GB5=8O %1(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QQuickPropertyChangesPropertyChanges =5 ?>445@6820NB A>740=85 >1J5:B>2, 7028A8<KE >B A>AB>O=8O.APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QQuickPropertyChanges:5;530B 4>;65= 1KBL B8?0 ItemDelegate must be of Item typeQQuickRepeaterv%1 =5 ?>445@68205B 703@C7:C =5287C0;L=KE 45;530B>2 :C@A>@0.8%1 does not support loading non-visual cursor delegates.QQuickTextUtilH5 C40;>AL 703@C78BL 45;530B :C@A>@0Could not load cursor delegateQQuickTextUtilZ5 C40;>AL A>740BL :>=B5:AB %1 4;O D>@<0B0 %2)Failed to create %1 context for format %2 QQuickWindow"5 C40;>AL A>740BL :>=B5:AB %1 4;O D>@<0B0 %2. -B> 2>7<>6=> 87-70 >BACBAB28O =5>1E>48<KE 3@0D8G5A:8E 4@0925@>2 2 A8AB5<5. #AB0=>28B5 4@0925@ >15A?5G820NI89 ?>445@6:C OpenGL 25@A88 >B 2.0 8 2KH5. A;8 MB> =52>7<>6=>, C1548B5AL, GB> 181;8>B5:8 M<C;OF88 ANGLE Open GL ES 2.0 (%3, %4 8 d3dcompiler_*.dll) =0E>4OBAO 2 :0B0;>35 A 8A?>;=O5<K< D09;>< ?@8;>65=8O 8;8 4>ABC?=K 2 :0B0;>30E ?5@5G8A;5==KE 2 PATH.{Failed to create %1 context for format %2. This is most likely caused by not having the necessary graphics drivers installed. Install a driver providing OpenGL 2.0 or higher, or, if this is not possible, make sure the ANGLE Open GL ES 2.0 emulation libraries (%3, %4 and d3dcompiler_*.dll) are available in the application executable's directory or in a location listed in PATH. QQuickWindowr5 C40;>AL 8=8F80;878@>20BL 3@0D8G5A:89 8=B5@D59A 4;O %1.-Failed to initialize graphics backend for %1. QQuickWindowZ!2>9AB20 visible 8 visibility :>=D;8:BCNB1Conflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility'QQuickWindowQmlImpln!2>9AB20 >:=0 %1 visible 8 visibility :>=D;8:BCNBAConflicting properties 'visible' and 'visibility' for Window '%1'QQuickWindowQmlImplL=5?@028;L=K9 A8=B0:A8A :;0AA0 A8<2>;>2bad char class syntaxQRegExp@=5?@028;L=K9 A8=B0:A8A lookaheadbad lookahead syntaxQRegExpB=5?@028;L=K9 A8=B0:A8A ?>2B>@5=8Obad repetition syntaxQRegExpL8A?>;L7>20=85 >B:;NGQ==KE 2>7<>6=>AB59disabled feature usedQRegExp,=5:>@@5:B=0O :0B53>@8Oinvalid categoryQRegExp*=5:>@@5:B=K9 8=B5@20;invalid intervalQRegExpD=5:>@@5:B=>5 2>AL<5@8G=>5 7=0G5=85invalid octal valueQRegExpXlookbehind =5 ?>445@68205BAO, A<. 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?5@540= NULLNULL argument passedQRegularExpressionfPCRE2 =5 ?>445@68205B \F, \L, \l, \N{name}, \U 8 \u6PCRE2 does not support \F, \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \uQRegularExpression~PCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES =5 4>?CAB8< 2 @568<5 UTF-16APCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES is not allowed in UTF-16 modeQRegularExpressionvPCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF =5 ?>445@68205BAO 4;O A@02=5=8O DFA9PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF is not supported for DFA matchingQRegularExpressionXPOSIX-A>@B8@>2:0 M;5<5=B>2 =5 ?>445@68205BAO*POSIX collating elements are not supportedQRegularExpression:;0AAK, 8<5=>20==K5 2 AB8;5 POSIX, ?>445@6820NBAO B>;L:> 2=CB@8 :;0AA05POSIX named classes are supported only within a classQRegularExpressionN>H81:0 UTF-16: =525@=K9 =86=89 AC@@>30B#UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogateQRegularExpressionP>H81:0 UTF-16: >B45;L=K9 =86=89 AC@@>30B$UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogateQRegularExpressiond>H81:0 UTF-16: >BACBAB2C5B =86=89 AC@@>30B 2 :>=F5*UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at endQRegularExpressionz>H81:0 UTF-32: :>4>2K5 B>G:8 A 0xd800 ?> 0xdfff =5 >?@545;5=K7UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not definedQRegularExpressiont>H81:0 UTF-32: :>4>2K5 B>G:8 1>;LH5 0x10ffff =5 >?@545;5=K?UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not definedQRegularExpressionP>H81:0 UTF-8: =5 E20B05B 1 109B0 2 :>=F5"UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at endQRegularExpressionN>H81:0 UTF-8: =5 E20B05B 2 109B 2 :>=F5#UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressionN>H81:0 UTF-8: =5 E20B05B 3 109B 2 :>=F5#UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressionN>H81:0 UTF-8: =5 E20B05B 4 109B 2 :>=F5#UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressionN>H81:0 UTF-8: =5 E20B05B 5 109B 2 :>=F5#UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressionn>H81:0 UTF-8: 5-109B>2K5 A8<2>;K =54>?CAB8<K (RFC 3629)7UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)QRegularExpressionn>H81:0 UTF-8: 6-109B>2K5 A8<2>;K =54>?CAB8<K (RFC 3629)7UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed 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isolated byte with 0x80 bit setQRegularExpressiont>H81:0 UTF-8: A25@E4;8==0O 42CE109B>20O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL%UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequenceQRegularExpressiont>H81:0 UTF-8: A25@E4;8==0O B@QE109B>20O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL%UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionz>H81:0 UTF-8: A25@E4;8==0O G5BK@QE109B>20O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL%UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequenceQRegularExpressiont>H81:0 UTF-8: A25@E4;8==0O ?OB8109B>20O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL%UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionv>H81:0 UTF-8: A25@E4;8==0O H5AB8109B>20O ?>A;54>20B5;L=>ABL%UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequenceQRegularExpression"\ 2 :>=F5 H01;>=0\ at end of patternQRegularExpressionp\C =5 4>?CAB8<> 2 CB25@645=88 lookbehind 2 @568<5 UTF-16:\C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion in UTF-16 modeQRegularExpression:\N =5 ?>445@68205BAO 2 :;0AA5\N is not supported in a classQRegularExpressionn\N{U+dddd} ?>445@68205BAO B>;L:> 2 @568<5 Unicode (UTF)2\N{U+dddd} is supported only in Unicode (UTF) modeQRegularExpression$\c 2 :>=F5 H01;>=0\c at end of patternQRegularExpressionZ?>A;5 \c 4>;6=0 84B8 1C:20 8;8 >48= 87 [\]^_?0\c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?QRegularExpressionX?>A;5 \c 4>;65= 84B8 ?5G0B05<K9 A8<2>; ASCII2\c must be followed by a printable ASCII characterQRegularExpression70 \g 4>;6=> A;54>20BL G8A;> 8;8 =0720=85/G8A;>, 70:;NGQ==>5 2 D83C@=K5/C3;>2K5 A:>1:8 8;8 :02KG:8[\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain numberQRegularExpression70 \k 4>;6=> A;54>20BL =0720=85, 70:;NGQ==>5 2 D83C@=K5/C3;>2K5 A:>1:8 8;8 :02KG:8?\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted nameQRegularExpressionP>B=>A8B5;L=>5 7=0G5=85 =C;L =5 4>?CAB8<>'a relative value of zero is not allowedQRegularExpressionT?>A;5 (?( 8;8 (?(?C) B@51C5BAO CB25@645=85&assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)QRegularExpressionhB@51C5BAO 0B><0@=>5 CB25@645=85 ?>A;5 (?( 8;8 (?(?C)-atomic assertion expected after (?( or 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QSslSocketV5 C40;>AL @0AH8D@>20BL ?>4?8AL A5@B8D8:0B00The certificate signature could not be decrypted QSslSocketNB25B > A>AB>O=88 A5@B8D8:0B0 ?@>A@>G5=+The certificate status response has expired QSslSocketj>;5 notAfter A5@B8D8:0B0 A>45@68B =5:>@@5:B=>5 2@5<O9The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time QSslSocketl>;5 notBefore A5@B8D8:0B0 A>45@68B =5:>@@5:B=>5 2@5<O:The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time QSslSocket@!>AB>O=85 A5@B8D8:0B0 =58725AB=>#The certificate's status is unknown QSslSocket;85=B =5 02B>@87>20= 4;O 70?@>A0 A>AB>O=8O OCSP A MB>3> A5@25@0DThe client is not authorized to request OCSP status from this server QSslSocket`#GQB=K5 40==K5 =5 @0A?>7=0=K / 525@=K9 ?0@0<5B@6The credentials were not recognized / Invalid argument QSslSocket "5:CI89 A5@B8D8:0B 8740B5;O 1K; >B:;>=Q=, B0: :0: =0720=85 8740B5;O 8 A5@89=K9 =><5@ =5 A>2?040NB A 845=B8D8:0B>@>< :;NG0 A5@B8D8:0B0The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate QSslSocket"5:CI89 A5@B8D8:0B 8740B5;O 1K; >B:;>=Q=, B0: :0: =0720=85 B5<K =5 A>2?0405B A =0720=85< 8740B5;O A5@B8D8:0B0The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate QSslSocket:52>7<>6=> 70H8D@>20BL 40==K5The data could not be encrypted QSslSocket0720=85 C7;0 =5 A>2?0405B A 4>?CAB8<K<8 =0720=8O<8 C7;>2 A5@B8D8:0B0GThe host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate QSslSockett@54>AB02;5==>5 8<O C7;0 =5 A>2?0405B A ?>;CG5==K< >B ?8@0CThe hostname provided does not match the one received from the peer QSslSocketv52>7<>6=> CAB0=>28BL ?>4;8==>ABL A5@B8D8:0B0 2 >B25B5 OCSPGThe identity of a certificate in an OCSP response cannot be established QSslSocketH5 C40;>AL =09B8 A5@B8D8:0B 8740B5;O)The issuer certificate could not be found QSslSocketv5 C40;>AL =09B8 A5@B8D8:0B 8740B5;O ;>:0;L=>3> A5@B8D8:0B0LThe issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found QSslSocketv!>>1I5=85 ?>445;0=>, ?>2@5645=> 8;8 2=5 ?>A;54>20B5;L=>AB8.:The message was tampered with, damaged or out of sequence. QSslSocket>!5@B8D8:0B C7;0 2 GQ@=>< A?8A:5#The peer certificate is blacklisted QSslSocket<!5@B8D8:0B =5 1K; ?@54>AB02;5=(The peer did not present any certificate QSslSocket\5 C40;>AL ?@>G8B0BL >B:@KBK9 :;NG A5@B8D8:0B03The public key in the certificate could not be read QSslSocket>@=52>9 A5@B8D8:0B F5=B@0 A5@B8D8:0F88 >B<5G5= =0 >B:;>=5=85 4;O 40==>9 F5;8AThe root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose QSslSocket>@=52>9 A5@B8D8:0B F5=B@0 A5@B8D8:0F88 =5 O2;O5BAO 7025@5==K< 4;O 40==>9 F5;87The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose QSslSocket>@=52>9 A5@B8D8:0B F5?>G:8 A5@B8D8:0B>2 A0<>?>4?8A0==K9 8 =5 O2;O5BAO 7025@5==K<KThe root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted QSslSocket;O ?>43>B>2:8 >B25B0 A5@25@ B@51C5B >B :;85=B0 ?>4?8A0BL 70?@>A OCSPXThe server requires the client to sign the OCSP request in order to construct a response QSslSocket@5:>@@5:B=0O ?>4?8AL A5@B8D8:0B0+The signature of the certificate is invalid QSslSocketh@54AB02;5==K9 A5@B8D8:0B =5?@83>45= 4;O 40==>9 F5;87The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose QSslSocket<&5;L =58725AB=0 8;8 =54>ABC?=0$The target is unknown or unreachable QSslSocketD5 C40;>AL @0AH8D@>20BL 40==K5: %1Unable to decrypt data: %1 QSslSocketX5 C40;>AL 8=8F80;878@>20BL :>=B5:AB SSL: %1Unable to init SSL Context: %1 QSslSocket<5 C40;>AL 70?8A0BL 40==K5: %1Unable to write data: %1 QSslSocketr>;CG5=> =5>6840==>5 8;8 =525@=> AD>@<8@>20==>5 A>>1I5=85.Unexpected or badly-formatted message received QSslSocket$58725AB=0O >H81:0 Unknown error QSslSocket>>7=8:;0 =58725AB=0O >H81:0: %1Unknown error occurred: %1 QSslSocket:><0=40 =5 @0A?>7=0=0 %1 = %2Unrecognized command %1 = %2 QSslSocketJK; A>3;0A>20= =565;0B5;L=K9 ?@>B>:>; Unwanted protocol was negotiated QSslSocket:525@=>5 7=0G5=85 4;O %1 (%2)Wrong value for %1 (%2) QSslSocket4?@>B>:>; =5 ?>445@68205BAOunsupported protocol QSslSocket.>=D83C@0F8O ?@8;>65=8OApplication ConfigurationQStandardPaths"0==K5 ?@8;>65=89Application DataQStandardPaths@8;>65=8O ApplicationsQStandardPathsMHCacheQStandardPaths0AB@>9:8 ConfigurationQStandardPaths 01>G89 AB>;DesktopQStandardPaths>:C<5=BK DocumentsQStandardPaths03@C7:8DownloadQStandardPaths (@8DBKFontsQStandardPaths ><0H=89 :0B0;>3HomeQStandardPaths $8;L<KMoviesQStandardPaths C7K:0MusicQStandardPaths7>1@065=8OPicturesQStandardPaths"A?>;=O5<K5 D09;KRuntimeQStandardPaths1I89 :MH Shared CacheQStandardPaths$1I0O :>=D83C@0F8OShared ConfigurationQStandardPaths1I85 40==K5 Shared DataQStandardPaths"@5<5==K9 :0B0;>3Temporary DirectoryQStandardPaths>G5@=55 A>AB>O=85 :>=5G=>3> 02B><0B0 %1 =5 ExclusiveStates.:Child mode of state machine '%1' is not 'ExclusiveStates'. 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