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Jf ^x K Y R %7c  "w U.  b YD & x F +Qp t5  mՎͽwyTgD"=>gT+F#*Ҍ*2V.t{/E/E+3~70878DJ%N޵x3OOV5{XRuV[ Ԣ[du`a.gcOnyGy$;y?.%*w%`ecn4evmjxڕ$(>d^SsK'N²CaMNq^1:'7ʪ^$&rݖ rpT\E3rF?77a  e6 @lDK2"#E%4&%4KU,--v:0i)n0o1c1=2wTnG<=|F=>kF74KTL$.[m4b4rc5Je3g3iCiTGql? p`tbz3Y{`n{~al&&WDaÓ $tT[&$.ͣvͣ9A`N: 8+5t,ě4,Ȍ)7Ȭ(;rbrܴC-1U?B}"~6q+t2M';ÏA'D%!i  Close Tab CloseButton %1About %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENU  %1Hide %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENU   Hide OthersMAC_APPLICATION_MENU...Preferences...MAC_APPLICATION_MENU  %1Quit %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENUServicesMAC_APPLICATION_MENU Show AllMAC_APPLICATION_MENU Connection refusedQAbstractSocket  Connection timed outQAbstractSocket  Host not foundQAbstractSocket$   Network unreachableQAbstractSocket.    $Operation on socket is not supportedQAbstractSocket  Socket is not connectedQAbstractSocket    Socket operation timed outQAbstractSocketB    1Trying to connect while connection is in progressQAbstractSocket&  &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox &&Step upQAbstractSpinBox & Step &downQAbstractSpinBoxDecreaseQAccessibleActionInterface  Decrease the valueQAccessibleActionInterface  Goes back a pageQAccessibleActionInterface  Goes to the next pageQAccessibleActionInterfaceIncreaseQAccessibleActionInterface  Increase the valueQAccessibleActionInterface   Next PageQAccessibleActionInterfacePressQAccessibleActionInterface  Previous PageQAccessibleActionInterface  Scroll DownQAccessibleActionInterface  Scroll LeftQAccessibleActionInterface  Scroll RightQAccessibleActionInterface  Scroll UpQAccessibleActionInterface  Scrolls downQAccessibleActionInterface Scrolls to the leftQAccessibleActionInterface Scrolls to the rightQAccessibleActionInterface  Scrolls upQAccessibleActionInterface SetFocusQAccessibleActionInterface  Sets the focusQAccessibleActionInterface ShowMenuQAccessibleActionInterface  Shows the menuQAccessibleActionInterface/ToggleQAccessibleActionInterface  Toggles the stateQAccessibleActionInterface  Triggers the actionQAccessibleActionInterfaceNoQAndroidPlatformTheme  No to AllQAndroidPlatformThemeYesQAndroidPlatformTheme  Yes to AllQAndroidPlatformThemeT  "%1"   Qt %2,  Qt %3.,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplication,   QtIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplicationAboutQCocoaMenuItem QtAbout QtQCocoaMenuItem ConfigQCocoaMenuItemCopyQCocoaMenuItemCutQCocoaMenuItem ExitQCocoaMenuItemOptionsQCocoaMenuItemPasteQCocoaMenuItem  PreferenceQCocoaMenuItem QuitQCocoaMenuItem  Select AllQCocoaMenuItem SettingQCocoaMenuItem SetupQCocoaMenuItem  Don't Save QCocoaTheme4&   &Add to Custom Colors QColorDialog&  &Basic colors QColorDialog( & &Custom colors QColorDialog &:&Green: QColorDialog&HTML: QColorDialog&  &Pick Screen Color QColorDialog &:&Red: QColorDialog&:&Sat: QColorDialog &:&Val: QColorDialog& :A&lpha channel: QColorDialog &:Bl&ue: QColorDialogB  %1, %2  ESC $Cursor at %1, %2 Press ESC to cancel QColorDialog &:Hu&e: QColorDialog  Select Color QColorDialogFalse QComboBoxF      "Open the combo box selection popup QComboBoxTrue QComboBox Arguments:QCommandLineParserDisplays this help.QCommandLineParserDisplays version information.QCommandLineParserMissing value after '%1'.QCommandLineParserOptions:QCommandLineParserUnexpected value after '%1'.QCommandLineParserUnknown option '%1'.QCommandLineParserUnknown options: %1.QCommandLineParser Usage: %1QCommandLineParser [options]QCommandLineParser(%1:  ftok %1: ftok failedQCoreApplication"%1:   %1: key is emptyQCoreApplication2%1:    %1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication  Banner PagesQCupsJobWidget :Billing information:QCupsJobWidget  ClassifiedQCupsJobWidget ConfidentialQCupsJobWidget( (06:00  17:59)Day (06:00 to 17:59)QCupsJobWidget :End:QCupsJobWidget$   Hold IndefinitelyQCupsJobWidget JobQCupsJobWidget  Job ControlQCupsJobWidget : Job priority:QCupsJobWidget* (18:00  05:59)Night (18:00 to 05:59)QCupsJobWidgetNoneQCupsJobWidget Print ImmediatelyQCupsJobWidget :Scheduled printing:QCupsJobWidget6  (16:00  23:59)Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)QCupsJobWidgetSecretQCupsJobWidget  Specific TimeQCupsJobWidgetStandardQCupsJobWidget:Start:QCupsJobWidget:  (00:00  07:59)Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)QCupsJobWidget  Top SecretQCupsJobWidget  UnclassifiedQCupsJobWidget.  (  )Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)QCupsJobWidget0   Unable to commit transaction QDB2Driver"  Unable to connect QDB2Driver@    Unable to rollback transaction QDB2Driver8    Unable to set autocommit QDB2Driver,   Unable to bind variable QDB2Result*   Unable to execute statement QDB2Result4    Unable to fetch first QDB2Result.    Unable to fetch next QDB2Result:     %1Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2Result,   Unable to prepare statement QDB2Result OK QDBusTrayIcon AMQDateTimeParser PMQDateTimeParser amQDateTimeParser pmQDateTimeParser  ? What's This?QDialog OKQDialogButtonBox  Date Modified QDirModelKind QDirModelName QDirModelSize QDirModelType QDirModel Operation cancelled QDnsLookup4     Could not expand domain nameQDnsLookupRunnable  %1  .Host %1 could not be found.QDnsLookupRunnableR IPv6      :IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supportedQDnsLookupRunnable2  IPv4  Invalid IPv4 address recordQDnsLookupRunnable2  IPv6  Invalid IPv6 address recordQDnsLookupRunnable0    Invalid canonical name recordQDnsLookupRunnable   Invalid domain nameQDnsLookupRunnable   Invalid hostnameQDnsLookupRunnable.    Invalid mail exchange recordQDnsLookupRunnable.    Invalid name server recordQDnsLookupRunnable(   Invalid pointer recordQDnsLookupRunnable(   Invalid reply receivedQDnsLookupRunnable(   Invalid service recordQDnsLookupRunnable&   Invalid text recordQDnsLookupRunnable   No hostname givenQDnsLookupRunnable   Non existent domainQDnsLookupRunnable.   Not yet supported on AndroidQDnsLookupRunnable.   Resolver functions not foundQDnsLookupRunnable   Resolver initialization failedQDnsLookupRunnable     :      DResolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading supportQDnsLookupRunnable*   Server could not process queryQDnsLookupRunnable Server failureQDnsLookupRunnable  Server refused to answerQDnsLookupRunnable   Unknown errorQDnsLookupRunnableClose QDockWidget&   dockCloses the dock widget QDockWidgetFloat QDockWidget>     dock'Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget QDockWidget &&OK QErrorMessage$&   &Show this message again QErrorMessage :Debug Message: QErrorMessage : Fatal Error: QErrorMessage :Warning: QErrorMessage:    %1 Cannot create %1 for outputQFile:    %1 Cannot open %1 for inputQFile.   Cannot open for outputQFile4    Cannot remove source fileQFile  Destination file existsQFile.    ."Destination file is the same file.QFile   .Error while renaming.QFile*   Failure to write blockQFile$   .Source file does not exist.QFile2    %1: %2Unable to restore from %1: %2QFile`        0Will not rename sequential file using block copyQFilel        UnMapExtensionBNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension QFileDeviceh%1   .       .K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialogb%1   .       .A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog %1%1 File QFileDialogJ %1  .    ?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog&&Choose QFileDialog&&Delete QFileDialog & &New Folder QFileDialog&&Open QFileDialog& &Rename QFileDialog &&Save QFileDialogd%1   .      ?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialog Alias QFileDialog  (*) All Files (*) QFileDialog  (*) All files (*) QFileDialogAlt+Left QFileDialog Alt+Right QFileDialogAlt+Up QFileDialogJ       '%1'?%Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialog Back QFileDialog*   Change to detail view mode QFileDialog*   Change to list view mode QFileDialog0   .Could not delete directory. QFileDialog  Create New Folder QFileDialog  Create a New Folder QFileDialogDelete QFileDialog  Detail View QFileDialog  Directories QFileDialog: Directory: QFileDialogDrive QFileDialogFile QFileDialog& : File &name: QFileDialog  File Folder QFileDialog Files QFileDialog :Files of type: QFileDialog Find Directory QFileDialog Folder QFileDialog Forward QFileDialog Go back QFileDialog  Go forward QFileDialog"   Go to the parent directory QFileDialog  List View QFileDialog,  List of places and bookmarks QFileDialog :Look in: QFileDialog  My Computer QFileDialog  New Folder QFileDialog Open QFileDialog Parent Directory QFileDialog  Recent Places QFileDialogRemove QFileDialog Save As QFileDialog Shortcut QFileDialog Show  QFileDialog$&  Show &hidden files QFileDialog Sidebar QFileDialog Unknown QFileDialog %1 "%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1 "%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 "%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 "%1 TBQFileSystemModel%1  %1 byte(s)QFileSystemModel%1 %1 bytesQFileSystemModel<b>    "%1".</b><p>  ,       .oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModelComputerQFileSystemModel  Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel   Invalid filenameQFileSystemModelKindQFileSystemModel  My ComputerQFileSystemModelNameQFileSystemModelSizeQFileSystemModelTypeQFileSystemModelAny QFontDatabase Arabic QFontDatabase Armenian QFontDatabase Bengali QFontDatabaseBlack QFontDatabase Bold QFontDatabaseCyrillic QFontDatabase Demi QFontDatabase  Demi Bold QFontDatabase Devanagari QFontDatabaseExtra QFontDatabase  Extra Bold QFontDatabase   Extra Light QFontDatabaseGeorgian QFontDatabase Greek QFontDatabase'Gujarati QFontDatabaseGurmukhi QFontDatabase Hebrew QFontDatabaseItalic QFontDatabase Japanese QFontDatabase Kannada QFontDatabaseKhmer QFontDatabaseKorean QFontDatabaseLao QFontDatabase Latin QFontDatabaseLight QFontDatabase Malayalam QFontDatabase Medium QFontDatabase Myanmar QFontDatabase'N'Ko QFontDatabaseNormal QFontDatabaseOblique QFontDatabaseOgham QFontDatabase Oriya QFontDatabaseRunic QFontDatabase Simplified Chinese QFontDatabaseSinhala QFontDatabase Symbol QFontDatabase Syriac QFontDatabase Tamil QFontDatabase Telugu QFontDatabaseThaana QFontDatabaseThai QFontDatabaseThin QFontDatabase Tibetan QFontDatabase Traditional Chinese QFontDatabase Vietnamese QFontDatabase &&Font QFontDialog &&Size QFontDialog & &Underline QFontDialog Effects QFontDialog&  Font st&yle QFontDialog Sample QFontDialog  Select Font QFontDialog & Stri&keout QFontDialog& Wr&iting System QFontDialog*  : %1Changing directory failed: %1QFtp    %1Connected to host %1QFtp,   : %1Connecting to host failed: %1QFtp Connection closedQFtp*   %1 Connection refused to host %1QFtp0    %1 Connection timed out to host %1QFtp,  : %1Creating directory failed: %1QFtp"  Data Connection refusedQFtp(  : %1Downloading file failed: %1QFtp %1  Host %1 not foundQFtpN     : %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtp" : %1Login failed: %1QFtp  Not connectedQFtp*  : %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtp&  : %1Removing file failed: %1QFtp   Unknown errorQFtp(  : %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtp &&Cancel QGnomeTheme &&Close QGnomeTheme &&OK QGnomeTheme &&Save QGnomeTheme  Close without Saving QGnomeThemeRTLQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONQGuiApplication   No host name given QHostInfo   Unknown error QHostInfo  Host not foundQHostInfoAgent   Invalid hostnameQHostInfoAgent   No host name givenQHostInfoAgent&   Unknown address typeQHostInfoAgent   Unknown errorQHostInfoAgent&   (%1)Unknown error (%1)QHostInfoAgent Connection closedQHttp Connection refusedQHttp Data corruptedQHttp %1  Host %1 not foundQHttp  Host requires authenticationQHttp.   Insecure redirectQHttp    Proxy requires authenticationQHttp0   SSL SSL handshake failedQHttp,   Too many redirectsQHttp*   Unknown protocol specifiedQHttp Authentication requiredQHttpSocketEngineB   HTTP  (Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngineH      HTTP#Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEngineJ     /Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEngine8     #Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngine(   Proxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine&   Proxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngine,    !Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEngine"   Proxy server not foundQHttpSocketEngine4   Could not start transaction QIBaseDriver.   Error opening database QIBaseDriver0   Unable to commit transaction QIBaseDriver@    Unable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriver.   Could not allocate statement QIBaseResult2    "Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult*   Could not describe statement QIBaseResult:     Could not fetch next item QIBaseResult8    Could not find array QIBaseResultB     Could not get array data QIBaseResult8    Could not get query info QIBaseResult6    Could not get statement info QIBaseResult,   Could not prepare statement QIBaseResult4   Could not start transaction QIBaseResult,   Unable to close statement QIBaseResult0   Unable to commit transaction QIBaseResult*   BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult,   Unable to execute query QIBaseResult*   BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResult*   BLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResult*   BLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResult$   No space left on device QIODevice,    No such file or directory QIODevice Permission denied QIODevice*   Too many open files QIODevice   Unknown error QIODevice,   file to open is a directory QIODevice  File not found QImageReader  Invalid device QImageReader0    Unable to read image data QImageReader   Unknown error QImageReader&   Unsupported image format QImageReader  Device is not set QImageWriter&   Device not writable QImageWriter   Unknown error QImageWriter&   Unsupported image format QImageWriter :Enter a value: QInputDialog  "garbage at the end of the documentQJsonParseError  illegal numberQJsonParseError   illegal valueQJsonParseError( UTF8  invalid UTF8 stringQJsonParseError$ escape  invalid escape sequenceQJsonParseError2    invalid termination by numberQJsonParseError  missing name separatorQJsonParseError  missing value separatorQJsonParseError"   no error occurredQJsonParseError*   object is missing after a commaQJsonParseError,    too deeply nested documentQJsonParseError  too large documentQJsonParseError  unterminated arrayQJsonParseError   unterminated objectQJsonParseError  unterminated stringQJsonParseError%1, ...%1, ...QKeySequenceEdit    Press shortcutQKeySequenceEdit>'%1'   ELF  (%2)"'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)QLibrary"'%1'   Qt'%1' is not a Qt pluginQLibraryH'%1'    Mach-O  (%2)&'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)QLibrary*'%1'   ELF'%1' is not an ELF objectQLibrary4'%1'   ELF (%2)'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)QLibrary<    %1: %2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibraryJ    "%1"  %2: %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibrary<    %1: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibraryN      '%1',Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'QLibrary: '%1'   Qt .'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibraryn '%1'   Qt   (%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibrary '%1'   Qt   (    debug  release.)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibrary2   .!The shared library was not found.QLibrary   Unknown errorQLibrary file is corruptQLibrary  file too smallQLibrary( magic   %1invalid magic %1QLibraryB    &no suitable architecture in fat binaryQLibrary"  not a dynamic libraryQLibrary  wrong architectureQLibrary &&Copy QLineEdit &&Paste QLineEdit &&Redo QLineEdit&&Undo QLineEdit &Cu&t QLineEditDelete QLineEdit  Select All QLineEdit %1:  %1: Address in use QLocalServer%1:  %1: Name error QLocalServer%1:  %1: Permission denied QLocalServer*%1:    %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer%1:  %1: Access denied QLocalSocket%1:  %1: Connection error QLocalSocket%1:  %1: Connection refused QLocalSocket0%1:    %1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket%1:   %1: Invalid name QLocalSocketJ%1:       8%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state QLocalSocket"%1:   %1: Remote closed QLocalSocket&%1:   %1: Socket access error QLocalSocket(%1:    %1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket$%1:   %1: Socket resource error QLocalSocket2%1:    )%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket$%1:   %1: Unknown error QLocalSocket*%1:    %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocketB    1Trying to connect while connection is in progress QLocalSocket8    MYSQL!Unable to allocate a MYSQL object QMYSQLDriver4   Unable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriver0   Unable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver"  Unable to connect QMYSQLDriver:     '%1'Unable to open database '%1' QMYSQLDriver@    Unable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriver4   outvaluesUnable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResult(   Unable to bind value QMYSQLResult4    Unable to execute next query QMYSQLResult,   Unable to execute query QMYSQLResult*   Unable to execute statement QMYSQLResult.   Unable to fetch data QMYSQLResult,   Unable to prepare statement QMYSQLResult*   Unable to reset statement QMYSQLResult4    Unable to store next result QMYSQLResult,   Unable to store result QMYSQLResult:    !Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult( ) (Untitled)QMdiArea%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow &&Close QMdiSubWindow&&Move QMdiSubWindow &&Restore QMdiSubWindow &&Size QMdiSubWindow - [%1]- [%1] QMdiSubWindowClose QMdiSubWindowHelp QMdiSubWindow & Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowMaximize QMdiSubWindow Menu QMdiSubWindow & Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowMinimize QMdiSubWindowRestore QMdiSubWindow  Restore Down QMdiSubWindowShade QMdiSubWindow&  Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindow Unshade QMdiSubWindown<h3> Qt</h3><p>   Qt  %1.</p>8

About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox<p> Qt    C++     -.</p><p> Qt   -        . Qt     Embedded Linux      .</p><p> Qt             .</p><p> Qt              /                    GNU LGPL  3.</p><p> Qt     GNU LGPL  3       Qt         GNU LGPL  3.</p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>{

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.

Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.

Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Please see %2 for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.

Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.

Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox QtAbout Qt QMessageBoxHelp QMessageBox ...Hide Details... QMessageBox OK QMessageBox ...Show Details... QMessageBox>      4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEnginej   IPv6      IPv6=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngine0    Connection reset by peerQNativeSocketEngine  Connection timed outQNativeSocketEngineJ      Datagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine$   Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngine    Invalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine:     #Network dropped connection on resetQNativeSocketEngine  Network errorQNativeSocketEngine    Network operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine$   Network unreachableQNativeSocketEngine4    Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine  Out of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngine,   Protocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine Temporary errorQNativeSocketEngine"  The address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine The address is protectedQNativeSocketEngine<    #The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngineF      ,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngine4    %The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngine<    broadcast%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngine8    -(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine*   Unable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngine,   Unable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngine   Unable to writeQNativeSocketEngine   Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngine$   Unsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngine  %1Error opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackend, URI  : %1Invalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDataBackendL        %13Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend&   %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend>     %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendP    %1:   #Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackend(  %1: %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendB     %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend>     %1%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend>     %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendF    %1:  Cannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackend0   %1: %2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend0   %1: %2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend:  %1 :  0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackend.    No suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackend,   .Network access is disabled.QNetworkAccessManager&   .Background request not allowed. QNetworkReply:  %1 -  : %2*Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply   .Network session error. QNetworkReply. "%1"  Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply  .Temporary network failure. QNetworkReply.   .backend start error. QNetworkReply.    No suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyHttpImpl Operation canceledQNetworkReplyHttpImpl Operation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl  .Invalid configuration.QNetworkSession6    .'Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplP      .7The requested operation is not supported by the system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplF      ..The session was aborted by the user or system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl4    .+The specified configuration cannot be used.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl*   .Unknown session error.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl4   Unable to begin transaction QOCIDriver0   Unable to commit transaction QOCIDriver   Unable to initialize QOCIDriver"  Unable to logon QOCIDriver@    Unable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver.   Unable to alloc statement QOCIResultH      'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult(   Unable to bind value QOCIResult6    !Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult*   Unable to execute statement QOCIResult8    Unable to get statement type QOCIResult,   Unable to goto next QOCIResult,   Unable to prepare statement QOCIResult0   Unable to commit transaction QODBCDriver"  Unable to connect QODBCDrivern   -      EUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required QODBCDriver8    Unable to disable autocommit QODBCDriver8    Unable to enable autocommit QODBCDriver@    Unable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset:     'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC'  .      ODBCyQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult,   Unable to bind variable QODBCResult*   Unable to execute statement QODBCResult   Unable to fetch QODBCResult4    Unable to fetch first QODBCResult4    Unable to fetch last QODBCResult.    Unable to fetch next QODBCResult2    Unable to fetch previous QODBCResult,   Unable to prepare statement QODBCResult4   Could not begin transaction QPSQLDriver0   Could not commit transaction QPSQLDriver@    Could not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver"  Unable to connect QPSQLDriver"  Unable to subscribe QPSQLDriver*   Unable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver.   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QPluginLoader   Unknown error QPluginLoaderJ %1  .    ?/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QPrintDialogH%1  .     .7%1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog& << &Options << QPrintDialog& >> &Options >> QPrintDialog &&Print QPrintDialog1 (1x1) QPrintDialog16 (4x4) QPrintDialog2 (2x1) QPrintDialog4 (2x2) QPrintDialog6 (2x3) QPrintDialog9 (3x3) QPrintDialog  All Pages QPrintDialog Automatic QPrintDialog. ,  Bottom to Top, Left to Right QPrintDialog. ,  Bottom to Top, Right to Left QPrintDialog  Even Pages QPrintDialogX %1   .     .=File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog. ,  Left to Right, Bottom to Top QPrintDialog. ,  Left to Right, Top to Bottom QPrintDialog  Local file QPrintDialog OK QPrintDialog    Odd Pages QPrintDialog    ' ' ' ' .     ".gOptions 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together. Please turn one of those options off. QPrintDialog Print QPrintDialog   ...Print To File ... 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quoted nameQRegularExpression\  ]        JavaScript?] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility modeQRegularExpression@     %a numbered reference must not be zeroQRegularExpression     (*ACCEPT)  , (*FAIL)   (*COMMIT) ?an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)QRegularExpression,   (?( assertion expected after (?(QRegularExpression@   \u...    /character value in \u.... sequence is too largeQRegularExpressionN    \x{...}    0character value in \x{...} sequence is too largeQRegularExpression. )    (?Cclosing ) for (?C expectedQRegularExpression@     1conditional group contains more than two branchesQRegularExpressionV       Bdifferent names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowedQRegularExpression*   (?+ digit expected after (?+QRegularExpressionB   \x{}   \o{} digits missing in \x{} or \o{}QRegularExpression6disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)QRegularExpression4 erroffset   NULLerroffset passed as NULLQRegularExpression$  failed to get memoryQRegularExpressionH       &group name must start with a non-digitQRegularExpression4 NEWLINE  inconsistent NEWLINE optionsQRegularExpression0 :  internal error: code overflowQRegularExpressionH :    +internal error: overran compiling workspaceQRegularExpressionh :        Binternal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not foundQRegularExpression6 :   !internal error: unexpected repeatQRegularExpressionl : opcode    find_fixedlength() 4internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()QRegularExpression, UTF-16  invalid UTF-16 stringQRegularExpression, UTF-32  invalid UTF-32 stringQRegularExpression* UTF-8  invalid UTF-8 stringQRegularExpression(   (?(0) invalid condition (?(0)QRegularExpression< escape    *invalid escape sequence in character classQRegularExpression0     invalid range in character classQRegularExpression>     (lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthQRegularExpression( \P  \p malformed \P or \p sequenceQRegularExpression6     (?( "malformed number or name after (?(QRegularExpression  ) missing )QRegularExpression )  missing ) after commentQRegularExpression,    \omissing opening brace after \oQRegularExpression, ]   )missing terminating ] for character classQRegularExpression    (*MARK)  , (*PRUNE)  , (*SKIP) ,  (*THEN) :name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)QRegularExpression no errorQRegularExpressionb    \x{}  (  ?)2non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpressionZ    \o{}  (  ?)4non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpression   nothing to repeatQRegularExpression:  (?C   255number after (?C is > 255QRegularExpression  number is too bigQRegularExpression,    {}number too big in {} quantifierQRegularExpression,   {}%numbers out of order in {} quantifierQRegularExpressionP    \377 (  UTF-8)4octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)QRegularExpression0   !parentheses are too deeply nestedQRegularExpressionN    ( )/parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)QRegularExpression*   %range out of order in character classQRegularExpressionX     &recursive call could loop indefinitelyQRegularExpression4     $reference to non-existent subpatternQRegularExpression,   regular expression is too largeQRegularExpression@   DEFINE  'repeating a DEFINE group is not allowedQRegularExpression*   UTF*setting UTF is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpression    subpattern name expectedQRegularExpressionP     (  32 )3subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)QRegularExpressionH  \P , \p,  \X  0support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiledQRegularExpressionF     ( )4syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)QRegularExpression\   PCRE     PCRE_UCP:this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP supportQRegularExpression^   PCRE     PCRE_UTF8;this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 supportQRegularExpression*   too many forward referencesQRegularExpressionV     (  10,000)*too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)QRegularExpression<      (two named subpatterns have the same nameQRegularExpression,  POSIX  unknown POSIX class nameQRegularExpressionF ()    unknown option bit(s) setQRegularExpression@     \P  \p$unknown property name after \P or \pQRegularExpression$  unmatched parenthesesQRegularExpression<    (?   (?- &unrecognized character after (? or (?-QRegularExpression*    )?> unrecognized character after (?<QRegularExpression*    (?P unrecognized character after (?PQRegularExpression$    \ unrecognized character follows \QRegularExpression.   Error opening databaseQSQLite2Driver4   Unable to begin transactionQSQLite2Driver0   Unable to commit transactionQSQLite2Driver@    Unable to rollback transactionQSQLite2Driver*   Unable to execute statementQSQLite2Result.   Unable to fetch resultsQSQLite2Result.   Error closing database QSQLiteDriver.   Error opening database QSQLiteDriver4   Unable to begin transaction QSQLiteDriver0   Unable to commit transaction QSQLiteDriver@    Unable to rollback transaction QSQLiteDriver No query QSQLiteResult.   Parameter count mismatch QSQLiteResult0   Unable to bind parameters QSQLiteResultJ      /Unable to execute multiple statements at a time QSQLiteResult*   Unable to execute statement QSQLiteResult*   Unable to fetch row QSQLiteResult*   Unable to reset statement QSQLiteResult4  %1    Existing file %1 is not writable QSaveFile(   Filename refers to a directory QSaveFile.   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Down QShortcut :  Volume Mute QShortcut :  Volume Up QShortcutWWWWWW QShortcut Wake Up QShortcut WebCam QShortcut Wireless QShortcut Word Processor QShortcutXFer QShortcutYellow QShortcutYes QShortcut Zenkaku QShortcut Zenkaku Hankaku QShortcutZoom QShortcut Zoom In QShortcut Zoom Out QShortcut iTouchiTouch QShortcut&   Address type not supportedQSocks5SocketEngine4 SOCKSv5   (Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 serverQSocks5SocketEngine@      &Connection to proxy closed prematurelyQSocks5SocketEngine0    Connection to proxy refusedQSocks5SocketEngine2     Connection to proxy timed outQSocks5SocketEngine(  SOCKSv5 General SOCKSv5 server failureQSocks5SocketEngine    Network operation timed outQSocks5SocketEngine(   Proxy authentication failedQSocks5SocketEngine0   : %1Proxy authentication failed: %1QSocks5SocketEngine,    Proxy host not foundQSocks5SocketEngine8  SOCKS  5SOCKS version 5 protocol errorQSocks5SocketEngine, SOCKSv5  SOCKSv5 command not supportedQSocks5SocketEngine$    TTL expiredQSocks5SocketEngineP    SOCKSv5   0x%1%Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1QSocks5SocketEngine  alert messageQSpiAccessibleBridge  animationQSpiAccessibleBridge  applicationQSpiAccessibleBridge  assistantQSpiAccessibleBridge  button menuQSpiAccessibleBridge  button with drop downQSpiAccessibleBridge$   button with drop down gridQSpiAccessibleBridgecanvasQSpiAccessibleBridgecellQSpiAccessibleBridge chartQSpiAccessibleBridge  check boxQSpiAccessibleBridgeclockQSpiAccessibleBridge  color chooserQSpiAccessibleBridge columnQSpiAccessibleBridge  column headerQSpiAccessibleBridge  combo boxQSpiAccessibleBridge complementary contentQSpiAccessibleBridgecursorQSpiAccessibleBridgedialQSpiAccessibleBridge  dialogQSpiAccessibleBridgedocumentQSpiAccessibleBridge equationQSpiAccessibleBridgefillerQSpiAccessibleBridge footerQSpiAccessibleBridgeformQSpiAccessibleBridge frameQSpiAccessibleBridgegraphicQSpiAccessibleBridge"  gripQSpiAccessibleBridge headingQSpiAccessibleBridge  help balloonQSpiAccessibleBridge   hotkey fieldQSpiAccessibleBridge  indicatorQSpiAccessibleBridge   invalid roleQSpiAccessibleBridgelabelQSpiAccessibleBridge  layered paneQSpiAccessibleBridge linkQSpiAccessibleBridge listQSpiAccessibleBridge  list itemQSpiAccessibleBridge menu barQSpiAccessibleBridge  menu itemQSpiAccessibleBridgenoteQSpiAccessibleBridge page tabQSpiAccessibleBridge&   page tab listQSpiAccessibleBridgepanelQSpiAccessibleBridge  paragraphQSpiAccessibleBridge  popup menuQSpiAccessibleBridge  progress barQSpiAccessibleBridge  property pageQSpiAccessibleBridge  push buttonQSpiAccessibleBridge  radio buttonQSpiAccessibleBridgerowQSpiAccessibleBridge  row headerQSpiAccessibleBridge  scroll barQSpiAccessibleBridgesectionQSpiAccessibleBridge  separatorQSpiAccessibleBridge sliderQSpiAccessibleBridgesoundQSpiAccessibleBridgespaceQSpiAccessibleBridge  spin boxQSpiAccessibleBridgesplitterQSpiAccessibleBridge  status barQSpiAccessibleBridgetableQSpiAccessibleBridgetextQSpiAccessibleBridge  text caretQSpiAccessibleBridge  title barQSpiAccessibleBridge tool barQSpiAccessibleBridge tool tipQSpiAccessibleBridgetreeQSpiAccessibleBridge  tree itemQSpiAccessibleBridge unknownQSpiAccessibleBridge  web documentQSpiAccessibleBridgeD     , %1,Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 QSslSocket6   SSL  (%1)Error creating SSL context (%1) QSslSocket6   SSL , %1Error creating SSL session, %1 QSslSocket6   SSL : %1Error creating SSL session: %1 QSslSocket6    SSL : %1Error during SSL handshake: %1 QSslSocket:   , %1#Error loading local certificate, %1 QSslSocket4   , %1Error loading private key, %1 QSslSocketB    (%1)+Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1) QSslSocket*  : %1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocket@      (%1)!Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) QSslSocket&   !No certificates could be verified QSslSocket No error QSslSocket2  CA  %One of the CA certificates is invalid QSslSocketT OpenSSL  ,   v1.0.2-OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2 QSslSocketD     , %1+Private key does not certify public key, %1 QSslSocket$ TLS/SSL &The TLS/SSL connection has been closed QSslSocketP    basicConstraints     Could not reset to read dataQTgaFile@     #Could not seek to image read footerQTgaFile$   Image depth not validQTgaFile0   Image header read failedQTgaFileJ  ( TrueVision 2.0)  -Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supportedQTgaFile&   Image type not supportedQTgaFileD /   &Seek file/device for image read failedQTgaFileb  ( socket)    :Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supportedQTgaFile Redo QUndoGroup  %1Redo %1 QUndoGroupUndo QUndoGroup  %1Undo %1 QUndoGroup <> QUndoModel Redo QUndoStack  %1Redo %1 QUndoStackUndo QUndoStack  %1Undo %1 QUndoStackFSI First strong isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu.    Unicode Insert Unicode control characterQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu$LRE Start of left-to-right embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRI Left-to-right isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuLRM Left-to-right markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu#LRO Start of left-to-right overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuPDF Pop directional formattingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuPDI Pop directional isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu$RLE Start of right-to-left embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLI Right-to-left isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuRLM Right-to-left markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu#RLO Start of right-to-left overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWJ Zero width joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWNJ Zero width non-joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuZWSP Zero width spaceQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu  ? What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget &&CopyQWidgetTextControl &&PasteQWidgetTextControl &&RedoQWidgetTextControl&&UndoQWidgetTextControl"  &Copy &Link LocationQWidgetTextControl &Cu&tQWidgetTextControlDeleteQWidgetTextControl  Select AllQWidgetTextControlV      direct2d$Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWindowsDirect2DIntegration Qt       direct2d   Direct2D    .          7 SP1  Platform Update.  Direct2D    %1.%2.%3.%4.  Direct2D    %5.%6.%7.%8.-Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update. The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.QWindowsDirect2DIntegration &&FinishQWizard &&HelpQWizard &&NextQWizard& >&Next >QWizard< &< &BackQWizard CancelQWizardCommitQWizardContinueQWizardDoneQWizard Go BackQWizardHelpQWizardt          XMLYencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlB     3error in the text declaration of an external entityQXml8    $error occurred while parsing commentQXml8    $error occurred while parsing contentQXmlP      5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXml:    $error occurred while parsing elementQXml@    &error occurred while parsing referenceQXml0    error triggered by consumerQXmlf       DTD;external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXmlt        Gexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute valueQXmlT      DTD4internal general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXml8     'invalid name for processing instructionQXml letter is expectedQXml<     &more than one document type definitionQXml"   no error occurredQXml" recursive entitiesQXmlP      XMLAstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXml-  tag mismatchQXml  unexpected characterQXml    unexpected end of fileQXmlH     *unparsed entity reference in wrong contextQXmlB     XML2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXml8    &wrong value for standalone declarationQXml6%1   PUBLIC  .#%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. QXmlStream,%1    .%1 is an invalid encoding name. QXmlStream>%1      .-%1 is an invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream,   ' , but got ' QXmlStream. '%1'  .Attribute '%1' redefined. QXmlStream$ %1  Encoding %1 is unsupported QXmlStream2    .(Encountered incorrectly encoded content. QXmlStream( '%1'  .Entity '%1' not declared. QXmlStream   Expected  QXmlStream  .Expected character data. QXmlStream(   .!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStream2 namespace  .Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStream XML  .Invalid XML character. QXmlStream XML  .Invalid XML name. QXmlStream4  XML  .Invalid XML version string. QXmlStream<     XML.%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStream,   .Invalid character reference. QXmlStream  .Invalid document. QXmlStream"   .Invalid entity value. QXmlStream0    .$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream4 NDATA   .&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStream@ namespace  '%1'  "Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStream:     . Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStream(   .Premature end of document. QXmlStream*  .Recursive entity detected. QXmlStream\    '%1'   .5Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. QXmlStreamB     '%1'."Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. QXmlStream* ']]>'  .&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStream: Standalone     ."Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStream  .Start tag expected. QXmlStream^  standalone    .?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStream  ' Unexpected ' QXmlStreamH   '%1'   ./Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStream& XML  .Unsupported XML version. QXmlStream2 XML   .)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream