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cannot start handshakeQDtls2q!l~|~Nc SV^ InProgress raK2Cannot continue handshake, not in InProgress stateQDtls"q!lՋS֌eXJ SV^]R[raK.Cannot read a datagram, not in encrypted stateQDtls@q!lՑeY SV^ VerificationError raK-Cannot resume, not in VerificationError stateQDtlsq!lPܕfX1 SVg*R[)Cannot send shutdown alert, not encryptedQDtlsq!lW(YcbK_-[}DaK0Cannot set configuration after handshake startedQDtlsq!lW(NcᕋY_-[z'Cannot set peer after handshake startedQDtlsq!lW(YNc_-[`zOMn)Cannot set remote after handshake startedQDtlsq!lW(YNcNK_-[IT z14Cannot set verification name after handshake startedQDtls.q!lՕYNc SV]}[bbkcW(2LNcz ^0Cannot start handshake, already done/in progressQDtls>q!lՕYNc SVlg ggv]WI client hello:Cannot start the handshake, verified client hello expectedQDtls(q!lՕYb~|~Nc SVq!eHvNcraK8Cannot start/continue handshake, invalid handshake stateQDtls"q!l[QeeXJ SV^]R[raK/Cannot write a datagram, not in encrypted stateQDtlsSfBv|u/%1Error while reading: %1QDtls[QefBv|u/%1Error while writing: %1QDtlsq!eHzzv} [xInvalid (empty) secretQDtls&q!eH (nullptr) socketInvalid (nullptr) socketQDtlsZq!eHv SslMode aɊrp SslServerMode b SslClientMode8Invalid SslMode, SslServerMode or SslClientMode expectedQDtlsOMW@q!eHInvalid addressQDtls$q!eHvST[rHg, gg DTLS ST[0Invalid protocol version, DTLS protocol expectedQDtlsN e/cdT^dOMW@3Multicast and broadcast addresses are not supportedQDtls"lg kcW(2LN-vNc VkdN u(}Bkb*No handshake in progress, nothing to abortQDtls@^ VerificationError raK lg }Bkbvv0Not in VerificationError state, nothing to abortQDtlsz\ zWIY1eWPeer verification failedQDtlsDTLS #}]򈫕ܕ#The DTLS connection has been closedQDtlsDTLS #}]򈫕ܕ%The DTLS connection has been shutdownQDtls$YNcRM_ŘQH-[zOMW@#}W?To start a handshake you must set peer's address and port firstQDtls&YNcRM_ŘQH-[`zOMW@T W?To start a handshake you must set remote address and port firstQDtlsLYNcRM DTLS O:g Vh^zzv}eXJ (client hello)LTo start a handshake, DTLS server requires non-empty datagram (client hello)QDtlsN e/cv ST[Unsupported protocolQDtlsDggg eHv UDP socket0^zzv}veXJTg eHvOMW@#}WHA valid UDP socket, non-empty datagram, valid address/port were expectedQDtlsClientVerifier>BIO_ADDR_new Y1eW _ue client hello*BIO_ADDR_new failed, ignoring client helloQDtlsClientVerifier x[(&O)&OK QErrorMessageQk!oy:kd `o(&S)&Show this message again QErrorMessage V͓/Critical Error: QErrorMessage d/ `oDebug Message: QErrorMessage V͓/ Fatal Error: QErrorMessageNJ  Information: QErrorMessagefTJWarning: QErrorMessageq!l^z %1 O8QCannot create %1 for outputQFileq!lՕU_ %1 O8QeCannot open %1 for inputQFileq!lՕU_vjjhH%1 Cannot open destination file: %1QFileq!lՕU_NO8QCannot open for outputQFileq!lՕU_O8QjhH%1Cannot open for output: %1QFileq!lydOnjhHCannot remove source fileQFile vjjhH[XW(Destination file existsQFilevjjhHpvT jhH0"Destination file is the same file.QFileeT}T fBv|u/%1Error while renaming: %1QFile[QeS@XJfBY1eWFailure to write blockQFileOnjhHN [XW(0Source file does not exist.QFileq!l_ %1 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prepare statement QIBaseResultq!lՕYˆUtNCould not start transaction QIBaseResult q!lՕܕsUnable to close statement QIBaseResultq!lcNUtNUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResultq!l^z BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult q!lWLgbUnable to execute query QIBaseResultq!lՕU_ BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResultq!lՋS BLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResultq!l[Qe BLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultnN ]q!zzNo space left on device QIODeviceb~N R0rjhHbvNo such file or directory QIODevicek PN Permission denied QIODevice U_NYjhHToo many open files QIODeviceg*w/ Unknown error QIODevicebSvjhHf/P eY>file to open is a directory QIODevice b~N R0jhHFile not found QImageReadernq!eHInvalid device QImageReaderq!lՋS_qPόeUnable to read image data QImageReaderg*w/ Unknown error QImageReaderN e/cv_qPh<_Unsupported image format QImageReaderq!lՕU_O[Qen%1"Cannot open device for writing: %1 QImageWriter g*-[nDevice is not set QImageWriter q!l[QenDevice not writable QImageWriter _qPf/zzv}vImage is empty 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%10 dSYcz _N-~|e,Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'QLibrary* QeYcz _0 %10 fBv|uaN UOL0(Out of memory while loading plugin '%1'.QLibrary(jhH0 %10 N f/g eHv Qt Ycz _0'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibraryJYcz _0 %10 Ou(N v[v Qt Q_^0(%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibraryVYcz _0 %10 Ou(N v[v Qt Q_^0N \d/QrHg,vQ_^mW(Nw0 WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibraryb~N R0QqNQ_^0!The shared library was not found.QLibraryg*w/ Unknown errorQLibrary"zzv .rodata. ^Q_^0empty .rodata. not a library.QLibrary jhH]d Xfile is corruptQLibraryjhHN\file too smallQLibraryq!eHv Magic %1invalid magic %1QLibraryzY1S@ke0^Q_^0,missing section data. 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About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox~<p>Qt f/P u(e^sSau(z _v|v]Qw{0</p> <p>Qt cONSyi UNOnNW(vRMN;mAvhLbO\im|}q^sS0QvN_e/c]LQe_ Linux TQvN]LQeTLRO\im|}q0</p> <p>Qt SNu(eN P N T vck x Nc} TP Ou(vlB0</p> <p>Ou(bPvUFimck hk>ck v Qt iTbOv|N ^ gQlnx}f{,N ev\g bUFimߚ bf/q!l[Qhu[ GNU LGPL {,N rHhk>vߚ0</p> <p>Ou( GNU LGPL {,N rHck v Qt iTbOv|u[ LGPL ck hk>hNv Qt au(z _0</p> <p>SÕ <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> S_ Qt ck i0</p> <p>rHk b@g (C) %1 Qt QlSQvN֌s{0</p> <p>Qt QvWy:vp Qt QlSvUFj0</p> <p>Qt f/ Qt QlSv|vn\hH SÕ <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> S_fYNJ 0</p>{

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

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Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox e QtAbout Qt QMessageBoxϊs`...Hide Details... QMessageBoxoy:s`...Show Details... QMessageBox,SNP socket ]}W(v}T NP #cW4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEnginefBConnection timed outQNativeSocketEngineeXJNY'q!lՐQDatagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngineq!lՐ#}R0N;j_Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngineq!eHv socket cϏInvalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine}W(͊-fBe#}#Network dropped connection on resetQNativeSocketEngine}/ Network errorQNativeSocketEngine }dO\>fBNetwork operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine q!lՐ#}}Network unreachableQNativeSocketEnginee^ socket dO\Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEnginenN Out of resourcesQNativeSocketEnginek PbPermission deniedQNativeSocketEngineN e/cvST[WaKProtocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine ffB`'/Temporary errorQNativeSocketEngine q!lS_OMW@The address is not availableQNativeSocketEnginekdOMW@SO݋wThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngine]}Ou(}PTOMW@#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEnginekdNtO:g VhWaK\ kddO\q!eH,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngine`zN;j_ܕN#}%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngineq!lRYS^d socket%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngine q!lRYS^;X^`' socket(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine q!lce6 `oUnable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngine q!lՐQ `oUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngineq!l[QeUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngineg*w/ Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngineN e/cv socket dO\Unsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngineU_ %1 v|u/Error opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackend}W@q!eH%1Invalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDataBackend$e %1 N NeܕN`zN;j_v#}3Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend&%1 N v|u socket /%2Socket error on %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend[R0 %1 fBv|u/%2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend q!lՕU_ %1kd_f/NP v#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackendU_ %1 v|u/%2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend_ %1 S֓/%2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendlBU_^g,W0zjhH %1%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend[R0 %1 fBv|u/%2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendq!lՕU_ %1f/P vCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackendN %1 fBv|u/%2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendN P %1 fBv|u/%2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendv{Qe %1 Y1eWWI0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackendb~N R0TivNtO:g VhNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackend]P\u(}[XSe/c0Network access is disabled.QNetworkAccessManagerN QA1folB0Background request not allowed. QNetworkReply&P8 %1 / - O:g VhVa%2*Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply}k/0Network session error. QNetworkReplyg*wvST[0 %10 Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReplyffB`'}Y1eW0Temporary network failure. QNetworkReply_zU_RՓ/0backend start error. QNetworkReplyb~N R0TivNtO:g VhNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyHttpImpl ]SmRO\Operation canceledQNetworkReplyHttpImpl ]SmRO\Operation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl q!eHv-[0Invalid configuration.QNetworkSessiono+J}BkbbN Su(0'Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl|}qN e/clBvRO\07The requested operation is not supported by the system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplkdkOu(b|}q}Bkb0.The session was aborted by the user or system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplq!lOu(c[v}DaK-[0+The specified configuration cannot be used.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplg*w喎k/0Unknown session error.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplq!lՕYˆUtNUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriverq!lcNUtNUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver q!lRYSUnable to initialize QOCIDriverq!lv{QeUnable to logon QOCIDriverq!lVސUtNUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver q!lRMsUnable to alloc statement QOCIResultq!l}PTu(ebyk!WLvkOM'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult q!l}PTP<Unable to bind value QOCIResultq!lWLbyk!s!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult q!lWLsUnable to execute statement QOCIResultq!lS_sWaKUnable to get statement type QOCIResultq!lՍR0N NP Unable to goto next QOCIResult q!lnPsUnable to prepare statement QOCIResultq!lcNUtNUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriverq!lՐ#}Unable to connect QODBCDriver$q!lՐ#} - ERN e/cQhb@REUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required QODBCDriverq!lP\u(RcNRUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverq!lU_u(RcNRUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriverq!lVސUtNUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: q!l\0 SQL_CURSOR_STATIC0 -[ps\l`'0jg`v ODBC ERz _-[yQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult q!l}PTexUnable to bind variable QODBCResult q!lWLsUnable to execute statement QODBCResultq!lbSUnable to fetch QODBCResultq!lbS{,N{FUnable to fetch first QODBCResultq!lbSg_N{FUnable to fetch last QODBCResultq!lbSN N{FUnable to fetch next QODBCResultq!lbSRMN{FUnable to fetch previous QODBCResult q!lnPsUnable to prepare statement QODBCResultq!lՕYˆUtNCould not begin transaction QPSQLDriverq!lcNUtNCould not commit transaction QPSQLDriverq!lVސUtNCould not rollback transaction QPSQLDriverq!lՐ#}Unable to connect QPSQLDriverq!lՊUnable to subscribe QPSQLDriver q!lSmUnable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver:gb}PgzY1 - Sf/W(WLQvN SQL gbfBNh0GQuery results lost - probably discarded on executing another SQL query. QPSQLResult q!l^zgbUnable to create query QPSQLResult q!lS_gbUnable to get result QPSQLResult q!lnPsUnable to prepare statement QPSQLResult q!lPgbUnable to send query QPSQLResultCCCCQPageSetupWidgetX^ (CC) Cicero (CC)QPageSetupWidgetCustomQPageSetupWidgetDDDDQPageSetupWidgetY (DD) Didot (DD)QPageSetupWidgethUFormQPageSetupWidget^Height:QPageSetupWidgetT (in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidgetjkSp LandscapeQPageSetupWidget}MarginsQPageSetupWidgetk|s (mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidgeteT OrientationQPageSetupWidgetbMn Page LayoutQPageSetupWidget b^ Page order:QPageSetupWidget bY'\ Page size:QPageSetupWidgetk_5}ST+exPages per sheet:QPageSetupWidget}_5PaperQPageSetupWidget }_5On Paper source:QPageSetupWidgetm>Sa (P8) Pica (P̸)QPageSetupWidget (pt) Points (pt)QPageSetupWidgetvSpPortraitQPageSetupWidgetP8P̸QPageSetupWidgetSTjkSpReverse landscapeQPageSetupWidgetSTvSpReverse portraitQPageSetupWidget[^Width:QPageSetupWidgetN } bottom marginQPageSetupWidgetininQPageSetupWidget]搊} left marginQPageSetupWidgetmmmmQPageSetupWidgetptptQPageSetupWidgetS} right marginQPageSetupWidgetN } top marginQPageSetupWidget%1 x %2 in %1 x %2 in QPageSizeA0A0 QPageSizeA1A1 QPageSizeA10A10 QPageSizeA2A2 QPageSizeA3A3 QPageSizeA3 ExtraA3 Extra QPageSizeA4A4 QPageSizeA4 ExtraA4 Extra QPageSizeA4 PlusA4 Plus QPageSizeA4 SmallA4 Small QPageSizeA5A5 QPageSizeA5 ExtraA5 Extra QPageSizeA6A6 QPageSizeA7A7 QPageSizeA8A8 QPageSizeA9A9 QPageSize ANSI CANSI C QPageSize ANSI DANSI D QPageSize ANSI EANSI E QPageSizeB0B0 QPageSizeB1B1 QPageSizeB10B10 QPageSizeB2B2 QPageSizeB3B3 QPageSizeB4B4 QPageSizeB5B5 QPageSizeB5 ExtraB5 Extra QPageSizeB6B6 QPageSizeB7B7 QPageSizeB8B8 QPageSizeB9B9 QPageSizeCustom QPageSize  (%1CC x %2CC)Custom (%1CC x %2CC) QPageSize  (%1DD x %2DD)Custom (%1DD x %2DD) QPageSize  (%1in x %2in)Custom (%1in x %2in) QPageSize  (%1mm x %2mm)Custom (%1mm x %2mm) QPageSize  (%1pc x %2pc)Custom (%1pc x %2pc) QPageSize  (%1pt x %2pt)Custom (%1pt x %2pt) QPageSize fOrGY'\Double Postcard QPageSize O\W B4 Envelope B4 QPageSize O\W B5 Envelope B5 QPageSize O\W B6 Envelope B6 QPageSize O\W C0 Envelope C0 QPageSize O\W C1 Envelope C1 QPageSize O\W C2 Envelope C2 QPageSize O\W C3 Envelope C3 QPageSize O\W C4 Envelope C4 QPageSize O\W C5 Envelope C5 QPageSize O\W C6 Envelope C6 QPageSizeO\W C65 Envelope C65 QPageSize O\W C7 Envelope C7 QPageSize O\W DL Envelope DL QPageSizeO\W MonarchEnvelope Monarch QPageSizeO\W PRC 1Envelope PRC 1 QPageSizeO\W PRC 10Envelope PRC 10 QPageSizeO\W PRC 2Envelope PRC 2 QPageSizeO\W PRC 3Envelope PRC 3 QPageSizeO\W PRC 4Envelope PRC 4 QPageSizeO\W PRC 5Envelope PRC 5 QPageSizeO\W PRC 6Envelope PRC 6 QPageSizeO\W PRC 7Envelope PRC 7 QPageSizeO\W PRC 8Envelope PRC 8 QPageSizeO\W PRC 9Envelope PRC 9 QPageSizeO\W PersonalEnvelope Personal QPageSizeO\W US 10Envelope US 10 QPageSizeO\W US 11Envelope US 11 QPageSizeO\W US 12Envelope US 12 QPageSizeO\W US 14Envelope US 14 QPageSizeO\W US 9 Envelope US 9 QPageSize4Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in) QPageSize.Executive (7.5 x 10 in)Executive (7.5 x 10 in) QPageSize(Folio (8.27 x 13 in)Folio (8.27 x 13 in) QPageSize JIS B0JIS B0 QPageSize JIS B1JIS B1 QPageSizeJIS B10JIS B10 QPageSize JIS B2JIS B2 QPageSize JIS B3JIS B3 QPageSize JIS B4JIS B4 QPageSize JIS B5JIS B5 QPageSize JIS B6JIS B6 QPageSize JIS B7JIS B7 QPageSize JIS B8JIS B8 QPageSize JIS B9JIS B9 QPageSizeLedger / ANSI BLedger / ANSI B QPageSize LegalLegal QPageSizeO\ / ANSI ALetter / ANSI A QPageSize{FNote QPageSizePRC 16KPRC 16K QPageSizePRC 32KPRC 32K QPageSizefOrGPostcard QPageSize\X1 / ANSI BTabloid / ANSI B QPageSize T&(&N)&NoQPlatformTheme f/(&Y)&YesQPlatformTheme}BkbAbortQPlatformThemeYWu(ApplyQPlatformThemeSmCancelQPlatformThemeܕCloseQPlatformThemeNhDiscardQPlatformThemefHelpQPlatformTheme_ueIgnoreQPlatformThemeQhvT&(&O) N&o to AllQPlatformThemex[OKQPlatformThemeU_OpenQPlatformTheme͊-ResetQPlatformTheme SR0-P<Restore DefaultsQPlatformTheme͊fRetryQPlatformThemeQ2[XSaveQPlatformThemeQhQ2[XSave AllQPlatformThemeQhvf/(&A) Yes to &AllQPlatformThemeg* QeYcz _0The plugin was not loaded. QPluginLoaderg*w/ Unknown error QPluginLoader%1 ][XW(0 f/T&[/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QPrintDialogT%1 lu_kcxl0Ou(0 ,0 R{W b00 -0 [{W N&xO{W lg vN0%1 does not follow the correct syntax. Please use ',' to separate ranges and pages, '-' to define ranges and make sure ranges do not intersect with each other. QPrintDialog"%1 f/P v0 ːxdQvNjT 07%1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialogx(&O) << &Options << QPrintDialogx(&O) >> &Options >> QPrintDialog RSp(&P)&Print QPrintDialog1 (1x1)1 (1x1) QPrintDialog16 (4x4)16 (4x4) QPrintDialog2 (2x1)2 (2x1) QPrintDialog4 (2x2)4 (2x2) QPrintDialog6 (2x3)6 (2x3) QPrintDialog9 (3x3)9 (3x3) QPrintDialogQhb All Pages QPrintDialogR Automatic QPrintDialogN R0N ]R0SBottom to Top, Left to Right QPrintDialogN R0N SR0]Bottom to Top, Right to Left QPrintDialog ٗb-[]zDuplex Settings Conflicts QPrintDialogPvex Even Pages QPrintDialog(jhH %1 q!l[Qe0 ːxdQv[jT 0=File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog q!eHb[Invalid Pages Definition QPrintDialog]S N R0N Left to Right, Bottom to Top QPrintDialog]S N R0N Left to Right, Top to Bottom QPrintDialog g,W0zjhH Local file QPrintDialogx[OK QPrintDialogYGex Odd Pages QPrintDialogHN T fBOu(0 k_5}ST+ex0 0 b-[0 x0 ˕ܕQvN-NP x0gOptions 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together. Please turn one of those options off. QPrintDialogRSpPrint QPrintDialogRSpR0jhH...Print To File ... QPrintDialogRSpR0jhHPDF Print to File (PDF) QPrintDialogS] N R0N Right to Left, Bottom to Top QPrintDialogS] N R0N Right to Left, Top to Bottom QPrintDialog0 wY0 PY'Zoom inQPrintPreviewDialog~.\Zoom outQPrintPreviewDialog 2x]zAdvanced Option ConflictsQPrintPropertiesDialogO\imx Job OptionsQPrintPropertiesDialog b-[]zPage Setup ConflictsQPrintPropertiesDialog RSpj_\l`'Printer PropertiesQPrintPropertiesDialog"b-[N-v|s]zx f/T&O_CThere are conflicts in page setup options. Do you want to fix them?QPrintPropertiesDialog N2xv|s]z f/T&O_FThere are conflicts in some advanced options. Do you want to fix them?QPrintPropertiesDialog2AdvancedQPrintPropertiesWidgethUFormQPrintPropertiesWidgetbPageQPrintPropertiesWidget"Nxv|u]z O_NUOL05There are conflicts in some options. 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find_fixedlength()QRegularExpressionhN_ (?(0) q!eHinvalid condition (?(0)QRegularExpression$(*VERB) T z1N-v+^Rq!eH'invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) nameQRegularExpression[WQC^R%N-v+^Rq!eH*invalid escape sequence in character classQRegularExpression[WQC^R%v{W q!eH invalid range in character classQRegularExpression\P b \p ^Rh<_/malformed \P or \p sequenceQRegularExpression(?( _vex[WbT z1h<_/"malformed number or name after (?(QRegularExpression TR0M\ PR6match limit exceededQRegularExpression(?# P;_:\ )missing ) after (?# commentQRegularExpression[WQC^R%:\}Pg_ ])missing terminating ] for character classQRegularExpressionP(*MARK)0(*PRUNE)0(*SKIP) b (*THEN) vT z1Nw:name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)QRegularExpressionlg /no errorQRegularExpression lg {&Tvno matchQRegularExpression aN no more memoryQRegularExpression[P[WN2T z1͉non-unique substring nameQRegularExpression(?C _vex[WY'e 255$number after (?C is greater than 255QRegularExpressionex[WY*Y'number is too 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b \X=this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \XQRegularExpression$NYT}T [Pj#_ (gY 256 P )(too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)QRegularExpression&NYSNv (Ye INT_MAX))too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)QRegularExpressiong*w POSIX ^R%T z1unknown POSIX class nameQRegularExpression \P b \p _v\l`'T z1q!eH$unknown property name after \P or \pQRegularExpression [P[WN2N funknown substringQRegularExpressionq!lՋXR%v}ofBxOMQC'unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)QRegularExpression$q!lՋXR% (? b (?- _v[WQC&unrecognized character after (? or (?-QRegularExpression(?P _v[WQCq!lՋXR% unrecognized character after (?PQRegularExpressiong P g*wv[WQCe \ NK_ unrecognized character follows \QRegularExpressionau(z _P\u( UCP Ou(k (using UCP is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionau(z _P\u( UTF Ou(k (using UTF is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionau(z _P\u( \C Ou(k 'using \C is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionU_e^v|u/Error opening databaseQSQLite2Driverq!lՕYˆUtNUnable to begin transactionQSQLite2Driverq!lcNUtNUnable to commit transactionQSQLite2Driverq!lVސUtNUnable to rollback transactionQSQLite2Driver q!lWLsUnable to execute statementQSQLite2Result q!lbS}PgUnable to fetch resultsQSQLite2Resultܕe^v|u/Error closing database QSQLiteDriverU_e^v|u/Error opening database QSQLiteDriverq!lՕYˆUtNUnable to begin transaction QSQLiteDriverq!lcNUtNUnable to commit transaction QSQLiteDriverq!lVސUtNUnable to rollback transaction QSQLiteDriverlg gbNo query QSQLiteResultSexexN {&TParameter count mismatch QSQLiteResult q!l}PTSexUnable to bind parameters QSQLiteResultN T fBWLYP s/Unable to execute multiple statements at a time QSQLiteResult q!lWLsUnable to execute statement QSQLiteResult q!lbSRUnable to fetch row QSQLiteResult q!lՑ͊-sUnable to reset statement QSQLiteResult[XW(jhH %1 q!l[Qe Existing file %1 is not writable QSaveFilejhHT z1\ aR0NP vFilename refers to a directory QSaveFilerQSaveFile q!lW(lU_u(vc[Qe fallback v`lN U_0 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QSslSocket[XSֈb Access denied QSslSocket {lN v{&Algorithm mismatch QSslSocket&Vf\ %1 -[p %2 fBv|u/,An error occurred attempting to set %1 to %2 QSslSocketQgUtQ_q!eHAn internal handle was invalid QSslSocket QgaIq!eHAn internal token was invalid QSslSocketlBN e/cvQ_%An unsupported function was requested QSslSocketVfOu(N e/cv ST[0)Attempted to use an unsupported protocol. QSslSocketq!lcOlg єpvaI(Cannot provide a certificate with no key QSslSocketq!lcOlg єpvaI %1,Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 QSslSocket.[b6zv socket g*P OCSP Va.Client-side sockets do not send OCSP responses QSslSocketJDTLS O:g Vh` OpenSSL rHg,v0 VerifyNone0 j!_EDTLS server requires a 'VerifyNone' mode with your version of OpenSSL QSslSocketg*S_kd#}b@v\l`'07Did not get the required attributes for the connection. QSslSocket&Diffie-Hellman Sexq!eH'Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid QSslSocket$^z SSL QgefBv|u/%1 Error creating SSL context (%1) QSslSocket"^z SSL kfBv|u/ %1Error creating SSL session, %1 QSslSocket"^z SSL kfBv|u/%1Error creating SSL session: %1 QSslSocketSSL NcfBv|u/%1Error during SSL handshake: %1 QSslSocket Qeg,j_aIfBv|u/ %1#Error loading local certificate, %1 QSslSocket QeypfBv|u/ %1Error loading private key, %1 QSslSocket.-[ OpenSSL -[fBv|u/ (%1)1Error when setting the OpenSSL configuration (%1) QSslSocket -[jbWf}fBv|u/ (%1)+Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1) QSslSocketSfBv|u/%1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocket-[gY'ST[rHg,fBv|u/0Error while setting the maximum protocol version QSslSocket-[g\ST[rHg,fBv|u/0Error while setting the minimal protocol version QSslSocket$gg %1 v QByteArrayExpecting QByteArray for %1 QSslSocketq!lՉx OCSP VaFailed to decode OCSP response QSslSocket@q!lՉxO OCSP VaɊlBv SingleResponse;Failed to decode a SingleResponse from OCSP status response QSslSocket.q!lU_u( OCSP ݊ (stapling)Failed to enable OCSP stapling QSslSocket^q!l_ SingleResponse 㕋0 kdfefB (this update time)0 No certificate verification store, cannot verify OCSP response QSslSocketlg WIvaI!No certificates could be verified QSslSocketlg QqT vR[YWNNo cipher suites in common QSslSocket$[b6zO:g Vhlg QqT Su(v ST[;No common protocol exists between the client and the server QSslSocket b~N R0adNo credentials QSslSocketlg /No error QSslSocket q!l՚WI OCSP VaVhvN+OCSP reponder's identity cannot be verified QSslSocket OCSP VaVhvQgraKN N5OCSP responder reached an inconsistent internal state QSslSocket&OCSP VaVhq!lVPlBaIvraKJOCSP responder was unable to return a status for the requested certificate QSslSocket q!l՚WI OCSP VaɀvN,OCSP responder's identity cannot be verified QSslSocketDOCSP VaST+N ag v SingleResponse ^i˚ex[WHOCSP response contains an unexpected number of SingleResponse structures QSslSocketQvN-NP CA aIq!eH%One of the CA certificates is invalid QSslSocket6OpenSSL rHg,N \ v1.0.2 rHg,-OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2 QSslSocket$P\u(jbWf}v OpenSSL rHg,-OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves QSslSocketypN IfQlp %1+Private key does not certify public key, %1 QSslSocketeNmY1eW%1"Renegotiation was unsuccessful: %1 QSslSocket*SSL_CONF_CTX_new() Y1eWSSL_CONF_CTX_new() failed QSslSocket(SSL_CONF_finish() Y1eWSSL_CONF_finish() failed QSslSocket$Schannel R[ƌeY1eW%1#Schannel failed to encrypt data: %1 QSslSocket O:g VhN cSbPb@cOvaI07Server did not accept any certificate we could present. QSslSocketNO:g Vhzv QSslSocket N e/c OCSP ݊ (stapling)5Server-side QSslSocket does not support OCSP stapling QSslSocketTLS RYSY1eWTLS initialization failed QSslSocketOCSP raKlBST+q!eHl*The OCSP status request had invalid syntax QSslSocketTLS/SSL #}]򈫕ܕ&The TLS/SSL connection has been closed QSslSocket6basicConstraints OMnw^SexQ{W  QUndoModelPZRedo QUndoStack PZ %1Redo %1 QUndoStack_SUndo QUndoStack _S %1Undo %1 QUndoStackcQe Unicode cR6[WQC Insert Unicode control characterQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRE ]R0S]LQew$LRE Start of left-to-right embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRI ]SRLRI Left-to-right isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRM ]R0SjLRM Left-to-right markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRO ]R0S[w#LRO Start of left-to-right overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuPDF _HQeTh<_PDF Pop directional formattingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLE SR0]]LQew$RLE Start of right-to-left embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLI S]RRLI Right-to-left isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLM SR0]jRLM Right-to-left markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLO SR0]扆[w#RLO Start of right-to-left overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWJ [^#cVhZWJ Zero width joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWNJ [^^#cVhZWNJ Zero width non-joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWSP [^zzv}ZWSP Zero width spaceQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu f/N What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget (&C)&CopyQWidgetTextControl N (&P)&PasteQWidgetTextControl PZ(&R)&RedoQWidgetTextControl _S(&U)&UndoQWidgetTextControl#}POMW@(&L)Copy &Link LocationQWidgetTextControl RjN (&T)Cu&tQWidgetTextControlR*dDeleteQWidgetTextControlQhxd Select AllQWidgetTextControl(q!lՏ Qe Direct2D ^sSYcz _$Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWindowsDirect2DIntegrationQt q!lՏ Qe direct2d ^sSYcz _ Vp|}q Direct2D rHg,N 0kd^sSYcz _vgON|}qlB\ST+^sSfev Windows 7 SP10 gON Direct2D rHg,lBp %1 OF|}qN v Direct2D rHg,p %20Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update. The minimum Direct2D version required is %1. The Direct2D version on this system is %2.QWindowsDirect2DIntegration [b(&F)&FinishQWizard f(&H)&HelpQWizardN NP (&N)&NextQWizardN NP (&N) &Next >QWizardV(&B)< &BackQWizardSmCancelQWizardcNCommitQWizard~|~ContinueQWizard[bDoneQWizard_VGo BackQWizardfHelpQWizard.S XML [TJfBag }xe_[TJbshz[TJYencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlW(Y[N-ve[W[TJg /3error in the text declaration of an external entityQXmlg;fBv|u/$error occurred while parsing commentQXmlgQg[fBv|u/$error occurred while parsing contentQXmlgeNWaK[fBv|u/5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXmlgQC} fBv|u/$error occurred while parsing elementQXmlgSÀfBv|u/&error occurred while parsing referenceQXml[b6v|v/error triggered by consumerQXml.W( DTD N-N QA1Ou(YgvN,[SÀ;external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXml*W(\l`'Punexpected end of fileQXml W(/vQgeN-g g*gv[SÀ*unparsed entity reference in wrong contextQXml"S XML [TJfBaɊrg rHg,_2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlshz[TJfBvPzg YvQg[0!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStreamq!eHvT}T zz[TJ0Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStreamq!eHv XML [WQC0Invalid XML character. QXmlStreamq!eHv XML T z10Invalid XML name. QXmlStreamq!eHv XML rHg,[WN20Invalid XML version string. QXmlStreamXML [TJN-g q!eHv\l`'0%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStreamq!eHv[WQCSÀ0Invalid character reference. QXmlStream eNq!eH0Invalid document. QXmlStreamq!eHv[P<0Invalid entity value. QXmlStreamq!eHvUtcNT z10$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStreamSex[[TJg NDATA0&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStream g*[TJT}T zzvRMn[WN20 %10 "Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStreamU_}Pg_vj|dN \ z10 Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStreameN}P\>Ne}Pg_0Premature end of document. QXmlStreamPun,R0^[0Recursive entity detected. QXmlStream"W(\l`'P0 0&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStream"shz[ScS yes b no0"Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStreamgag Yj|d0Start tag expected. QXmlStream&shzv[d\l`'_ŘW(}xe_NK_Qs0?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStream^gv0 %10 0Unexpected '%1'. QXmlStream*W(QlNx[WQCN-GR0^gv[WQC0 %10 0/Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStreamN e/cv XML rHg,0Unsupported XML version. QXmlStreamXML [TJlg W(eNYˆU0)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream