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QApplication^Mearachd le leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chrdailIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplicationMu dhidhinnAboutQCocoaMenuItem Mu QtAbout QtQCocoaMenuItemRiteachadhConfigQCocoaMenuItemDan lethbhreacCopyQCocoaMenuItemGearr sCutQCocoaMenuItemFg an-seoExitQCocoaMenuItemRoghainneanOptionsQCocoaMenuItemCuir annPasteQCocoaMenuItemRoghainn PreferenceQCocoaMenuItemFg an-seoQuitQCocoaMenuItemTagh na h-uile Select AllQCocoaMenuItemRoghainnSettingQCocoaMenuItemSuidhichSetupQCocoaMenuItemNa sbhail Don't Save QCocoaTheme>Cuir ris na d&athan gnthaichte&Add to Custom Colors QColorDialog Dathan &bunasach &Basic colors QColorDialog&Dathan &gnthaichte&Custom colors QColorDialog&Uaine:&Green: QColorDialog &HTML:&HTML: QColorDialog&&Tagh dath on sgrn&Pick Screen Color QColorDialog&Dearg:&Red: QColorDialog &Sth:&Sat: QColorDialog&Luach:&Val: QColorDialogSeanail al&pha:A&lpha channel: QColorDialog &Gorm:Bl&ue: QColorDialogVCrsair air %1, %2 Bruth ESC gus sgur dheth$Cursor at %1, %2 Press ESC to cancel QColorDialog &Tuar:Hu&e: QColorDialogTagh dath Select Color QColorDialog FallsaFalse QComboBoxDFosgail priob-bogsa-combo taghaidh"Open the combo box selection popup QComboBoxForTrue QComboBoxArgamaidean: Arguments:QCommandLineParser<Seallaidh seo a  chobhair seo.Displays this help.QCommandLineParserPSeallaidh seo fiosrachadh an tionndaidh.Displays version information.QCommandLineParser@Tha luach a dhth s didh %1 .Missing value after '%1'.QCommandLineParserRoghainnean:Options:QCommandLineParserVTha luach air nach robh dil s didh %1 .Unexpected value after '%1'.QCommandLineParserBRoghainn %1  nach aithne dhuinn.Unknown option '%1'.QCommandLineParserFRoghainnean nach aithne dhuinn: %1.Unknown options: %1.QCommandLineParserCleachdadh: %1 Usage: %1QCommandLineParser[roghainnean] [options]QCommandLineParser.%1: dh fhillig le ftok%1: ftok failedQCoreApplication2%1: tha an iuchair falamh%1: key is emptyQCoreApplicationf%1: cha b  urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a chruthachadh%1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication&Duilleagan brataich Banner PagesQCupsJobWidget0Fiosrachadh bileachaidh:Billing information:QCupsJobWidgetDomhair ClassifiedQCupsJobWidget Fo rn ConfidentialQCupsJobWidget.Latha (06:00m gu 5:59f)Day (06:00 to 17:59)QCupsJobWidgetDeireadh:End:QCupsJobWidget,Cum air ais gun chrchHold IndefinitelyQCupsJobWidget ObairJobQCupsJobWidget,Stiireadh na h-obrach Job ControlQCupsJobWidget0Promhachas na h-obrach: Job priority:QCupsJobWidget2Oidhche (6:00f gu 05:59m)Night (18:00 to 05:59)QCupsJobWidgetChan eil ginNoneQCupsJobWidget$Cl-bhuail sa bhadPrint ImmediatelyQCupsJobWidget:Cl-bhualadh air an sgeideal:Scheduled printing:QCupsJobWidget@An drna sioft (4:00f gu 11:59f)Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)QCupsJobWidgetRn-domhairSecretQCupsJobWidgetm snraichte Specific TimeQCupsJobWidgetStannardachStandardQCupsJobWidgetToiseach:Start:QCupsJobWidgetBAn treas sioft (12:00m gu 07:59m)Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)QCupsJobWidgetFor-dhomhair Top SecretQCupsJobWidget"Chan ann domhair UnclassifiedQCupsJobWidgetfAn deireadh-seachdaine (DiSathairne gu DiDmhnaich)Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)QCupsJobWidgetbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QDB2Driver8Cha ghabh ceangal a dhanamhUnable to connect QDB2DriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QDB2DriverCha b  urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fin-obrachail a shuidheachadhUnable to set autocommit QDB2Driver\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an caochladair a nasgadhUnable to bind variable QDB2Result`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statement QDB2Result\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn a  chiad fhear fhaighinnUnable to fetch first QDB2Result\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-fhear fhaighinnUnable to fetch next QDB2Result^Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an reacord %1  fhaighinnUnable to fetch record %1 QDB2ResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhUnable to prepare statement QDB2ResultCeart ma-thOK QDBusTrayIconmAMQDateTimeParserfPMQDateTimeParsermamQDateTimeParserfpmQDateTimeParserD th  ann? What's This?QDialogCeart ma-thOKQDialogButtonBox2Ceann-l an atharrachaidh Date Modified QDirModel SersaKind QDirModelAinmName QDirModelMeudSize QDirModel SersaType QDirModel4Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadhOperation cancelled QDnsLookuphCha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-ainm rainne a leudachadhCould not expand domain nameQDnsLookupRunnableDCha deach an t-stair %1  a lorg.Host %1 could not be found.QDnsLookupRunnableCha chuirear taic ri selaidhean IPv6 dha dh ainm-fhrithealaichean aig an m seo:IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supportedQDnsLookupRunnableFReacord selaidh IPv4 m-dhligheachInvalid IPv4 address recordQDnsLookupRunnableFReacord selaidh IPv6 m-dhligheachInvalid IPv6 address recordQDnsLookupRunnableHReacord ainm cananaich n-dhligheachInvalid canonical name recordQDnsLookupRunnable4Ainm rainne m-dhligheachInvalid domain nameQDnsLookupRunnable2Ainm-stair m-dhligheachInvalid hostnameQDnsLookupRunnableJReacord iomlaid puist-d m-dhligheachInvalid mail exchange recordQDnsLookupRunnableRReacord ainm-fhrithealaiche m-dhligheachInvalid name server recordQDnsLookupRunnable<Reacord tomhaire m-dhligheachInvalid pointer recordQDnsLookupRunnableHFhuair sinn freagairt mh-dhligheachInvalid reply receivedQDnsLookupRunnable@Reacord seirbheise m-dhligheachInvalid service recordQDnsLookupRunnable8Reacord teacsa m-dhligheachInvalid text recordQDnsLookupRunnableLCha deach ainm-stair a thoirt seachadNo hostname givenQDnsLookupRunnable&rainn nach eil annNon existent domainQDnsLookupRunnableLChan eil taic ris air Android fhathastNot yet supported on AndroidQDnsLookupRunnableTCha deach foincseanan an fhuasglair a lorgResolver functions not foundQDnsLookupRunnableNDh fhillig le tiseachadh an fuasglairResolver initialization failedQDnsLookupRunnableCha ghabh leabharlann an fhuasglair a luchdadh: Chan eil taic ri luchdadh leabharlainn ri m ruithDResolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading supportQDnsLookupRunnablevCha b  urrainn dhan fhrithealaiche a  cheist a phriseasadhServer could not process queryQDnsLookupRunnable:Filligeadh an fhrithealaicheServer failureQDnsLookupRunnableDDhilt am frithealaiche fhreagairtServer refused to answerQDnsLookupRunnable6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown errorQDnsLookupRunnableDinClose QDockWidget4Dinidh seo widget docaidhCloses the dock widget QDockWidgetCuir air fledFloat QDockWidget`Neo-dhocaichidh s ceanglaidh seo widget docaidh'Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget QDockWidget&Ceart ma-th&OK QErrorMessageL&Seall an teachdaireachd seo a-rithist&Show this message again QErrorMessage(Mearachd mharbhtach:Critical Error: QErrorMessage<Teachdaireachd d-bhugachaidh:Debug Message: QErrorMessage(Mearachd mharbhtach: Fatal Error: QErrorMessageFiosrachadh: Information: QErrorMessageRabhadh:Warning: QErrorMessagerCha b  urrainn dhuinn %1  a chruthachadh a chum s-chuirCannot create %1 for outputQFilejCha b  urrainn dhuinn %1  fhosgladh a chum ion-chuirCannot open %1 for inputQFile^Cha b  urrainn dhuinn fhosgladh a chum s-chuirCannot open for outputQFiletCha b  urrainn dhuinn am faidhle tsail a thoirt air falbhCannot remove source fileQFile0Tha am faidhle-uidhe annDestination file existsQFile` S e an t-aon fhaidhle a tha san fhaidhle-uidhe."Destination file is the same file.QFile8Mearachd a  cur ainm r air.Error while renaming.QFile>Dh fhillig le sgrobhadh blocaFailure to write blockQFile>Chan eil am faidhle tsail ann.Source file does not exist.QFileJCha b  urrainn dhuinn aiseag o %1: %2Unable to restore from %1: %2QFileCha chuir sinn ainm r air faidhle sreathach le lethbhreac bloca0Will not rename sequential file using block copyQFileChan eil einnsean fhaidhlichean ri limh no cha chuir an t-einnsean taic ri UnMapExtensionBNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension QFileDevice%1 Cha deach am pasgan a lorg. Dearbh gun deach ainm ceart a  phasgain a thoirt seachad.K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog%1 Cha deach am faidhle a lorg. Dearbh gun deach ainm ceart an fhaidhle a thoirt seachad.A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialogFaidhle %1%1 File QFileDialogTha %1  ann mu thrth. A bheil thu airson am fear r a chur na ite?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog &Tagh&Choose QFileDialog&Sguab s&Delete QFileDialog&Pasgan r &New Folder QFileDialogF&osgail&Open QFileDialog$Thoi&r ainm r air&Rename QFileDialog&Sbhail&Save QFileDialogTha don sgrobhaidh air %1 . A bheil thu airson sgrobhadh thairis air co-dhi?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialog AliasAlias QFileDialog*Na h-uile faidhle (*) All Files (*) QFileDialog*Na h-uile faidhle (*) All files (*) QFileDialogAlt+Gu clAlt+Left QFileDialogAlt+Gu deas Alt+Right QFileDialogAt+SuasAlt+Up QFileDialogzA bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %1  a sguabadh s?%Are you sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialogAir aisBack QFileDialogNAtharrach gu modh seallaidh mhionaidichChange to detail view mode QFileDialogBAtharrach gu modh sealladh liostaChange to list view mode QFileDialog\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn am pasgan a sguabadh s.Could not delete directory. QFileDialog&Cruthaich pasgan rCreate New Folder QFileDialog&Cruthaich pasgan rCreate a New Folder QFileDialogSguab sDelete QFileDialog(Sealladh mionaideach Detail View QFileDialogPasganan Directories QFileDialogPasgan: Directory: QFileDialog DraibhDrive QFileDialogFaidhleFile QFileDialog$Ai&nm an fhaidhle: File &name: QFileDialog(Pasgan fhaidhlichean File Folder QFileDialogFaidhlicheanFiles QFileDialog6Faidhlichean dhen t-sersa:Files of type: QFileDialogLorg pasganFind Directory QFileDialog PasganFolder QFileDialogAir adhartForward QFileDialogRach air aisGo back QFileDialogRach air adhart Go forward QFileDialog2Rach dhan phasgan praintGo to the parent directory QFileDialogSealladh liosta List View QFileDialog\Liosta nan iteachan s nan comharran-leabhairList of places and bookmarks QFileDialogLorg an-seo:Look in: QFileDialog&An coimpiutair agam My Computer QFileDialogPasgan r New Folder QFileDialogFosgailOpen QFileDialogPasgan praintParent Directory QFileDialog4iteachan o chionn ghoirid Recent Places QFileDialogThoir air falbhRemove QFileDialogSbhail marSave As QFileDialogAth-ghoiridShortcut QFileDialog Seall Show  QFileDialog:Seall faid&hlichean falaichteShow &hidden files QFileDialogBr-taoibhSidebar QFileDialogChan eil fhiosUnknown QFileDialog %1 GB%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1 KB%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 MB%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 TB%1 TBQFileSystemModel"%1 baidht(ichean) %1 byte(s)QFileSystemModel%1 baidht%1 bytesQFileSystemModel<b>Cha ghabh an t-ainm %1  cleachdadh.</b><p>Feuch ainm eile a tha nas giorra no anns nach eil caractaran puingeachaidh.oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModelCoimpiutairComputerQFileSystemModel2Ceann-l an atharrachaidh Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel4Ainm-faidhle m-dhligheachInvalid filenameQFileSystemModel SersaKindQFileSystemModel&An coimpiutair agam My ComputerQFileSystemModelAinmNameQFileSystemModelMeudSizeQFileSystemModel SersaTypeQFileSystemModelSersa sam bithAny QFontDatabaseArabaisArabic QFontDatabaseAirmeinisArmenian QFontDatabaseBeangailisBengali QFontDatabaseDubhBlack QFontDatabaseTromBold QFontDatabaseCirilisCyrillic QFontDatabaseLethDemi QFontDatabaseLeth-throm Demi Bold QFontDatabaseDevanagari Devanagari QFontDatabaseGlExtra QFontDatabaseGl throm Extra Bold QFontDatabaseGl aotrom Extra Light QFontDatabaseCairtbheilisGeorgian QFontDatabaseGreugaisGreek QFontDatabaseGujaratiGujarati QFontDatabaseGurmukhiGurmukhi QFontDatabase EabhraHebrew QFontDatabaseEadailteachItalic QFontDatabaseSeapanaisJapanese QFontDatabaseKannadaKannada QFontDatabase CmarKhmer QFontDatabaseCoiranaisKorean QFontDatabase LthoLao QFontDatabaseLaideannLatin QFontDatabase AotromLight QFontDatabaseMalayalam Malayalam QFontDatabaseMeadhanachMedium QFontDatabaseMinmarMyanmar QFontDatabaseN KoN'Ko QFontDatabasebhaisteachNormal QFontDatabase ClaonOblique QFontDatabase OghamOgham QFontDatabase OriyaOriya QFontDatabaseRn-sgrobhadhRunic QFontDatabase"Snis ShimplichteSimplified Chinese QFontDatabaseSinhalaSinhala QFontDatabase SamhlaSymbol QFontDatabaseSuraidheacSyriac QFontDatabaseTaimilisTamil QFontDatabase TeluguTelugu QFontDatabase ThaanaThaana QFontDatabase TidhThai QFontDatabaseTanaThin QFontDatabaseTibeitisTibetan QFontDatabase&Snis ThradaiseantaTraditional Chinese QFontDatabaseBhiet-Namais Vietnamese QFontDatabase&Cruth-cl&Font QFontDialog &Meud&Size QFontDialog&Fo-loidhne &Underline QFontDialogifeachdanEffects QFontDialog2&Stoidhle a  chrutha-chl Font st&yle QFontDialogBall-sampaillSample QFontDialogTagh cruth-cl Select Font QFontDialog Loidhne &troimhe Stri&keout QFontDialog(Siosta&m sgrobhaidhWr&iting System QFontDialogVDh fhillig le atharrachadh a  phasgain: %1Changing directory failed: %1QFtp:Ceangailte ris an stair %1 Connected to host %1QFtpPDh fhillig le ceangal ris an stair: %1Connecting to host failed: %1QFtp6Chaidh an ceangal a dhnadhConnection closedQFtp`Chaidh an ceangal ris an stair %1  a dhiltadhConnection refused to host %1QFtphDh fhalbh an ine air a  cheangal ris an stair %1 Connection timed out to host %1QFtpTDh fhillig le cruthachadh a  phasgain: %1Creating directory failed: %1QFtpDChaidh an ceangal dta a dhiltadhData Connection refusedQFtp\Dh fhillig le luchdadh a-nuas an fhaidhle: %1Downloading file failed: %1QFtpBCha deach an t-stair %1  a lorgHost %1 not foundQFtpJDh fhillig le liosta a  phasgain: %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtpRDh fhillig leis a  chlradh a-steach: %1Login failed: %1QFtpGun cheangal Not connectedQFtp\Dh fhillig le toirt air falbh a  phasgain: %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtp\Dh fhillig le toirt air falbh an fhaidhle: %1Removing file failed: %1QFtp6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown errorQFtpXDh fhillig le luchdadh suas an fhaidhle: %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtp&Sguir dheth&Cancel QGnomeTheme &Din&Close QGnomeTheme&Ceart ma-th&OK QGnomeTheme&Sbhail&Save QGnomeTheme*Din gun a shbhaladhClose without Saving QGnomeThemeLTRQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONQGuiApplicationLCha deach ainm-stair a thoirt seachadNo host name given QHostInfo6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown error QHostInfo8Cha deach an t-stair a lorgHost not foundQHostInfoAgent2Ainm-stair m-dhligheachInvalid hostnameQHostInfoAgentLCha deach ainm-stair a thoirt seachadNo host name givenQHostInfoAgentDSersa selaidh nach aithne dhuinnUnknown address typeQHostInfoAgent6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown errorQHostInfoAgent@Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn (%1)Unknown error (%1)QHostInfoAgent6Chaidh an ceangal a dhnadhConnection closedQHttp:Chaidh an ceangal a dhiltadhConnection refusedQHttpDta coirbteData corruptedQHttpBCha deach an t-stair %1  a lorgHost %1 not foundQHttp<Feumaidh an t-stair dearbhadhHost requires authenticationQHttpBSneadh air adhart neo-tharainteInsecure redirectQHttp>Feumaidh am progsaidh dearbhadhProxy requires authenticationQHttpDDh fhillig le crathadh-limhe SSLSSL handshake failedQHttp@Tha cus snidhean air adhart annToo many redirectsQHttp`Chaidh prtacal nach aithne dhuinn a shnrachadhUnknown protocol specifiedQHttp,Tha feum air dearbhadhAuthentication requiredQHttpSocketEngine^Cha d  fhuair sinn freagairt HTTP on phrogsaidh(Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngineLMearachd conaltraidh le progsaidh HTTP#Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEnginehMearachd le parsadh iarrtas dearbhaidh on phrogsaidh/Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEnginenChaidh an ceangal ris a  phrogsaidh a dhnadh ro thrth#Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngine^Chaidh an ceangal ris a  phrogsaidh a dhiltadhProxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine<Dhilt am progsaidh an ceangalProxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngineDh fhalbh an ine air a  cheangal ris an fhrithealaiche phrogsaidh!Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEnginePCha deach frithealaiche progsaidh a lorgProxy server not foundQHttpSocketEnginebCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churCould not start transaction QIBaseDriverFMearachd le fosgladh an stir-dhtaError opening database QIBaseDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QIBaseDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriverZCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a riarachadhCould not allocate statement QIBaseResultpCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ion-chuir a mhneachadh"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a mhneachadhCould not describe statement QIBaseResultVCha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-n fhaighinnCould not fetch next item QIBaseResultNCha b  urrainn dhuinn an arraigh a lorgCould not find array QIBaseResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn dta na h-arraigh a lorgCould not get array data QIBaseResulthCha b  urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh na ceist fhaighinnCould not get query info QIBaseResultrCha b  urrainn dhuinn fiosrachadh na h-aithrise fhaighinnCould not get statement info QIBaseResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhCould not prepare statement QIBaseResultbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churCould not start transaction QIBaseResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a dhnadhUnable to close statement QIBaseResultbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResult:Cha ghabh BLOB a chruthachadhUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult^Cha b  urrainn dhuinn a  cheist a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute query QIBaseResult0Cha ghabh BLOB fhosgladhUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResult2Cha ghabh BLOB a leughadhUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResult6Cha ghabh BLOB a sgrobhadhUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultPChan eil ite air fhgail air an uidheamNo space left on device QIODeviceJChan eil am faidhle no pasgan seo annNo such file or directory QIODevice(Cead air a dhiltadhPermission denied QIODevice<Tha cus faidhlichean fosgailteToo many open files QIODevice6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown error QIODeviceNtha am faidhle ri fhosgladh na phasganfile to open is a directory QIODevice6Cha deach am faidhle a lorgFile not found QImageReader*Uidheam m-dhligheachInvalid device QImageReader^Cha b  urrainn dhuinn dta an deilbh a leughadhUnable to read image data QImageReader6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown error QImageReaderFFrmat deilbh ris nach cuirear taicUnsupported image format QImageReaderCha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-inneal fhosgladh a chum sgrobhaidh: %1"Cannot open device for writing: %1 QImageWriterLCha deach an t-uidheam a shuidheachadhDevice is not set QImageWriterBCha ghabh sgrobhadh dhan uidheamDevice not writable QImageWriter6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown error QImageWriterFFrmat deilbh ris nach cuirear taicUnsupported image format QImageWriter(Cuir a-steach luach:Enter a value: QInputDialogLtha sgudal air deireadh na sgrobhainn"garbage at the end of the documentQJsonParseError,ireamh mh-dhligheachillegal numberQJsonParseError&luach m-dhligheach illegal valueQJsonParseError4sreang UTF8 mh-dhligheachinvalid UTF8 stringQJsonParseError<sreath ternaidh m-dhligheachinvalid escape sequenceQJsonParseErrorLcrochnachadh m-dhligheach le ireamhinvalid termination by numberQJsonParseError4tha sgaradair ainm a dhthmissing name separatorQJsonParseError6tha sgaradair luach a dhthmissing value separatorQJsonParseError0cha do thachair mearachdno error occurredQJsonParseErrorJtha oibseact a dhth s didh cromaigobject is missing after a commaQJsonParseError\tha neadachadh ro dhomhainn aig an sgrobhainntoo deeply nested documentQJsonParseError4tha an sgrobhainn ro mhrtoo large documentQJsonParseError4arraigh neo-chrochnaichteunterminated arrayQJsonParseError6oibseact neo-chrochnaichteunterminated objectQJsonParseError2sreang neo-chrochnaichteunterminated stringQJsonParseError %1, &%1, ...QKeySequenceEdit0Brth air an ath-ghoiridPress shortcutQKeySequenceEditZChan eil %1  na oibseact ELF dligheach (%2)"'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)QLibrary8chan eil %1  na phlugan Qt'%1' is not a Qt pluginQLibraryZChan eil %1  na Mach-O binary dligheach (%2)&'%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)QLibrary<Chan eil %1  na oibseact ELF'%1' is not an ELF objectQLibraryFChan eil %1  na oibseact ELF (%2)'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)QLibrarypCha b  urrainn dhuinn an leabharlann %1  a luchdadh: %2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibrary~cha b  urrainn dhuinn an samhla %1  fhuasgladh ann an %2 : %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibraryxCha b  urrainn dhuinn an leabharlann %1  a dh-luchdadh: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibrarylCha deach leinn meata-dta plugain s-tharraing o %1 ,Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'QLibrarydChan eil am faidhle %1  na phlugan Qt dligheach.'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibraryTha am plugan %1  a  cleachdadh leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chrdail. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibraryTha am plugan %1  a  cleachdadh leabharlann Qt nach eil co-chrdail. (Cha ghabh leabharlannan sgaoilidh is d-bhugachaidh a cur ri chile.)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibraryVCha deach an leabharlann co-roinnte a lorg.!The shared library was not found.QLibrary6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown errorQLibrarychaidh %n earra(i)nn a ghairm, %1 baidht aig gach t, meud faidhle ro mhr:announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file sizeQLibraryNchan eil .rodata. falamh na thasglann.empty .rodata. not a library.QLibrary,tha am faidhle coirbtefile is corruptQLibrary.tha am faidhle ro bheagfile too smallQLibrary8%1 draoidheach m-dhligheachinvalid magic %1QLibraryltha dta earrainn a dhth. Chan eil seo na thasglann.,missing section data. This is not a library.QLibrarybchan eil ailtireachd iomchaidh sa bhnearaidh fat&no suitable architecture in fat binaryQLibraryPchan eil seo na leabharlann innsgineachnot a dynamic libraryQLibrary.ailtireachd cpu nenachodd cpu architectureQLibrary*sersa endian nenachodd endiannessQLibraryptha ainm earrainn %1 aig %2 air cl deireadh an fhaidhle(section name %1 of %2 behind end of fileQLibraryZtha coltas gu bheil bann-cinn shstrtab aig %1)shstrtab section header seems to be at %1QLibraryNtha coltas gu bheil clr sreanga aig %1string table seems to be at %1QLibrary<e_shentsize ris nach robh dilunexpected e_shentsizeQLibrary6e_shsize ris nach robh dilunexpected e_shsizeQLibrary$ailtireachd chearrwrong architectureQLibrary,ailtireachd cpu chearrwrong cpu architectureQLibrary Dan lethbhrea&c&Copy QLineEditCuir a&nn&Paste QLineEdit&Ath-dhan&Redo QLineEdit&Neo-dhan&Undo QLineEdit&Gearr sCu&t QLineEditSguab sDelete QLineEditTagh na h-uile Select All QLineEditD%1: Tha an seladh ga chleachdadh%1: Address in use QLocalServer"%1: Mearachd ainm%1: Name error QLocalServer0%1: Cead air a dhiltadh%1: Permission denied QLocalServerD%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServerN%1: Chaidh an t-inntrigeadh a dhiltadh%1: Access denied QLocalSocket:%1: Mearachd leis a  cheangal%1: Connection error QLocalSocketB%1: Chaidh an ceangal a dhiltadh%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket:%1: Tha an dta-ghram ro mhr%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket,%1: Ainm m-dhligheach%1: Invalid name QLocalSocket%1: chan eil an t-obrachadh ceadaichte fhad s a tha an t-socaid san staid seo8%1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state QLocalSocketH%1: Chaidh an socaid chin a dhnadh%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket@%1: Mearachd inntrigeadh socaide%1: Socket access error QLocalSocketV%1: Dh fhalbh an ine air obrachadh socaide%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket8%1: Mearachd goireas socaide%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocketT%1: Chan eil taic ris an obrachadh socaide)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket>%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn%1: Unknown error QLocalSocketD%1: Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket|A  feuchainn ri ceangal a dhanamh fhad s a tha e ga ceangal1Trying to connect while connection is in progress QLocalSocketVCha deach leinn oibseact MYSQL a riarachadh!Unable to allocate a MYSQL object QMYSQLDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churUnable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver8Cha ghabh ceangal a dhanamhUnable to connect QMYSQLDriverVCha deach leinn an str-dta %1  fhosgladhUnable to open database '%1' QMYSQLDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn na luachan a-mach a nasgadhUnable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResultPCha b  urrainn dhuinn an luach a nasgadhUnable to bind value QMYSQLResultdCha b  urrainn dhuinn a ath-cheist a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute next query QMYSQLResult^Cha b  urrainn dhuinn a  cheist a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute query QMYSQLResult`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statement QMYSQLResultNCha b  urrainn dhuinn an dta fhaighinnUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhUnable to prepare statement QMYSQLResultdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ath-shuidheachadhUnable to reset statement QMYSQLResult^Tha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-toradh a stradhUnable to store next result QMYSQLResultRTha b  urrainn dhuinn an toradh a stradhUnable to store result QMYSQLResultpTha b  urrainn dhuinn toraidhean na h-aithrise a stradh!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult(Gun tiotal) (Untitled)QMdiArea%1  [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow &Din&Close QMdiSubWindow&Gluais&Move QMdiSubWindow &Aisig&Restore QMdiSubWindow &Meud&Size QMdiSubWindow - [%1]- [%1] QMdiSubWindowDinClose QMdiSubWindowCobhairHelp QMdiSubWindowLn-&mheudaich Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowLn-mheudaichMaximize QMdiSubWindowClr-taiceMenu QMdiSubWindowFor-&lghdaich Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowFor-lghdaichMinimize QMdiSubWindow AisigRestore QMdiSubWindowAisig a-nuas Restore Down QMdiSubWindow SgilShade QMdiSubWindow2&Air uachdar an-cmhnaidh Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindowNeo-sgilUnshade QMdiSubWindow<h3>Mu Qt</h3><p>Tha am prgram seo a  chleachdadh Qt tionndadh %1.</p>8

About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox <p> S e acainn C++ a th ann an Qt gus aplacaidean ioma-rlarach a leasachadh.</p><p>Le Qt, gabhaidh an t-aon bhun-ts a phortadh thar nan siostaman-obrachaidh desktop mra uile. Tha e ri fhaighinn airson Linux leabaichte agus siostaman-obrachaidh leabaichte s mobile eile cuideachd.</p><p>Tha Qt ri fhaighinn fo thr roghainnean ceadachais eadar-dhealaichte ach am bi e freagarrach do dh fheumalachdan iomadh luchd-chleachdaidh.</p><p>Tha Qt fon aonta cheadachais choimeirsealta againn iomchaidh dha leasachadh bathair-bhog fo shealbh/coimeirsealta mur eilear airson bun-ts a cho-roinneadh le treas-phrtaidh no mur urrainnear gilleadh ri teirmichean GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 air adhbhar eile.</p><p>Tha Qt fo cheadachas GNU LGPL tionndadh 3 iomchaidh dha leasachadh aplacaidean Qt mas urrainnear gilleadh ri teirmichean s cumhaichean a  GNU LGPL tionndadh 3.</p><p>Faic <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> airson foir-shealladh air ceadachasan Qt.</p><p>Cir-lethbhreac (C) %1 The Qt Company earr. s tabhartaichean eile.</p><p>Tha Qt agus suaicheantas Qt nan comharran-malairt aig The Qt Company earr.</p><p>Is Qt am bathar aig The Qt Company earr. A tha ga leasachadh mar phriseact open source. Faic <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> airson barrachd fiosrachaidh.</p>{

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.

Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.

Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.

Please see %2 for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.

Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.

Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See %3 for more information.

 QMessageBox Mu QtAbout Qt QMessageBox:Falaich am mion-fhiosrachadh &Hide Details... QMessageBox6Seall am mion-fhiosrachadh &Show Details... QMessageBoxjTha socaid eile ag isteachd ris an aon phort mar-th4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEngineOidhirp air socaid IPv6 a chleachdadh air rlar nach cuir taic ri IPv6=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine:Chaidh an ceangal a dhiltadhConnection refusedQNativeSocketEnginefChaidh an ceangal ath-shuidheachadh leis an t-seiseConnection reset by peerQNativeSocketEngineBDh fhalbh an ine air a  cheangalConnection timed outQNativeSocketEngineHBha an dta-ghram ro mhr gus a churDatagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine<Cha ghabh an t-stair ruigsinnHost unreachableQNativeSocketEngineLTuairisgeulaiche socaide m-dhligheachInvalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEnginehBhris an lonra an ceangal leis an ath-shuidheachadh#Network dropped connection on resetQNativeSocketEngine$Mearachd lonraidh Network errorQNativeSocketEngineXDh fhalbh an ine air obrachadh an lonraidhNetwork operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine8Cha ghabh an lonra ruigsinnNetwork unreachableQNativeSocketEngineLObrachadh air rud nach eil na shocaidOperation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngineDth ghoireasanOut of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine(Cead air a dhiltadhPermission deniedQNativeSocketEngineVCha chuirear taic ris an t-sersa prtacailProtocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine&Mearachd shealadachTemporary errorQNativeSocketEngine@Chan eil an seladh ri fhaighinnThe address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine*Tha an seladh dontaThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngine\Tha an seladh naisgte ga chleachdadh mar-th#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngine~Tha sersa a  phrogsaidh m-dhligheach airson an obrachaidh seo,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngineBDhin an t-stair cin an ceangal%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngine^Cha deach leinn socaid craolaidh a thiseachadh%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEnginedCha deach leinn socaid neo-bhacaidh a thiseachadh(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn teachdaireachd fhaighinnUnable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngineVCha b  urrainn dhuinn teachdaireachd a churUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngine,Cha ghabh a sgrobhadhUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngine6Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngineTCha chuirear taic ris an obrachadh socaideUnsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngine.Mearachd a  fosgladh %1Error opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackend*URI m-dhligheach: %1Invalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDataBackenddDhin an t-stair cin an ceangal ro thrth air %13Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend6Mearachd socaide air %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend@Mearachd a  sgrobhadh gu %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendzChan urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh: Tha an t-slighe na phasgan#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackend6Mearachd a  fosgladh %1: %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendNMearachd leughaidh a  leughadh o %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackenddiarrtas gus faidhle %1 nach eil ionadail fhosgladh%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend@Mearachd a  sgrobhadh gu %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendfChan urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh: Tha e na phasganCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackendDMearachd le luchdadh a-nuas %1: %2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend@Mearachd le luchdadh suas %1: %2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend~Cha deach leinn loga a sgrobhadh gu %1: tha feum air dearbhadh0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackendHCha deach progsaidh iomchaidh a lorgNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackend\Chaidh inntrigeadh dhan lonra a chur comas.Network access is disabled.QNetworkAccessManagerPChan eil iarrtas sa chlaibh ceadaichte.Background request not allowed. QNetworkReplypMearachd a  tar-chur %1  fhreagair am frithealaiche: %2*Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReplyBMearachd le seisean an lonraidh.Network session error. QNetworkReplyFChan aithne dhuinn am prtacal %1 Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReplyFFilligeadh sealadach an lonraidh.Temporary network failure. QNetworkReplyBmearachd tiseachaidh a  backend.backend start error. QNetworkReplyHCha deach progsaidh iomchaidh a lorgNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkReplyHttpImpl4Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadhOperation canceledQNetworkReplyHttpImpl4Chaidh sgur dhen obrachadhOperation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl4Riteachadh m-dhligheach.Invalid configuration.QNetworkSessionpChaidh sgur dhe dhol air frsan no cha ghabh a dhanamh.'Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplzCha chuir an siostam taic ris an obrachadh a chaidh iarraidh.7The requested operation is not supported by the system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplChaidh sgur dhen t-seisean leis a  chleachdaiche no leis an t-siostam..The session was aborted by the user or system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl^Cha ghabh an riteachadh snraichte cleachdadh.+The specified configuration cannot be used.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplHMearachd seisein nach aithne dhuinn.Unknown session error.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver0Cha ghabh a thiseachadhUnable to initialize QOCIDriver4Cha ghabh clradh a-steachUnable to logon QOCIDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriverZCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a riarachadhUnable to alloc statement QOCIResultCha b  urrainn dhuinn an colbh a nasgadh airson grunn ghnomhachadh'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResultPCha b  urrainn dhuinn an luach a nasgadhUnable to bind value QOCIResultfCha b  urrainn dhuinn grunn-aithris a ghnomhachadh!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statement QOCIResulthCha b  urrainn dhuinn sersa na h-aithrise fhaighinnUnable to get statement type QOCIResultPCha b  urrainn dhuinn dol dhan ath-fhearUnable to goto next QOCIResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhUnable to prepare statement QOCIResultbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriver8Cha ghabh ceangal a dhanamhUnable to connect QODBCDriverCha ghabh ceangal a dhanamh  cha chuir an draibhear taic ris a h-uile foincsean a dh fheumas sinnEUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required QODBCDriverCha b  urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fin-obrachail a chur comasUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverCha b  urrainn dhuinn an commitigeadh fin-obrachail a chur an comasUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriver(QODBCResult::reset: Cha b  urrainn dhuinn SQL_CURSOR_STATIC  a shuidheachadh na bhuadh aithrise. Thoir sil air riteachadh an draibheir ODBC agadyQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an caochladair a nasgadhUnable to bind variable QODBCResult`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statement QODBCResult>Cha b  urrainn dhuinn fhaighinnUnable to fetch QODBCResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn a  chiad fhear fhaighinnUnable to fetch first QODBCResulthCha b  urrainn dhuinn am fear mu dheireadh fhaighinnUnable to fetch last QODBCResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an t-ath-fhear fhaighinnUnable to fetch next QODBCResult\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn am fear roimhe fhaighinnUnable to fetch previous QODBCResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhUnable to prepare statement QODBCResultbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churCould not begin transaction QPSQLDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhCould not commit transaction QPSQLDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisCould not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver8Cha ghabh ceangal a dhanamhUnable to connect QPSQLDriverFCha b  urrainn dhuinn fo-sgrobhadhUnable to subscribe QPSQLDriverrCha b  urrainn dhuinn croch a chur air an fho-sgrobhadhUnable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver\Cha b  urrainn dhuinn a  cheist a chruthachadhUnable to create query QPSQLResultTCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ullachadhUnable to prepare statement QPSQLResultCCCCQPageSetupWidgetCicero (CC) Cicero (CC)QPageSetupWidgetGnthaichteCustomQPageSetupWidgetDDDDQPageSetupWidgetDidot (DD) Didot (DD)QPageSetupWidget FoirmFormQPageSetupWidget irde:Height:QPageSetupWidgetirleach (in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidgetDreach-tre LandscapeQPageSetupWidgetMarghainMarginsQPageSetupWidget&Mille-mheatair (mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidgetComhair OrientationQPageSetupWidget6Co-dhealbhachd na duilleige Page LayoutQPageSetupWidget,rdugh nan duilleagan: Page order:QPageSetupWidget$Meud na duilleige: Page size:QPageSetupWidgetBCo mheud duilleag air gach siota:Pages per sheet:QPageSetupWidgetPipearPaperQPageSetupWidget Ts a  phipeir: Paper 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fuirce): %1!Resource error (fork failure): %1QProcessSguir dhethCancelQProgressDialogHdroch cho-chradh air clas caractairbad char class syntaxQRegExp6droch cho-chradh lookaheadbad lookahead syntaxQRegExp6droch cho-chradh atharraisbad repetition syntaxQRegExpDchaidh gleus comas a chleachdadhdisabled feature usedQRegExp4roinn-sersa m-dhligheachinvalid categoryQRegExp,eadaramh m-dhligheachinvalid intervalQRegExp6luach ochdach m-dhligheachinvalid octal valueQRegExpXchan eil taic ri lookbehind, faic QTBUG-2371)lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371QRegExpPchaidh croch an eadaraimh a choileanadhmet internal limitQRegExp>tha comharra-crche cl a dhthmissing left delimQRegExp0cha do thachair mearachdno error occurredQRegExp"deireadh gun dilunexpected endQRegExpJfeumaidh argamaid a bhith aig (*MARK)(*MARK) must have an argumentQRegularExpressionncha do dh aithnich sinn (*VERB) no tha droch-chrth air#(*VERB) not recognized or malformedQRegularExpressiondfeumaidh ) a bhith as didh (?R no (?[+-]ireamhan)(?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )QRegularExpressiontha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air camagan (?| agus/no (?J: no (?x:9(?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nestedQRegularExpressionZtha corr is aon mheur ann am buidheann DEFINE*DEFINE group contains more than one branchQRegularExpression>rinig sinn croch an staca JITJIT stack limit reachedQRegularExpressionDchaidh argamaid NULL a chur a-nallNULL argument passedQRegularExpressionbcha chuir PCRE taic ri \L, \l, \N{ainm}, \U no \u1PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \uQRegularExpressiondcha chuirear taic ri eileamaidean POSIX collaididh*POSIX collating elements are not supportedQRegularExpressionCha chuirear taic ri clasaichean ainmichte POSIX ach am broinn clas5POSIX named classes are supported only within a classQRegularExpressionMEARACHD SPARE SPARE ERRORQRegularExpressionlmearachd UTF-16: tha an t-ionadair osal m-dhligheach#UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogateQRegularExpression`mearachd UTF-16: tha an t-ionadair osal fa leth$UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogateQRegularExpressionvmearachd UTF-16: tha ionadair osal a dhth air an deireadh*UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at endQRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-32: cha deach na puingean crachaidh 0xd800-0xdfff a mhneachadh7UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not definedQRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-32: cha deach puingean cdachaidh nas motha na 0x10ffff a mhneachadh?UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not definedQRegularExpressionjmearachd UTF-8: tha 1 bhaidht a dhth air an deireadh"UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at endQRegularExpressionjmearachd UTF-8: tha 2 bhaidht a dhth air an deireadh#UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressiontmearachd UTF-8: tha 3 baidhtichean a dhth air an deireadh#UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressiontmearachd UTF-8: tha 4 baidhtichean a dhth air an deireadh#UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressiontmearachd UTF-8: tha 5 baidhtichean a dhth air an deireadh#UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at endQRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil caractar aig a bheil 5 baidhtichean ceadaichte (RFC 3629)7UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil caractar aig a bheil 6 baidhtichean ceadaichte (RFC 3629)7UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil an 2 bhiod as irde aig a  bhaidht nan 0x80%UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 3 biotaichean as irde aig a  bhaidht nan 0x80%UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 4 biotaichean as irde aig a  bhaidht nan 0x80%UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 5 biotaichean as irde aig a  bhaidht nan 0x80%UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: chan eil na 6 biotaichean as irde aig a  bhaidht nan 0x80%UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: cha deach na puingean cdachaidh 0xd800-0xdfff a mhneachadh6UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not definedQRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: cha deach puingean cdachaidh nas motha na 0x10ffff a mhneachadh>UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not definedQRegularExpressionfmearachd UTF-8: baidht m-dhligheach (0xfe no 0xff)(UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)QRegularExpressionmearachd UTF-8: baidht fa leth air an deach am biod 0x80 a shuidheachadh,UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit setQRegularExpression^mearachd UTF-8: sreath 2 bhaidht a tha ro fhada%UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionhmearachd UTF-8: sreath 3 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada%UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionhmearachd UTF-8: sreath 4 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada%UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionhmearachd UTF-8: sreath 5 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada%UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequenceQRegularExpressionhmearachd UTF-8: sreath 6 baidhtichean a tha ro fhada%UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequenceQRegularExpression,\ air deireadh ptrain\ at end of patternQRegularExpressiondchan eil \C ceadaichte ann an lookbehind assertion+\C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertionQRegularExpressionFcha chuirear taic ri \N ann an clas\N is not supported in a classQRegularExpression.\c air deireadh ptrain\c at end of patternQRegularExpressionrfeumaidh litir no fear dhe [\]^_? a bhith ann s didh \c0\c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?QRegularExpressionfeumaidh caractar ASCII a ghabhas cl-bhualadh a bhith ann s didh \c2\c must be followed by a printable ASCII characterQRegularExpressiontha \g ann nach eil ga leantainn le ainm/ireamh le camagan dualach no cernagach no iomradh no le ireamh lom[\g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain numberQRegularExpressiontha \k ann nach eil ga leantainn le ainm le camagan dualach no cernagach no iomradh?\k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted nameQRegularExpressionhchan fhaod reifreans ireamhaichte a bhith na neoni%a numbered reference must not be zeroQRegularExpressionchan eil argamaid ceadaichte air (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) no (*COMMIT)?an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)QRegularExpressionZtha dil air assertion s didh (?( no (?(?C)&assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)QRegularExpressioncha chuir maidseadh DFA taic ri cumha backreference no deuchainn air ath-chrsachdKbackreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matchingQRegularExpression$droch-roghainn JITbad JIT optionQRegularExpression droch-luach dtabad data valueQRegularExpression^droch-shreath ternaidh ann an sreang ionadaich)bad escape sequence in replacement stringQRegularExpressionZdroch-fhrth-ireimh a-steach dha shreang UTFbad offset into UTF stringQRegularExpression2droch-luach frth-ireimhbad offset valueQRegularExpression*droch-luach roghainnebad option valueQRegularExpressionRdroch-ionadachadh ann an sreang ionadaich&bad substitution in replacement stringQRegularExpression&cd mearachd gairmecallout error codeQRegularExpressiontha an luach air puing cd caractair ann an sreath \u.... ro mhr:character code point value in \u.... sequence is too largeQRegularExpressiontha an luach air puing cd caractair ann an sreath \x{...} no \o{} ro mhr7character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too largeQRegularExpression@an dil air camag a dhineas (?C$closing parenthesis for (?C expectedQRegularExpressionTtha corr is d mheur aig buidheann cumhach1conditional group contains more than two branchesQRegularExpressionchan eil ainmean diofraichte air fo-phtranan air an aon ireamh ceadaichteBdifferent names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowedQRegularExpressionBtha dil air ireamh s didh (?+digit expected after (?+QRegularExpressionPtha ireamhan a dth ann an \x{} no \o{}digits missing in \x{} or \o{}QRegularExpressiontha phuing cd Unicode ann nach eil ceadaichte (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)6disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)QRegularExpressiontan dil air camag dhualach dnaidh ann an sreang ionadaich4expected closing curly bracket in replacement stringQRegularExpressionRcha deach leinn cuimhne heap a riarachadhfailed to allocate heap memoryQRegularExpression\cha chuir maidseadh DFA taic ris an fhoincsean*function is not supported for DFA matchingQRegularExpressiondchan fhaod ainm buidhinn a thiseachadh le ireamh&group name must start with a non-digitQRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail - an deach sgrobhadh thairis air a  phtran?%internal error - pattern overwritten?QRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail ann am pcre2_study(): cha bu chir dha a bhith ann1internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occurQRegularExpressionFmearachd inntearnail: taosgadh cidinternal error: code overflowQRegularExpressionlmearachd inntearnail: taosgadh air rum-obrach trusaidh+internal error: overran compiling workspaceQRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail: tha reifreans air fo-phrtran nach deach a lorg s a chaidh a dhearbhadh roimheBinternal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not foundQRegularExpressiondmearachd inntearnail: atharrais air nach robh dil!internal error: unexpected repeatQRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail: roghainn loidhnichean ra nach aithne dhuinn'internal error: unknown newline settingQRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail: tha opcode nach aithne dhuinn ann am auto_possessify()3internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()QRegularExpressionmearachd inntearnail: tha opcode nach aithne dhuinn ann am find_fixedlength()4internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()QRegularExpression4cumha mh-dhligheach (?(0)invalid condition (?(0)QRegularExpressiontha dta m-dhligheach san rum-obrach airson ath-thiseachadh DFA)invalid data in workspace for DFA restartQRegularExpressionbsreath ternaidh m-dligheach ann an ainm (*VERB)'invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) nameQRegularExpressionjsreath ternaidh m-dligheach ann an clas charactaran*invalid escape sequence in character classQRegularExpressionXrainse mh-dligheach ann an clas charactaran invalid range in character classQRegularExpression>sreang ionadaich mh-dhligheachinvalid replacement stringQRegularExpressionvthathar an dil air litir no fo-loidhne s didh (?< no (?'.letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'QRegularExpressionfchan eil fad socraichte aig a  lookbehind assertion(lookbehind assertion is not fixed lengthQRegularExpressionHtha an lookbehind assertion ro fhada lookbehind assertion is too longQRegularExpression@tha ireamh dhraoidheach a dhthmagic number missingQRegularExpression@droch-chruth air sreath \P no \pmalformed \P or \p sequenceQRegularExpressionbtha ireamh no ainm le droch-chumadh s didh (?("malformed number or name after (?(QRegularExpressionLchaidh sinn thar crochan a  mhaidsidhmatch limit exceededQRegularExpressioncha chuir sinn taic ri maideadh an deiridh ro mhaidseadh an toisich,match with end before start is not supportedQRegularExpressionBtha ) a dhth s didh beachd (?#missing ) after (?# commentQRegularExpression2tha camag dnaidh a dhthmissing closing parenthesisQRegularExpression`tha camag dhualach fosglaidh a dhth s didh \omissing opening brace after \oQRegularExpressionbtha ] crochnachaidh a dhth air clas charactaran)missing terminating ] for character classQRegularExpressiontha comharra-crche deiridh a dhth air gairm le argamaid sreanga>missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argumentQRegularExpression|tha ainm ro fhada ann am (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) no (*THEN):name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)QRegularExpressionltha ath-chrsachd leabaichte air an aon ionaid cuspair-nested recursion at the same subject positionQRegularExpressiongun mhearachdno errorQRegularExpression,cha deach seise a lorgno matchQRegularExpression:chan eil cuimhne air a fgailno more memoryQRegularExpressiontha caractar nach eil sia-dheicheach ann an \x{} (a bheil a  chamag dhnaidh a dhth?)2non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpressiontha caractar nach eil ochdach ann an \o{} (a bheil a  chamag dnaidh a dhth?)4non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)QRegularExpressionHainm air fo-shreang nach eil fa lethnon-unique substring nameQRegularExpressionRtha ireamh s didh (?C nas motha na 255$number after (?C is greater than 255QRegularExpression,tha an ireamh ro mhrnumber is too bigQRegularExpressionJireamh ro mhr ann an uimhrichear {}number too big in {} quantifierQRegularExpression`droch rdugh air ireamhan ann an uimhrichear {}%numbers out of order in {} quantifierQRegularExpressiontha luach ochdach nas motha na \377 ann am modh 8-biodan gun UTF-88octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 modeQRegularExpressionchaidh croch na frth-ireimh a shuidheachadh s aonais PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT/offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMITQRegularExpressionTtha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air na camagan!parentheses are too deeply nestedQRegularExpressionxtha neadachadh ro dhomhainn air na camagan (dearbhadh staca)/parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)QRegularExpression*seise nach eil foirfe partial matchQRegularExpressionchaidh am ptran a thrusadh sa mhodh chearr: mearachd 8/16/32-biod1pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit errorQRegularExpressiondtha n sa phtran ris nach cuir maidseadh DFA taic?pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matchingQRegularExpressionBchaidh ptran a chur ann na NULLpattern passed as NULLQRegularExpressiontha sreang a  phtrain nas fhaide na a  chroch a chaidh a shuidheachadh leis an aplacaid>pattern string is longer than the limit set by the applicationQRegularExpressiontcha chleachd na ptranan uile na h-aon chlran charactaran1patterns do not all use the same character tablesQRegularExpressionchan eil an t-uimhrichear a  tighinn s didh n a ghabhas atharrais,quantifier does not follow a repeatable itemQRegularExpressionftha droch-rdugh air rainse ann an clas charactaran%range out of order in character classQRegularExpressionXchaidh sinn thar crochan na h-ath-chrsachdrecursion limit exceededQRegularExpressionJreifreans air fo-phtran nach eil ann$reference to non-existent subpatternQRegularExpression^tha an t-eas-preisean riaghailteach ro thoinnte%regular expression is too complicatedQRegularExpressionVtha an t-eas-preisean riaghailteach ro mhrregular expression is too largeQRegularExpressionXchan eil an luach a dh iarr thu ri fhaighinn requested value is not availableQRegularExpression`cha deach an luach a dh iarr thu a shuidheachadhrequested value is not setQRegularExpression:tha dil air ainm fo-phtrainsubpattern name expectedQRegularExpressiontha ainm an fho-phtrain ro fhada (10000 caractar air a char as motha)6subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)QRegularExpressionXMearachd co-chraidh ann an cumha (?(VERSION$syntax error in (?(VERSION conditionQRegularExpressiontha mearachd co-chraidh ann an ainm fo-phtrain (tha crochnaichear a dhth)4syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)QRegularExpressionhcha chuir an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE2 taic ri Unicode3this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode supportQRegularExpressionrcha chuir an tionndadh seo dhe PCRE2 taic ri \P, \p no \X=this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \XQRegularExpressionztha cus fho-phtranan ainmichte ann (256 air a char as motha)(too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)QRegularExpressionZtha cus ionadachaidhean ann (corr is INT_MAX))too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)QRegularExpressionZtha cus ath-chrsachd airson maideadh DFA ann#too much recursion for DFA matchingQRegularExpressiontha an t-aon ainm air d fho-phtran ainmichte (cha deach PCRE2_DUPNAMES a shuidheachadh)Atwo named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)QRegularExpressionDainm clas POSIX nach aithne dhuinnunknown POSIX class nameQRegularExpressionbainm buaidhe nach aithne dhuinn s didh \P no \p$unknown property name after \P or \pQRegularExpression:fo-shreang nach aithne dhuinnunknown substringQRegularExpression.camag dnaidh gun seiseunmatched closing parenthesisQRegularExpression|tha biod no dh nach aithne dhuinn ann an roghainn m trusaidh'unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)QRegularExpressionftha caractar nach aithne dhuinn s dhidh (? no (?-&unrecognized character after (? or (?-QRegularExpressionbtha caractar nach aithne dhuinn s dhidh (?P ann unrecognized character after (?PQRegularExpression^tha caractar nach aithne dhuinn s dhidh \ ann unrecognized character follows \QRegularExpressionfTha comharra-crche nach aithne dhuinn s didh (?C)unrecognized string delimiter follows (?CQRegularExpressionjchaidh cleachdadh UCP a chur comas leis an aplacaid(using UCP is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionjchaidh cleachdadh UTF a chur comas leis an aplacaid(using UTF is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionhchaidh cleachdadh \C a chur comas leis an aplacaid'using \C is disabled by the applicationQRegularExpressionzchaidh cleachdadh \C a chur comas san leabharlann PCRE2 seo*using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 libraryQRegularExpressionbtha meud an ruim-obrach ro mhr sa mhaidseadh DFA'workspace size exceeded in DFA matchingQRegularExpressionFMearachd le fosgladh an stir-dhtaError opening databaseQSQLite2DriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churUnable to begin transactionQSQLite2DriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transactionQSQLite2DriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transactionQSQLite2Driver`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statementQSQLite2ResultZCha b  urrainn dhuinn na toraidhean fhaighinnUnable to fetch resultsQSQLite2ResultBMearachd le dnadh an stir-dhtaError closing database QSQLiteDriverFMearachd le fosgladh an stir-dhtaError opening database QSQLiteDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn tiseachadh air an tar-churUnable to begin transaction QSQLiteDriverbCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a chommitigeadhUnable to commit transaction QSQLiteDriverdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an tar-chur a roladh air aisUnable to rollback transaction QSQLiteDriver$Chan eil ceist annNo query QSQLiteResult^Chan eil cunntas nam paramadair a-rir a chileParameter count mismatch QSQLiteResult`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn na paramadairean a nasgadhUnable to bind parameters QSQLiteResult~Chan urrainn duinn iomadh aithris a ghnomhachadh aig an aon m/Unable to execute multiple statements at a time QSQLiteResult`Cha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris a ghnomhachadhUnable to execute statement QSQLiteResultNCha b  urrainn dhuinn an rgh fhaighinnUnable to fetch row QSQLiteResultdCha b  urrainn dhuinn an aithris ath-shuidheachadhUnable to reset statement QSQLiteResultbCha ghabh sgrobhadh dhan fhaidhle %1  a tha ann Existing file %1 is not writable QSaveFileXTha ainm-faidhle a  toirt iomradh air pasganFilename refers to a directory QSaveFileBSguir an aplacaid dhen sgrobhadhWriting canceled by application QSaveFileBonnBottom QScrollBarAn oir chl Left edge QScrollBarDuilleag sos Page down QScrollBar0Duilleag dhan taobh chl Page left QScrollBar0Duilleag dhan taobh deas Page right QScrollBarDuilleag suasPage up QScrollBarAn oir dheas Right edge QScrollBarSgrolaich sos Scroll down QScrollBar Sgrolaich an-seo Scroll here QScrollBar Sgrolaich gu cl Scroll left QScrollBar"Sgrolaich gu deas Scroll right QScrollBarSgrolaich suas Scroll up QScrollBarBarrTop QScrollBarBDhin an t-stair cin an ceangal%The remote host closed the connection QSctpSocketL%1: chan eil faidhle iuchrach UNIX ann%1: UNIX key file doesn't exist QSharedMemory.%1: tha seo ann mar-th%1: already exists QSharedMemory%1: droch-ainm %1: bad name QSharedMemoryX%1: tha meud a  chruthachaidh nas lugha na 0%1: create size is less then 0 QSharedMemory(%1: chan eil seo ann%1: doesn't exist QSharedMemory.%1: dh fhillig le ftok%1: ftok failed QSharedMemory,%1: meud m-dhligheach%1: invalid size QSharedMemory*%1: mearachd iuchrach %1: key error QSharedMemory2%1: tha an iuchair falamh%1: key is empty QSharedMemory8%1: cha deach a cheangal ris%1: not attached QSharedMemory&%1: dth ghoireasan%1: out of resources QSharedMemory0%1: cead air a dhiltadh%1: permission denied QSharedMemoryN%1: dh fhillig le ceasnachadh a  mheud%1: size query failed QSharedMemoryv%1: tha an siostam a sparradh cuingeachaidhean air a  mheud$%1: system-imposed size restrictions QSharedMemory0%1: cha ghabh a ghlasadh%1: unable to lock QSharedMemoryf%1: cha b  urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a chruthachadh%1: unable to make key QSharedMemory%1: cha b  urrainn dhuinn an iuchair a shuidheachadh air a  ghlas%1: unable to set key on lock QSharedMemoryP%1: cha ghabh a  ghlas a thoirt fo bharr%1: unable to unlock QSharedMemoryD%1: mearachd nach aithne dhuinn %2%1: unknown error %2 QSharedMemory++ QShortcut"Cuir annsachd ris Add Favorite QShortcut0Gleus an t-soilleireachdAdjust Brightness QShortcutAltAlt QShortcutAplacaid gu clApplication Left QShortcut Aplacaid gu deasApplication Right QShortcut,Cuairtich traca fuaimeAudio Cycle Track QShortcut6Cluich air thuaiream fuaimeAudio Random Play QShortcut$Ath-chluich fuaime Audio Repeat QShortcutAir falbhAway QShortcutAir aisBack QShortcut$Air ais air adhart Back Forward QShortcutBackspace Backspace QShortcutBacktabBacktab QShortcutSpionnadh beusa Bass Boost QShortcut Beus - Bass Down QShortcut Beus +Bass Up QShortcutBataraidhBattery QShortcutGormBlue QShortcutBluetooth Bluetooth QShortcutLeabharBook QShortcutBrabhsairBrowser QShortcutCDCD QShortcutireamhair Calculator QShortcut GairmCall QShortcutFcas camara Camera Focus QShortcutCmhla-camaraCamera Shutter QShortcutSguir dhethCancel QShortcutCaps Lock Caps Lock QShortcutCapsLockCapsLock QShortcutSeanail sos Channel Down QShortcutSeanail suas Channel Up QShortcutFalamhaichClear QShortcutClear Grab Clear Grab QShortcutDinClose QShortcutIon-chur cd Code input QShortcutCoimhearsnachd Community QShortcutCo-theacsa1Context1 QShortcutCo-theacsa2Context2 QShortcutCo-theacsa3Context3 QShortcutCo-theacsa4Context4 QShortcutDan lethbhreacCopy QShortcutCtrlCtrl QShortcutGearr sCut QShortcutDOSDOS QShortcutDelDel QShortcut DeleteDelete QShortcutDisplayDisplay QShortcutSgrobhainnean Documents QShortcutSosDown QShortcutEisu Shift Eisu Shift QShortcutEisu toggle Eisu toggle QShortcutGluais a-machEject QShortcutEndEnd QShortcut EnterEnter QShortcutEscEsc QShortcut EscapeEscape QShortcutCuir an gnomhExecute QShortcutFg an-seoExit QShortcutF%1F%1 QShortcutAnnsachdan Favorites QShortcutIonmhasFinance QShortcutLorgFind QShortcutThoir flipFlip QShortcutAir adhartForward QShortcut GeamaGame QShortcutSiuthadGo QShortcut UaineGreen QShortcut TreirGuide QShortcut HangulHangul QShortcutHangul Banja Hangul Banja QShortcutHangul End Hangul End QShortcutHangul Hanja Hangul Hanja QShortcutHangul Jamo Hangul Jamo QShortcutHangul Jeonja Hangul Jeonja QShortcut Hangul PostHanjaHangul PostHanja QShortcutHangul PreHanjaHangul PreHanja QShortcutHangul Romaja Hangul Romaja QShortcut"Hangul snraichteHangul Special QShortcutHangul Start Hangul Start QShortcut2Cuir croch air a  ghairmHangup QShortcutHankakuHankaku QShortcutCobhairHelp QShortcut HenkanHenkan QShortcut*Dan cadal-geamhraidh Hibernate QShortcutHiraganaHiragana QShortcut"Hiragana KatakanaHiragana Katakana QShortcutEachdraidhHistory QShortcutHomeHome QShortcutOifis taighe Home Office QShortcut$Duilleag-dhachaigh Home Page QShortcut&Ceanglaichean trice Hot Links QShortcutFiosrachadhInfo QShortcutInsIns QShortcut InsertInsert QShortcutKana Lock Kana Lock QShortcutKana Shift Kana Shift QShortcut KanjiKanji QShortcutKatakanaKatakana QShortcut>Soilleireachd a  mheur-chlir -Keyboard Brightness Down QShortcut>Soilleireachd a  mheur-chlir +Keyboard Brightness Up QShortcut>Solas a  mheur-chlir air/dhethKeyboard Light On/Off QShortcut4Clr-taice a  mheur-chlir Keyboard Menu QShortcutJAth-dhaitheal an ireamh mu dheireadhLast Number Redial QShortcutCuir gu dol (0) Launch (0) QShortcutCuir gu dol (1) Launch (1) QShortcutCuir gu dol (2) Launch (2) QShortcutCuir gu dol (3) Launch (3) QShortcutCuir gu dol (4) Launch (4) QShortcutCuir gu dol (5) Launch (5) QShortcutCuir gu dol (6) Launch (6) QShortcutCuir gu dol (7) Launch (7) QShortcutCuir gu dol (8) Launch (8) QShortcutCuir gu dol (9) Launch (9) QShortcutCuir gu dol (A) Launch (A) QShortcutCuir gu dol (B) Launch (B) QShortcutCuir gu dol (C) Launch (C) QShortcutCuir gu dol (D) Launch (D) QShortcutCuir gu dol (E) Launch (E) QShortcutCuir gu dol (F) Launch (F) QShortcut&Cuir am post gu dol Launch Mail QShortcut,Cuir am meadhan gu dol Launch Media QShortcut Gu clLeft QShortcutBolgan solais LightBulb QShortcutClraich a-machLogoff QShortcut0Sneadh air adhart puist Mail Forward QShortcutMargadhMarket QShortcut MassyoMassyo QShortcut:Toinneadh air adhart meadhainMedia Fast Forward QShortcutAn ath-mheadhan Media Next QShortcut*Cuir meadhan na stad Media Pause QShortcutCluich meadhan Media Play QShortcut"Am meadhan roimheMedia Previous QShortcut Clraich meadhan Media Record QShortcut4Toinneadh air ais meadhain Media Rewind QShortcut*Cuir stad air meadhan Media Stop QShortcutCoinneamhMeeting QShortcutMenuMenu QShortcutMenu PBMenu PB QShortcutTeachdaire Messenger QShortcutMetaMeta QShortcut"Mch am micreofonMicrophone Mute QShortcut*irde a  mhicreofon -Microphone Volume Down QShortcut*irde a  mhicreofon +Microphone Volume Up QShortcut0Soilleireachd na sgrn -Monitor Brightness Down QShortcut0Soilleireachd na sgrn +Monitor Brightness Up QShortcutMuhenkanMuhenkan QShortcut Iomadh tagraicheMultiple Candidate QShortcutCelMusic QShortcut$Na lraichean agamMy Sites QShortcutrNew QShortcutNaidheachdanNews QShortcutChan eilNo QShortcutNumNum QShortcutNum LockNum Lock QShortcutNumLockNumLock QShortcutNumber Lock Number Lock QShortcutFosgailOpen QShortcutFosgail URLOpen URL QShortcutRoghainnOption QShortcutPage Down Page Down QShortcutPage UpPage Up QShortcutCuir annPaste QShortcut PausePause QShortcut PgDownPgDown QShortcutPgUpPgUp QShortcutCuir fnPhone QShortcutDealbhanPictures QShortcut CluichPlay QShortcutDin sos Power Down QShortcut.Cuir a  chumhachd dheth Power Off QShortcut&An tagraiche roimhePrevious Candidate QShortcut PrintPrint QShortcutPrint Screen Print Screen QShortcutCl-bhualadairPrinter QShortcut DeargRed QShortcutAth-dhanRedo QShortcutAth-nuadhaichRefresh QShortcutAth-luchdaichReload QShortcutFreagairReply QShortcut ReturnReturn QShortcutGu deasRight QShortcut RomajiRomaji QShortcut0Cuairtich na h-uinneaganRotate Windows QShortcutRotation KB Rotation KB QShortcutRotation PB Rotation PB QShortcutSbhailSave QShortcut"Sbhalaiche-sgrn Screensaver QShortcutScroll Lock Scroll Lock QShortcutScrollLock ScrollLock QShortcutLorgSearch QShortcut SelectSelect QShortcutCuirSend QShortcutRoghainneanSettings QShortcut ShiftShift QShortcutBthShop QShortcutCuir na chadalSleep QShortcut SpaceSpace QShortcut,Dearbhair-litreachaidh Spellchecker QShortcutSgrn sgoilte Split Screen QShortcut Cliath-dhuilleag Spreadsheet QShortcutFuireachasStandby QShortcutCuir stad airStop QShortcutFo-thiotalSubtitle QShortcutTaicSupport QShortcutCuir na dhilSuspend QShortcut SysReqSysReq QShortcutSystem RequestSystem Request QShortcutTabaTab QShortcut&Panail nan saothair Task Panel QShortcutTirminealTerminal QShortcutineTime QShortcut4Toglaich gairm s a crochToggle Call/Hangup QShortcutBToglaich cluich/stad a  mheadhainToggle Media Play/Pause QShortcutInnealanTools QShortcut Clr-taice barraTop Menu QShortcut8Cuir am pada-suathaidh dheth Touchpad Off QShortcut4Cuir am pada-suathaidh air Touchpad On QShortcut<Toglachadh a  phada-shuathaidhTouchpad Toggle QShortcutTourokuTouroku QShortcutSiubhailTravel QShortcutTrobail - Treble Down QShortcutTrobail + Treble Up QShortcut&Bann ultra-leathannUltra Wide Band QShortcutNeo-dhanUndo QShortcutSuasUp QShortcut VideoVideo QShortcut SeallView QShortcut"Daithealadh gutha Voice Dial QShortcutFuaim - Volume Down QShortcutMch an fhuaim Volume Mute QShortcutFuaim + Volume Up QShortcutWWWWWW QShortcut DisgWake Up QShortcutCamara-lnWebCam QShortcutUirleasWireless QShortcut&Priseasadh fhaclanWord Processor QShortcutXFerXFer QShortcut BuidheYellow QShortcutThaYes QShortcutZenkakuZenkaku QShortcutZenkaku HankakuZenkaku Hankaku QShortcutSmZoom QShortcutSm a-steachZoom In QShortcutSm a-machZoom Out QShortcut iTouchiTouch QShortcutTCha chuirear taic ris an t-sersa selaidhAddress type not supportedQSocks5SocketEngine\Cha cheadaich am frithealaiche SOCKSv5 ceangal(Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 serverQSocks5SocketEnginejChaidh an ceangal dhan phrogsaidh a dhnadh ro thrth&Connection to proxy closed prematurelyQSocks5SocketEngineZChaidh an ceangal dhan phrogsaidh a dhiltadhConnection to proxy refusedQSocks5SocketEnginebDh fhalbh an ine air a  cheangal dhan phrogsaidhConnection to proxy timed outQSocks5SocketEngineXFilligeadh frithealaiche SOCKSv5 coitcheannGeneral SOCKSv5 server failureQSocks5SocketEngineXDh fhalbh an ine air obrachadh an lonraidhNetwork operation timed outQSocks5SocketEngineLDh fhillig le dearbhadh a  phrogsaidhProxy authentication failedQSocks5SocketEngineTDh fhillig le dearbhadh a  phrogsaidh: %1Proxy authentication failed: %1QSocks5SocketEngineBCha deach stair progsaidh a lorgProxy host not foundQSocks5SocketEngineLMearachd le prtacal SOCKS tionndadh 5SOCKS version 5 protocol errorQSocks5SocketEngineFCha chuirear taic ri ithne SOCKSv5SOCKSv5 command not supportedQSocks5SocketEngine2Dh fhalbh an ine air TTL TTL expiredQSocks5SocketEnginelCd mearachd progsaidh SOCKSv5 0x%1 nach aithne dhuinn%Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1QSocks5SocketEngine.teachdaireachd rabhaidh alert messageQSpiAccessibleBridgebethachadh animationQSpiAccessibleBridgeaplacaid applicationQSpiAccessibleBridgecuidiche assistantQSpiAccessibleBridge"clr-taice putain button menuQSpiAccessibleBridge:putan le clr-taice ternaidhbutton with drop downQSpiAccessibleBridge0putan le griod ternaidhbutton with drop down gridQSpiAccessibleBridgecanabhascanvasQSpiAccessibleBridge ceallacellQSpiAccessibleBridge cairtchartQSpiAccessibleBridgebogsa-cromaige check boxQSpiAccessibleBridge cleocclockQSpiAccessibleBridge(roghnaichear dhathan color chooserQSpiAccessibleBridge colbhcolumnQSpiAccessibleBridge bann-cinn cuilbh column headerQSpiAccessibleBridgebogsa combo combo boxQSpiAccessibleBridgeco-shusbaintcomplementary contentQSpiAccessibleBridgecrsaircursorQSpiAccessibleBridgedaithealdialQSpiAccessibleBridgecmhradhdialogQSpiAccessibleBridgesgrobhainndocumentQSpiAccessibleBridgeco-aontarequationQSpiAccessibleBridgelonadairfillerQSpiAccessibleBridgebann-coisefooterQSpiAccessibleBridge foirmformQSpiAccessibleBridge framframeQSpiAccessibleBridgegrafaigeachdgraphicQSpiAccessibleBridge greimgripQSpiAccessibleBridge"ceann-sgrobhaidhheadingQSpiAccessibleBridge$builgean cobharach help balloonQSpiAccessibleBridge$raon grad-iuchrach hotkey fieldQSpiAccessibleBridgetaisbeanair indicatorQSpiAccessibleBridge,dreuchd mh-dhligheach invalid roleQSpiAccessibleBridgeleubaillabelQSpiAccessibleBridgelesan fillte layered paneQSpiAccessibleBridgeceangallinkQSpiAccessibleBridge liostalistQSpiAccessibleBridgen liosta list itemQSpiAccessibleBridge br clir-thaicemenu barQSpiAccessibleBridgen clir-thaice menu itemQSpiAccessibleBridgentanoteQSpiAccessibleBridge taba dhuilleaganpage tabQSpiAccessibleBridge.liosta taba dhuilleagan page tab listQSpiAccessibleBridge panailpanelQSpiAccessibleBridgeparagraf paragraphQSpiAccessibleBridge"priob-chlr-taice popup menuQSpiAccessibleBridgebr adhartais progress barQSpiAccessibleBridge0duilleag nan roghainnean property pageQSpiAccessibleBridgeputan putaidh push buttonQSpiAccessibleBridgeputan ridio radio buttonQSpiAccessibleBridgerghrowQSpiAccessibleBridgebann-cinn righ row headerQSpiAccessibleBridgebr-sgrolaidh scroll barQSpiAccessibleBridgeearrannsectionQSpiAccessibleBridgesgaradair separatorQSpiAccessibleBridgesleamhnachansliderQSpiAccessibleBridge fuaimsoundQSpiAccessibleBridge bernspaceQSpiAccessibleBridgebogsa-toinneimhspin boxQSpiAccessibleBridgesgoiltearsplitterQSpiAccessibleBridgebr-staide status barQSpiAccessibleBridgeclrtableQSpiAccessibleBridge teacsatextQSpiAccessibleBridgecarait teacsa text caretQSpiAccessibleBridgebr-tiotail title barQSpiAccessibleBridgebr-innealtool barQSpiAccessibleBridgegliocas-sgrntool tipQSpiAccessibleBridge craobhtreeQSpiAccessibleBridgen craoibhe tree itemQSpiAccessibleBridgechan eil fhiosunknownQSpiAccessibleBridgesgrobhainn-ln web documentQSpiAccessibleBridge8Dta ion-chuir m-dhligheachInvalid input dataQSslDiffieHellmanParameterGun mhearachdNo errorQSslDiffieHellmanParameterThathar a  meas nach eil na paramadairean Diffie-Hellman a chaidh a thoirt seachad sbhailte5The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafeQSslDiffieHellmanParameterdCha ghabh teisteanas gun iuchair toirt seachad, %1,Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 QSslSocketdChan eil na paramadairean Diffie-Hellman dligheach'Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid QSslSocket\Mearachd le cruthachadh na co-theacsa SSL (%1)Error creating SSL context (%1) QSslSocketNMearachd a  cruthachadh seisean SSL, %1Error creating SSL session, %1 QSslSocketNMearachd a  cruthachadh seisean SSL: %1Error creating SSL session: %1 QSslSocketFMearachd le crathadh-limhe SSL: %1Error during SSL handshake: %1 QSslSocket\Mearachd a  luchdadh teisteanais ionadaich, %1#Error loading local certificate, %1 QSslSocket^mearachd le luchdadh iuchrach phrobhaidich, %1Error loading private key, %1 QSslSocketdMearachd le suidheachadh nan lban eileapsach (%1)+Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1) QSslSocket0Mearachd le leughadh: %1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocket\Liosta shifirean mh-dligheach no fhalamh (%1)!Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) QSslSocketZCha b  urrainn dhuinn teisteanas a dhearbhadh!No certificates could be verified QSslSocketGun mhearachdNo error QSslSocket`Tha teisteanas ghdarrais ann nach eil dligheach%One of the CA certificates is invalid QSslSocketTha an tionndadh de dh OpenSSL ro shean, tha feum air tionndadh 1.0.2 air a char as lugha-OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2 QSslSocketChan eil an iuchair phrobhaideach na theisteanas dhan iuchair phoblach, %1+Private key does not certify public key, %1 QSslSocketFChaidh an ceangal TLS/SSL a dhnadh&The TLS/SSL connection has been closed QSslSocketChaidh dol thairis air paramadair fad slighe nam basicConstraints QUndoModelAth-dhanRedo QUndoStackAth-dhan %1Redo %1 QUndoStackNeo-dhanUndo QUndoStackNeo-dhan %1Undo %1 QUndoStack@FSI A  chiad leth-oireach lidirFSI First strong isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuJCuir a-steach caractar-smachd Unicode Insert Unicode control characterQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuNLRE Toiseach air leabachadh cl-gu-deas$LRE Start of left-to-right embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu8LRI Leth-oireach cl-gu-deasLRI Left-to-right isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu0LRM Comharra cl-gu-deasLRM Left-to-right markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuNLRO Toiseach air tar-ithne cl-gu-deas#LRO Start of left-to-right overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu@PDF Pop am frmatadh comhaireachPDF Pop directional formattingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuFPDI Pop an leth-oireach comhaireachPDI Pop directional isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuNRLE Toiseach air leabachadh deas-gu-cl$RLE Start of right-to-left embeddingQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu8RLI Leth-oireach deas-gu-clRLI Right-to-left isolateQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu0RLM Comharra deas-gu-clRLM Right-to-left markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuNRLO Toiseach air tar-ithne deas-gu-cl#RLO Start of right-to-left overrideQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu<ZWJ Caractar nasgaidh gun leudZWJ Zero width joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuFZWNJ Caractar neo-nasgaidh gun leudZWNJ Zero width non-joinerQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu&ZWSP Bern gun leudZWSP Zero width spaceQUnicodeControlCharacterMenuD th  ann? What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget Dan lethbhrea&c&CopyQWidgetTextControlCuir a&nn&PasteQWidgetTextControl&Ath-dhan&RedoQWidgetTextControl&Neo-dhan&UndoQWidgetTextControlRDan lethbhreac de she&ladh a  cheangailCopy &Link LocationQWidgetTextControl&Gearr sCu&tQWidgetTextControlSguab sDeleteQWidgetTextControlTagh na h-uile Select AllQWidgetTextControltCha b  urrainn dhuinn plugan an rlair direct2d a luchdadh$Cannot load direct2d platform pluginQWindowsDirect2DIntegrationChan urrainn dha Qt plugan an rlair direct2d platform a luchdadh on a tha an tionndadh dhe Direct2D air an t-siostam seo ro shean. Tha am plugan rlair seo feumach air Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update air a char as lugha. Is %1.%2.%3.%4 an tionndadh as sine dhe Direct2D a dh obraicheas. Is %5.%6.%7.%8 an tionndadh dhe Direct2D air an t-siostam seo.-Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update. The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.QWindowsDirect2DIntegration&Crochnaich&FinishQWizardCob&hair&HelpQWizardAir &adhart&NextQWizardAir &adhart >&Next >QWizard< Air Ai&s< &BackQWizardSguir dhethCancelQWizardDan commitCommitQWizardLean air adhartContinueQWizardDeiseilDoneQWizardAir aisGo BackQWizardCobhairHelpQWizardbhathar an dil ri foirgheall cdachaidh no aonarach le leughadh an fhoirghill XMLYencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlmearachd ann am foirgheall teacsa aig eintiteas on taobh a-muigh3error in the text declaration of an external entityQXmlNthachair mearachd le parsadh a  bheachd$error occurred while parsing commentQXmlPthachair mearachd le parsadh na susbaint$error occurred while parsing contentQXmlpthachair mearachd le parsadh an document type definition5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXmlVthachair mearachd le parsadh na h-eileamaid$error occurred while parsing elementQXmlRthachair mearachd le parsadh an reifreans&error occurred while parsing referenceQXmlLdh adhbharaich an caitheadair mearachderror triggered by consumerQXmlchan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann air a pharsadh on taobh a-muigh ceadaichte ann an DTD;external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXmlchan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann air a pharsadh on taobh a-muigh ceadaichte ann an luach buaidheGexternal parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute valueQXmlchan eil reifreans eintiteis coitcheann inntearnail ceadaichte ann an DTD4internal general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXmlTainm m-dhligheach air ithne priseasaidh'invalid name for processing instructionQXml0thathar an dil ri litirletter is expectedQXmlNtha iomadh document type definition ann&more than one document type definitionQXml0cha do thachair mearachdno error occurredQXml0eintiteasan ath-chrsachrecursive entitiesQXmlbhathar an dil ri foirgheall aonarach le leughadh an foirghill XMLAstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlLchan eil na tagaichean a-rir a chile tag mismatchQXml6caractar ris nach robh dilunexpected characterQXmlFdeireadh faidhle ris nach robh dilunexpected end of fileQXmltha reifreans eintiteis nach deach a pharsadh sa cho-theacsa chearr*unparsed entity reference in wrong contextQXmlrbhathar an dil ri tionndadh le leughadh an foirghill XML2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlJluach cearr air foirgheall aonaranach&wrong value for standalone declarationQXmlZChan eil %1 na aithnichear PUBLIC dligheach.#%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. QXmlStreamTChan eil %1 na ainm cdachaidh dligheach.%1 is an invalid encoding name. QXmlStreamhChan eil %1 na ainm ithne priseasaidh dhligheach.-%1 is an invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream, ach fhuaras  , but got ' QXmlStreamJChaidh am buadh %1  ath-mhneachadh.Attribute '%1' redefined. QXmlStreamBCha chuirear taic ri cdachadh %1Encoding %1 is unsupported QXmlStreamxThachradh air susbaint nach deach a chdachadh mar bu chir.(Encountered incorrectly encoded content. QXmlStreamZTha foirgheall a dhth air an eintiteas %1 .Entity '%1' not declared. QXmlStreamAn dil ri  Expected  QXmlStream8An dil ri dta charactaran.Expected character data. QXmlStreamjTha susbaint a bharrachd air deireadh na sgrobhainn.!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStreamFFoirgheall ainm-sps m-dhligheach.Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStream6Caractar XML m-dhligheach.Invalid XML character. QXmlStream.Ainm XML m-dhligheach.Invalid XML name. QXmlStreamJSreang tionndaidh XML mh-dhligheach.Invalid XML version string. QXmlStreamRBuadh m-dhligheach ann am foirghill XML.%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStreamJReifreans m-dhligheach air caractar.Invalid character reference. QXmlStream6Sgrobhainn mh-dhligheach.Invalid document. QXmlStream<Luach eintiteis m-dhligheach.Invalid entity value. QXmlStreamNAinm ithne priseasaidh m-dhligheach.$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStreamZNDATA ann am foirgheall eintiteas paramadair.&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStreamnTha foirgheall a dhth air ro-leasachan ainm-spis %1 "Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStream|Chan eil an taga fosglaidh s an taga deiridh a-rir a chile. Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStreamPThinig croch na sgrobhainn ro thrth.Premature end of document. QXmlStreamXMhothaich sinn do dh eintiteas ath-chrsach.Recursive entity detected. QXmlStreamIomradh air eintiteas on taobh a-muigh %1  ann an luach buaidh.5Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. QXmlStreamdReifreans gu eintiteas %1  nach deach a pharsadh."Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. QXmlStreamnChan eil an sreath ]]>  ceadaichte am broinn susbaint.&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStreamZCha ghabh an t-aonarach ach ri yes  no no ."Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStream:An dil ri taga tiseachaidh.Start tag expected. QXmlStreamFeumaidh am pseudo-bhuadh aonaranach a nochdadh s did a  chdachaidh.?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStream.Tha seo ann gun dil:  Unexpected ' QXmlStreamzCaractar %1  ris nach robh dil ann an litearail id poblach./Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStreamPTionndadh dhe XML ris nach cuirear taic.Unsupported XML version. QXmlStreamhFoirgheall XML nach eil aig toiseach na sgrobhainn.)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream